"So, do you both know how to play Republic-Senate?" Anakin asked curiously
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
'DAMN YOU SIDIOUS FOR NOT INSULATING THESE LIMBS!' Vader screamed into his mind as he pulled back his hand, again, from getting zapped by a broken fuse.
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
Obi-Wan grimaced and nodded to himself. "Okay, very surprised I'm still intact at all. Master? Can my punishment be a sabbatical to the MediCorp? I believe I just discovered a new appreciation for all my attached limbs and functioning organs."
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
Just enough for Kenobi to feel the familiar presence of his Master in the force, along with the bundle of light that he knew to be this mysterious child. He grimaced as he realized how drastically he had misjudged the situation, deactivating his lightsaber. "I'm so-ah!" Obi-Wan started, just as Vader used the force to pull him off his feet by his ankles. The Sith Lord stepped aside as the young Jedi slid down the ramp and into the sand. The Padawan lay there for a moment, sensing he was in no danger as he spat out the grains in his mouth while shaking some out of his hair.
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
"Padawan, what is the meaning of this?" Vader inquired with quickly evaporating patience. Both he and Padme could see the guards standing around the room, blasters down but at the ready. Ironically, most were eyeing Kenobi more than they were Vader.
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
There was also an undercut of irritation and amusement, summed up by a single thought: 'Great, we're back to people thinking my name is Darth.' Explaining that in the early days to his subordinates had been one of the few times he felt awkward.
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
All he could do was watch, utterly transfixed and uncertainly horrified as he watched Vader hold Sebulba up and against the still-spinning turbines of the dug's own engines. He couldn't see it, but he could hear and he could imagine it as the blades flayed and chopped at Sebulba, thrashing about and screaming to escape his fate. But Vader made sure to push him in slowly so that the podracer knew exactly what was happening to him.
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
"Sand has an unfortunate habit of getting everywhere, as you're discovering," Darth Vader commented casually as he came to a stop several sword-lengths away from his foe…his saber still on his belt.
Movies · NeverluckySMILE
/Both Sith Lord's facepalmed over her mistaking the title of Darth for a name./
Darth Vader: Hero of Naboo
Movies · NeverluckySMILE