wow lot name character died in last hundred chapter huh ;s Allison Glenn bradon best friend Jason is missing Clem basically half dead zombie how amusing o3o.
lol ??? Lady that with Sam actually immune to Virus special person like resident evil win lottery to be immune but end up in lab later huh? ;s Dam Trevor such a fool
Katerina: "if you know what's good for you, don't you ever, try to call me again, if you want to keep your life"
TV · Adams2004
lol np it been an amusing journey :p
Do you think all Providence power is on the same level? lol ofc not I also think every provdence might have a natrual enemy someone with power that very good agaisnt your power. Not to mention level we don't known how much of a boost providence gain for each level or if they grow same way since some need 2 some need 4 just for level 2 many unanswer question ;s. Plus i think artfiact's changes the game greatly too tbh.
Tsundere maybe tbh to soon for a Yandere yes? chuckles lul and. Malacai is kinda wrong imo his reason against Reina being wife at start. imo her type is probaly 2nd eaist to turn like Mara. Someone with such strong sense of justice once you corrupt that it like they end up being reborn and even more dangerous then normal psychopath.
Thank you for chapter lol. Yes he should but I guess it doesn't matter he clearly fishing for a lackey in law enforcement that means it can be anyone to clean up future messes.
I think he asking these question because he doesn't like used goods which is why he spare emma but killed of Darius other victims. Reina the teacher was a exception because she stood up for him in past. Lol this part just amusing joke of mine but Title of your book is control not kill main point of his power is to control not kill that main reason why sabrina still alive author imo ;s and ironically she a virgin to so lol.
why is anyone even suprise about that dream lol? He already cross a lot of lines to point i can say he is evil or a bad guy compareable with some of those garbge bullies.
wow Jason died or lost his humanity but he became a hero so much growth throught out the book. ;c
System Of The Undead
Sci-fi · Kelvin_A