Webnovel Author: Bodhisattva_Panda - Fanfic Collection



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Cogito Ergo Sum

2018-07-02 Bergabung Global

Lencana 7

Moments 912


It is already like this now... hardly any songs have any meaning


Nonetheless, the appearance of such a songwriter was indeed a pleasant surprise. The music market needed more fresh blood like this. Otherwise, if music became a fast-food commodity, the market would become increasingly dull and lose its meaning.

Hollywood: The Greatest Showman

Hollywood: The Greatest Showman

Movies · Heavy_Space

Replied to LuciferDFallN1

Sort of but not quite, infinity makes it so a fireball will have to travel forever to hit you but the fireball will still be there, and Green Baby makes the fireball smaller and smaller as it gets closer to you until it vanishes.

Severus had employed a mind shield inspired by a concept from one of his favorite manga series: a defensive barrier akin to Green Baby's Stand. It made it nearly impossible for Dumbledore to penetrate Severus's mind, despite being inside it.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5


isn't it called 'Castle'?

He found himself in a strange study, sitting at a desk facing the door. A laptop was on the desk, its screen still on, with a cursor blinking on a document titled "Derek Storm". Looking around, he murmured, "Isn't this the study of Richard Castle from that show 'Mystery Writer' I was watching last night?"

Reborn in Castle

Reborn in Castle

TV · Mutter

Replied to Riger82_


Among the five Chakra natures, Earth Release and Wind Release were most helpful for Sensory Ninja. There are places without lightning, water, or fire, but there's always earth and wind.

Naruto: My Unique System

Naruto: My Unique System

Anime & Comics · Cloe23

Replied to WTF_WTF

finally, someone who understands, I've asked people who say pineapple on pizza is the worst if they've tried and they say no cause its bad...


Luke swallowed his saliva as he gathered the courage to repeat what he had just said, "I'm just saying, dipping a french fry into vanilla ice-cream or a milkshake tastes just as good as having pineapple on pizza."

My diary system in Marvel

My diary system in Marvel

Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip


okay, this is getting too complicated, just make a movie so I can understand it.

There was no difference between the two; rather, they were one person; however, one was more powerful than the other. The Younger version of himself who was in Arrakeen and had been led to believe he was the only one who walked the halls of the red sietch, and that was indeed true for a time. Damon, who sat on the throne, sometimes used his younger self's body to walk the mountain when he slept, reminiscing the old halls and all that would come.



Book&Literature · Kingoffrogs


The Green Baby's Stand causes the size of perceived threats who approach it to proportionally shrink the closer they get to the Green Baby. This effect can continue endlessly, even to the point where the target will seemingly vanish from existence.

Severus had employed a mind shield inspired by a concept from one of his favorite manga series: a defensive barrier akin to Green Baby's Stand. It made it nearly impossible for Dumbledore to penetrate Severus's mind, despite being inside it.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5



Then, with a sudden jerk, slimy, blood-covered, worm-like creatures burst out of their chests. The moment they came out, they bared their pointy teeth, opened their tiny jaws, and proceeded to devour their hosts. [Image 4]

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Book&Literature · droopyauthor

Replied to SuperDuperSage

fair point, everyone assumes he killed them but no one actually knows. but the entire island was destroyed so at least 1 of them should have died right?

"Looking across the sea and throughout history, only our Blackbeard Pirates have ever done something so monumental as slaughtering a Celestial Dragon!"

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Anime & Comics · SuperDuperSage


What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.


"I will make a wand that this Multiverse has never seen. From mortals to gods, everyone will tremble at the sight of it. And if this path leads to failure…" he looked down, his eyes narrowing, his lips arching up in a demonic grin, "… then I will just start over."

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Book&Literature · droopyauthor

Replied to Prehistoric_Wolf


"So what if no true wand existing in the Random Worlds will never choose me," Kai said, his hazel eyes burning with a Will. "I will make my own. Wasn't there a time when the first person invented them? There is a start to all this, isn't there? Then I can do it as well."

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Book&Literature · droopyauthor



Kai's heart had come to his throat when he had seen this warning for the first time. So when his lips touched the guard's lips, he almost bit them off, recalling that.

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Book&Literature · droopyauthor


i don't think voldy had nagini at this point.

[You've held on long enough, Bellatrix. Now, it's time to get out of there. Kill anyone who stands in your way and come back. I'm waiting for you.] Voldemort's voice entered her mind, followed by a vision of Voldemort sitting cross-legged with Nagini at his side as he pointed his wand toward her.

Harry Potter: Necromancer's Legacy

Harry Potter: Necromancer's Legacy

Book&Literature · Xcalibur_Xc

Replied to DabanCrow

is that Michelangelo who went beast mode after his brothers were killed?

He knew this was his limit, as these bandits made a loud noise, but Madara was satisfied to have eliminated just under half of the camp. One from the group saw the corpses on the ground and the boy, before shouting to alert everyone.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


blackbeard knows about the rocks pirates, doesn't he?


"Looking across the sea and throughout history, only our Blackbeard Pirates have ever done something so monumental as slaughtering a Celestial Dragon!"

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Anime & Comics · SuperDuperSage

Replied to world_domination

I see you in many novels with the MC Conquering, are you studying different methods you can use for your world domination plan?

It was not until after six days of movement that the red walls of Astapor could be seen in the distance, with the pyramids being the most prominent sight, looking right at the place where my name would spread to the known world and beyond.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

TV · Marcia_05

Replied to Ronin46

I guess you are right, the white walkers shouldn't be affected by anything, unless MC either goes north of the wall to the area where the walkers live or when his bloodline awakens and it leads to him pulling a bran by letting the walker king touch him and leave a mark.

Most of my skills had reached 'proficient' level, however, my growth had stagnated. Which made sense, the law of diminishing returns. The higher my stats grew the harder it was getting to increase them. I wasn't worried as this was the results of my first year. If things went like in the books, the white walkers wouldn't become active until at least 40 years from now, however that was dependent on if my actions didn't speed things up. I had plans and I knew that they would mess with canon.

The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister

Book&Literature · HungryWolf2024

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