Webnovel Author: Dimir_Saeldain - Fanfic Collection



male LV 13

I am just a huge fan of interesting stories.

2018-10-16 Bergabung Global

Lencana 13

Moments 43

Replied to Anicken

shonen sport spin-off incoming (?)

Renewal would never be the same again.



Fantasy · RinoZ


Interesting. Though I think you used 'though' too often

'First things first, don't be afraid of the changes you are going through. Most of our family members turn at eighteen, I did when I turned eighteen. The first time can be crazy and you might not remember it, though each time after changing it gets easier. Though I'm sure by the time you've read this, you have figured out that last part. Since I'm dead this journal can only give you my insight into how I controlled the beast inside of me. Though I had a strained relationship with my family, if you go and visit them in Sweden they will welcome you. My father, your grandfather, should still be the chief of our clan, his name is Ivar Strömberg. He can be a bit of a hardass, though should help you if you visit them. If you choose to visit them, they are in a very small and far north town called Kiruna in Sweden.' I read and then think to myself.

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Movies · Anomander_Adaar


Definitely my favorite Ritual Deck by far

Alexis stared at the 'End of the World' Ritual Spell in Wisteria's hand, she hadn't heard of a card like that before, nor seen Wisteria ever play Ritual monsters. She didn't know what to expect, but one thing was for sure, she wasn't the same Wisteria that Alexis managed to defeat in the past.

Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Rise of a Monarch

Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Rise of a Monarch

Anime & Comics · NoobMastar69

Replied to Liovandur

I feel we are nearing the point when it is speculation if the movie series will continue

Newt's smile drops a bit, "I was, I was also there when he fought Credence." His tone is a bit drab as he no longer meets my eyes.

HP: Reaper of the Wizarding World

HP: Reaper of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · SirSyko


"...may have additional books on Horcruxes." I see what you did there.

Even by virtue of me being in trouble gives rise to the possibility that Auntie, Sis, and Uncle could be implicated. Not only that Lucius may have additional books on Horcrux.

HP: Reaper of the Wizarding World

HP: Reaper of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · SirSyko


I kind of want her to meet Anthony and read her perspective on the meeting now

· Excerpt from Chapter Six of 'Traveling Tolly in the lands of the Colony' published in the Monthly 'Pangera Gazette'



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Grizzlykin

I don't think so

Landing outside the city limits we caused quite the fuss, a gaggle of curious onlookers poking their noses out of the gates to inspect the newcomers and their flying transport. I was later to learn we weren't the first skimmer to visit these lands, but we weren't far from it, such that the residents were yet to lose their fascination with the creatures. After unpacking our things, my strapping escorts and I made our way into the city, my guards alert to any sign of danger in this strange and mysterious place. Not that there was any need for it, the people were lovely! Such a warm welcome we received as I can hardly describe. Without so much as a ruffled feather we were escorted to a local establishment named 'The Hill of Rest', a fine Inn of good report owned and run by the ever so delightful Mr and Mrs Bellweather.



Fantasy · RinoZ



"Of course it is! I'm in it!" she boasts.



Fantasy · RinoZ


Ouch. That last one hit a little too close to home

Replied to Benrex777

I don't think you can really store the biomass, since the dungeon will just reabsorb it after some time.

With the pupa safely ensconced within Tiny's muscular arms, we move at speed through the nest and back out to the front lines again. I've been doing this walk a great deal lately and I swear it gets busier every time. The vast farms that have been constructed are still teeming with ants, collecting the enormous quantities of Biomass and cores that flow endlessly every day. How on Pangera we manage to consume all of it, I have no idea. There must be a ton more hatchlings being trained in the stratum above than I think there are, if most of it is going up there. Just thinking about the rapidly growing population of the Colony puts a hop in my step. It won't be long until there are just too many of us to be dealt with easily, especially considering how strong we all are.



Fantasy · RinoZ


I like how he didn't care about the shattering bones, but the fact that we wouldn't be able to use all his strength.

That… didn't sound good. Tiny frowned. Not being able to hit things hard was bad, the worst! It sounded like he would need to make sure his bones where strong enough to withstand infinite power! Because he wouldn't be satisfied until his punch could make a mountain explode!



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to annoyed

And probably nurturing a certain traveler killer.

"I am not the aggressor in this conflict, as I'm sure you know. Besides, the city's population has grown rapidly over the past week, with new demons tipping in every minute. We are in need of a cull."



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Samuil_T

Well, everyone's busy with killing, feasting, and torturing. You can't just declare war on a whim. Nobody would have the time to participate. Can't have that.

"I have no great desire to leave my post, nor do I wish to send my precious forces above at this time. We have a war scheduled with Orpule in a few days and I simply can't spare them."



Fantasy · RinoZ


Stone that can't be dug into? Wait till the carvers get wind of it. They won't like that.

There was something gratifying about having monsters ten times your size step aside as you walked, but Alir had grown numb to such things long ago, his focus was on the great pillar and the palace established on its face. Grokus' residence wasn't carved into the pillar itself, no force on Pangera could cut into that stone, but had been constructed around it, a compound that circled the full circumference around the centre of the city. What possible use the bloated demon could have for all of that space, he wouldn't want to guess, but he'd ruled there for hundreds of years, embellishing the décor to the point where it had become frankly disturbing to behold.



Fantasy · RinoZ


She did. Three times already.

"Let's get to it. Wonder if Vibrant has made her way down there yet?"



Fantasy · RinoZ

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