one chapter a day is not enough, take my coins!
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what happened to the chapters?
this is the best I've read EVER
Flashing words appeared on the wall behind them which spelled out what they shouted, ""Your Fairy Godparents!""
Book&Literature · GnomeBob
it's becoming unbearable to read
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can't even copy a title right
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story of my life LOL
"Yeah you don't need my help getting imaginary girls. Do you wanna keep living this life where you masturbate to girls you're never gonna meet or get out here and get some real action?" Lustie asked.
Fantasy · AisuruOfficial
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Anime & Comics · Photosphere
nothing changed about summoning stuff so he's still right
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TV · R00t
you didn't really think this through
"about 130 people frozen to death on the 25 ships, mostly weaker servants" Hella
TV · kingbastard1999
new waifu get!