UselessYato - Profile



male LV 14

I read a lot.

2018-09-02 Bergabung United States

Lencana 17

Moments 262


Bro doesn’t know that Zoro cuts through worlds.


An immense gravity pressed down on Zoro, pulling him into the dark abyss of venomous waters.

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Anime & Comics · Fumiaki

Replied to UselessYato

Always thought their clan was cool but absolutely disgusting..


Takeshi didn't covet people's bodies (Aburame ninja's body are nest for their bugs), and he wasn't despicable. He had standards, he wasn't Orochimaru!

Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

Anime & Comics · 8Ashes8

Replied to Moon_wacher

Yes they fit unholy amounts of insects inside their body. It is also confirmed that they are not sealed or summoned, the bugs literally just live and “cultivate” inside the Aburame ninjas.


Takeshi didn't covet people's bodies (Aburame ninja's body are nest for their bugs), and he wasn't despicable. He had standards, he wasn't Orochimaru!

Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

Anime & Comics · 8Ashes8

Replied to UselessYato

-Hattrem tends to avoid strong feelings, even positive ones, as they “feel like incredibly loud noises” that upset the Pokemon. Should anyone, friend or foe, express intense emotions around the Pokemon, Hattrem will desperately restore the peace and quiet by permanently silencing them using its braids as a weapon.

Ace coughed and continued, "Well, anyway. Hatenna is a special Pokemon. Her evolutions are even more special. This Pokemon is always Female. Its first Evolution, Hatterem is… well, violent! You can look at the Pokedex… while it's not full of Galar Pokemon yet, Hatterem should be there! But this is good training for you, May."

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Anime & Comics · AgentMonke


Bro this thing has a terrifying Pokédex entry.

Ace coughed and continued, "Well, anyway. Hatenna is a special Pokemon. Her evolutions are even more special. This Pokemon is always Female. Its first Evolution, Hatterem is… well, violent! You can look at the Pokedex… while it's not full of Galar Pokemon yet, Hatterem should be there! But this is good training for you, May."

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Anime & Comics · AgentMonke



And Hell because, contrary to her very confusing actions, Shiva and I did nothing. She only aided me in my recovery.

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido



Dressed in a top hat, a purple and white patterned scarf, a tuxedo with coattails and a purple cane, Chase' new look was distinctly Victorian.

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido

Replied to LostM

In a large majority of the comics, movies, and series it’s shown that the fortress of solitude is pretty much a kryptonian super computer/technological library. Superman is quite honestly just a muscle head who doesn’t bother with it.


"No, I'm only saying that if Superman really wanted it, he could cure so many diseases, eradicate world hunger by using Kryptonian methods to increase food production and make strides in tech. Imagine safe Spatial Exploration. Humanity could literally spread to the stars as early as now."

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido

Replied to iiuminox

My bad, don’t know why I didn’t realize I could’ve just searched the name..


Serena's words cut off once she opened the door and found a gun pointing towards her forehead. Then she looked at the person holding the gun. My cold dead eyes stared back unflinchingly.

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido

Replied to iiuminox



Serena's words cut off once she opened the door and found a gun pointing towards her forehead. Then she looked at the person holding the gun. My cold dead eyes stared back unflinchingly.

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)

Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido

Replied to Izaroth

Nah, it’s clearly from the perspective of the “loyal adopted brother” who is the MC. Even in the 1st paragraph it’s using 1st person pov to describe someone else from the MC’s pov.

The stench of betrayal hung heavy in the air as he stood, bruised and bleeding, surrounded by the very men he once called brothers. They had turned on him, aligning themselves with the ruthless cartel that sought to dethrone him from his position as a Mafia king. But amidst the chaos and treachery, there stood one man, his adopted brother, who remained loyal to the end.



Anime & Comics · Silent_stiele


Gojo: “Nah, I’d win.”


That's right, in this life, he is Hiroyuki Gojo. The young master and most probably the soon-to-be head of the Gojo clan. One of the three great clans that stood above the rest in the modern Jujutsu society.

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Traveller

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Traveller

Anime & Comics · Evrabonzz

Replied to Charreos

Imagine Danzo finally convinces the council to investigate Fujin’s house and they just find Tobirama sitting at the coffee table.

If I had to forcefully create it, I guess my best bet would be to revive Tobirama and have him work on it. Unfortunately, I don't know Edo Tensei nor can I control him to do something like this…'

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex



He had ordered them to ignore their fears which worked and they worked alongside him. No one died and he managed to create his forge room. It was primitive which cemented the idea that he had to get a rich billionaire under his control to supply him with the technology he wanted.

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

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