The most profitable venture was the fresh food that was being sold from the farms in H8. Most food these days was synthetic alternatives, pre-pack and kibble. Kibble was essentially nutritious pellets to get you through the day, and was more like dog food than anything. Pre-pack and the synthetic alternatives could be acquired anywhere and was the most common type of meal you could eat in Night City. Fresh food was only seen in the homes of the rich or high-end restaurants, so when I started offering non-synthetic Apples and Oranges for exorbitantly low prices, everyone was clamoring to get some, from the poor on the street, to the rich in their ivory towers.
Video Games · TheOneThatRead
As we moved my dog-like nose caught a whiff of something magnificent. What? Travelling around like this burns through calories not to mention my its been a couple of hours since I had some food. Making my decision, Wires was dragged over to a food stall where a human was selling some sort of meaty burger. To be honest I don't want to know what its made of, it would probably put me off it. Shit, nearly had flashback to my stay on Dathomir, the things I ate there have scarred me for life.
Movies · DodgyWriter
The Honored One squints at me, his most magnificent crimson eyeballs radiating supreme power "Now, now, student mine, we are dealing with what you so often like to call 'soul fuckery' here. Best be rid of such unfortunate issues before something decides to worm its way in while you are having your fun."
Video Games · Rastislav
They call Adrian in who stands awkwardly in front of the adults, hair dripping wet and his shirt soaked. "You called?"
TV · Ugyo
"MOTHERFUCKER!" Reyvin jumped in surprise and turned to Savos "Seriously, could you not?!"
Video Games · Rastislav
On the road we are spotted by a snow bear, but the hunter instructs us to keep our distance and calmly walk away, they are not aggressive in this time of the year, thankfully we are left alone.
Video Games · Rastislav
"That's the part I'm worried about, you didn't grow up with him, you weren't there for his pranks, not like the sandwich incident, poor Gary could never look at one the same way after that," Yellow said as if she was remembering trauma.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
"Now until tomorrow let the festivities continue I hear the chefs make a dish that is to die for!" and after that, the celebrations continued with dinner, then by the end, everyone went back to their rooms and went to sleep.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Wisdom: "Confucius say, he who stand on toilet, is high on pot. . ." represents your ability to effectively use your smarts. Also represents how you use your mana
Video Games · TheOneThatRead
''How much did this all cost Davy?'' Lucy asked, her hand already seeking his out and they now held hands, their arms resting on the armrest between them.
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Nanites SON!
Anime & Comics · BeaulenSmith2