How old is he at this point?
Nossa velho, essa foi foda.
"By the way, Hector said that the battle is in your favor because of you receiving some sort of boost when fighting monkeys... What did he mean about that?"
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
Nah, maybe next time. From the start... Properly...
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
Yeah, this is why I always had a little animosity towards Uncle Ben's quote of great power and responsibility, the sacrifices made for the moral high ground may be too great to bear, always walking in the tight rope.
"It's better to hug your loved ones with your hands tainted with blood, than watching them bleed..." he speak softly to himself.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
O cavaleiro mais próximo de Deus, Shaka de virgem.
'Hmm, I want a Gold Saint card... Shaka if possible, my favorite...' Hector thinks while exchanging dozens of blows and keeping close to Belasco.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
(A.N.: Honestly, if it were me... I would use every Travel Ticket soon. It would be a good opportunity to train and stay ahead since I would be a newbie in the world of Marvel.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
With parents like these, Lex Luthor doesn't even need to exist.
Disregard some of the movies continuity and get some plotlines from comics to introduce new characters and develop current ones, so that you define lasting characteristics from every character with the end of an overarching plot.
The MARVELous Harry Potter
Movies · whitethief274