Chubbikis - Profile



male LV 4

I like books

2018-04-17 Bergabung Global

Lencana 5

Moments 38

Replied to blackorc

I’ll give you that, but it takes awhile for that to happen

Meanwhile, Governments around the world just started to ban the media in covering the pandemonium in Paris. They also took down the countless files posted on the internet. But, it was too late.

MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

Movies · NightHowl

Replied to Chubbikis


[Challange complete! Have your limbs crippled 1/50 times, or severe a limb. : Tough Guy Pekr acquired]

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross


Challenge* Perk*

[Challange complete! Have your limbs crippled 1/50 times, or severe a limb. : Tough Guy Pekr acquired]

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross


Ever hear of center mass?

Boone shakes his head, "I'm a sniper, so unless you want her head to explode like a ripe watermelon... No."

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross


He might become stronger than the Ancient One, and he’s only “slightly above average”. Is every single sorcerer going to become stronger than her?

The Ancient One watched her favorite student leave with a smile on her face. He may not be the most skilled in the mystic arts she's ever seen, but he was still her favorite. Sometimes the hardworking students shine brighter than any prodigy. Not to say that Tom isn't skilled in Sorcery. She would say that Tom is slightly above average, but with his hard work, he could become far stronger than her one day. Although, she doubted that she would be alive to see that day. The best possible future still involves her death.

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to F_Riley

Not many Empires still around are there?

"There are already lesser-fey that have Ranked up to King and Queen and are ignored as insignificant, their Rank disrespected. That will not be the case in my Kingdom. If a Ranked: King or Queen wishes to establish a fiefdom within the lands that I have claimed, then I will enter into negotiations and hammer out a treaty that allows them to do so. Certain Lands will always be designated as Crown possessions, all the territory that I recently claimed that has been ignored or starved for now.

Rebirth and Second Chances

Rebirth and Second Chances

Fantasy · F_Riley


What? He would allow kingdoms to form inside his own? That’s painfully stupid

"There are already lesser-fey that have Ranked up to King and Queen and are ignored as insignificant, their Rank disrespected. That will not be the case in my Kingdom. If a Ranked: King or Queen wishes to establish a fiefdom within the lands that I have claimed, then I will enter into negotiations and hammer out a treaty that allows them to do so. Certain Lands will always be designated as Crown possessions, all the territory that I recently claimed that has been ignored or starved for now.

Rebirth and Second Chances

Rebirth and Second Chances

Fantasy · F_Riley


Not that I’m complaining, but if your intent is checks and balances, having ultimate power is contrary to that plan

The House of Teigh, my House would assume the Monarch House throne, it would act as the ultimate arbiter, I would have an absolute right to veto any petitions, legislation, and treaties for my Kingdom. The right to declare and settle wars. And the right to dispense High-Justice. But I was one person, even if I adopted House members, the resources to run an entire Kingdom were problematic.

Rebirth and Second Chances

Rebirth and Second Chances

Fantasy · F_Riley


How is that a good thing?

[Reward - Complete Soul Integration {Danu's Touch}. You have made the choice to embrace your Sidhe heritage completely. Soul Integration has occurred finalizing the process that began during reincarnation. Past life memories have transitioned and become the domain of the Dream. Previous life experiences and memories will fade becoming more and more intangible and part of Dream.]

Rebirth and Second Chances

Rebirth and Second Chances

Fantasy · F_Riley


That scene where indiana jones shoots the swordsman comes to mind.

They made their way to the camp where Tamia was already sitting on one of the Viper's corpses and biting into the leg of the Molerat they had been eating. "Still think I can't handle myself?" she says cockily, neither were man enough say anything though...

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

Replied to AcidFlame

Trigger guards are also there to keep the trigger from getting snagged on anything. you can run a rifle without a trigger guard but I wouldn’t do it.

Afton left the class feeling a lot more knowledgeable than before, the fact that the Brotherhood almost never used ballistics due to the trigger guards was surprising as he'd never actually considered that before... Energy weapons were powerful, but he couldn't help but think ballistics still had their uses, especially concerning incredible long ranges... Sure, a laser rifle could theoretically have infinite range, but a bright red laser would be incredibly noticeable, even if you hit it'd be unlikely to be a one-hit kill anyway... This was something to ponder at another time.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross


I don’t know where you’re from dude but that’s illegal in the US, we have freedom of the press

Meanwhile, Governments around the world just started to ban the media in covering the pandemonium in Paris. They also took down the countless files posted on the internet. But, it was too late.

MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

Movies · NightHowl


“Magazine clips” don’t exist, Magazines are what you are referring to. Clips are outdated and are what the original M1 garand used

I looked back and there really was a dead soldier wearing a military outfit holding an assault rifle equipped with a knife on the muzzle. From his uniform, he seemed to be one of the fallen special forces. I ran over and took the rifle from his hand. There were also two grenades and 4 magazine clips. I put all of them inside my spatial pocket. Sounds cool isn't, spatial pocket.

MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin

Movies · NightHowl


Not much I’m assuming, tactical ability in the modern age doesn’t translate to feudal cultivation world

Hong Zhao pondered over what they had told him about Rantori Village. He didn't want to draw any conclusions right off the bat, but the more he heard, the more corruption he felt. These two seemed to be brought up humble, as he would see many children in his own world, yet maybe he couldn't imagine children in his world going up against fierce beasts. They might just sit on the ground and start crying for their parents. He smiled at the thought of how different their worlds were and wondered just how much change he could bring as a seventy year old special forces operative.

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Fantasy · JCNord


Sapient* pleny of mammals are sentient

A baby shadow panther came out of the shadows near Hong Zhao and sniffed the corpse. There was no recognition of who the older one was, instead he saw the little one tear large chunks off of it. "I guess food is just food here." If he didn't know any better, he could have sworn the panther nodded. Though it couldn't have, he doubted all of the panthers he had faced up against were sentient.

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Fantasy · JCNord


No you can’t

"You've done so much for us already, I'm not sure we could ever repay you." Li Wei shrugged as she got comfortable.

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Fantasy · JCNord


Magazines* I doubt he’s using clips

Michael lifted the lid to the tank of the toilet and removed two plastic bags which held his pistol and silencer. He then went to the trash and flipped it over. He felt along the bottom until his finger hit a seam. Bending it towards himself, he uncovered a false bottom, which held a belt with seven clips for his weapon and a holster. He knew from his intel that the Prime Minister should be the only one in the estate, yet years of experience within his practice had shown him that things rarely ever went the way they should.

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Red Talon Piercing the Darkness

Fantasy · JCNord


This guy sounds like a elitist buddy ****er

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Bound to Evil

Bound to Evil

Urban · Barbare

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