didn't they edit the ending of fight club for that reason it just stops before the buildings explode and then words scroll down the screen basically saying they failed can't remember what it said exactly
Due to its metaphorical theme, it had been banned in Josh's past life's country.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
there is a timeline where captain America takes over and leads hydra
Wait… no way! Had both Captain America and Red Skull been transported away by the Tesseract?
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
I got the game of this even had medal pieces it was awesome
But Josh wasn't in a hurry; he would find them eventually.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
I looked it up that $20 would in today's money be $360 so it's very fucking expensive
Without hesitation, the Allied Headquarters placed a massive order with Josh's newly founded Kahn Industries: 10 million doses of Brightlight Serum, priced at $20 per dose.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
same i didn't like them before this one tho cause I already knew everything it was explaining but this one changed my mind
The items he had traded were a .38 revolver left by his former father and a copy of The Prince[2].
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
Roosevelt is responsible for americas modern health system basically cause after the great depression he put a cap on earns and raises so companies had to get people some otherwise like paying for their Healthcare and dental and he is also the reason why president's can only have 2 terms before that they could serve as many terms so long as the people voted for them
Well, technically, according to a law passed by Roosevelt ten years ago, private gold trading was illegal. This law wouldn't be fully repealed until Nixon's time, more than twenty years later.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
I don't know why he would just admit it im pretty sure at that time it was still illegal for citizens to own gold
Hearing this, the old man finally raised his head slightly, glanced at Josh, surprised to see a boy around fifteen or sixteen years old, but he still nodded.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
Chapter 46, 47
Others · just_a_potato_soul
this exchange cracked me up thanks for the laugh my dude
"Yes, Trump, I'm tempted too."
Fantasy · IRainHeart
I know right if I remember right they were already at the information age where we are now in the 14-15 century
In that region was a small and unremarkable country—Wakanda!
Dimensional Trader in Marvel
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO