
LV 3
2018-09-17 Bergabung United States
Lencana 4

Moments 19
2 years ago
Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

Your stupid

"Ya wanted me to give ya one goon reason..." Harley said, caressing the pop gun's trigger with a grin. "How about me not killin' ya when I had the chance if ya just ask me nicely?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders, causing her hand holding the gun to slightly move away from Gray's head.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

2 years ago
Replied to foreign_beyonder

Your iq is 80

"Ya wanted me to give ya one goon reason..." Harley said, caressing the pop gun's trigger with a grin. "How about me not killin' ya when I had the chance if ya just ask me nicely?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders, causing her hand holding the gun to slightly move away from Gray's head.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

2 years ago
Replied to Everything_Forever

Your iq is 85

"Ya wanted me to give ya one goon reason..." Harley said, caressing the pop gun's trigger with a grin. "How about me not killin' ya when I had the chance if ya just ask me nicely?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders, causing her hand holding the gun to slightly move away from Gray's head.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

2 years ago
Replied to OmniSage

Sauce me

"Whelp, looks like the police won't be showing up. It must be your lucky day..." I said as I turned to the guy I'd just knocked out a moment ago, taking a step back. "Or is it?" I added, grinning under my mask as I kicked the man in the balls hard enough to bring him back to conscience.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

2 years ago
Replied to Papa_Chef

Sauce me

Taking advantage of the gangster's momentary distraction, I took out one of the lookout's guns and threw it at the armed one's head. You heard me right, I had a loaded gun, and I threw it at someone's face.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

2 years ago

Thanks for chapter . Now can we get another one 😁

2 years ago

Yo man so is it 1chap a week or was this time cause you had issues. I just like knowing so as to expect when I should read no press ure

2 years ago
Replied to bookwormjohnny2

royalroad . Com Don’t know if it has a app but it has a really big and mostly nice audience base and doesn’t do the webnovel thing like not allowing patrn and stuff