

LV 2
2018-07-23 Bergabung United States
Karya Asli
Lencana 2

Moments 12
19 days ago
Replied to Kennedy_Johnson_1791

Pretty much. I cycle through 4 stories that update once a week.

1 months ago
Replied to Unreal_Turtle

Revan is canonically male, but you can play as male or female in KotOR and my Revan was usually female. So that carried over.

1 months ago
Replied to poposwitch

yep, really me. Ironically started posting here because someone claimed one of my works.

1 months ago
Replied to Galactic_Angel

Thanks. It's not, but I don't think I'm going to learn mandarin just to do something about it.

1 months ago
Replied to King_linley123

Thanks, not sure what ate my formatting.

1 months ago

Probably the best Naruto story I've read on this site. It is a translation so there are a few translation mishaps, but nothing that makes it unreadable. A few xanxia type statements try to make their way in occasionally. But the biggest plus in my book is that the MC, despite being the standard overpowered genius blessed by a system common in these stories, can actually be WRONG and reflect on his actions based on feedback from his friends. An example of this is when Orochimaru, still being sort of an amoral bastard, goes to kill some basically helpless enemies in one of the ninja wars. Jiraiya and Tsunade demand that he not, and he actually decides to not kill eveybody at the first chance as part of actual self-reflection. The biggest minus is the romance subplot towards the current end chapters (200+) gets kinda weird.

2 months ago

The MC isn't a character, he's a machine. The first strike was Fujin's obsession with being 'shameless', basically extorting rewards at every opportunity. It was funny the first few times but eventually it became unrealistic and annoying that apparently no one can say no to the ten year old. The second strike was his constant need for 'secrecy' for no reason to the point that he self sabotages at points. Fujin says its out of fear of Danzo and getting forced into Root, but its really just a lazy excuse for Fujin to have a bunch of 'trump cards' he never uses. The final strike was when I stuck through long enough to get to the Uchiha Massacre. One of the MC's teammates was an Uchiha and is killed without any attempt by the MC to help. Fujin was too busy sneaking around trying to steal a Sharingan and when told about his teammate's death, is too busy being upset he can't have them implanted that his remaining team mistakes it for sadness. Over 150 chapters in and I don't think Fujin has a single emotional connection to anyone. It's hard to keep reading when 90% of the entire story is about the MC training and the rest is about him extorting people who really should tell him to get lost after a while for more ways to train.

2 months ago
Replied to PiceOfMetal

I am the original author. I go by Azura on Spacebattles/SufficientVelocity

2 months ago

This is one of those stories where if the character isn't the MC or part of the harem they are constantly torn down until there is nothing particularly likeable or interesting about them. Especially male characters. Don't expect any tension surrounding any of the fights, every one of them is either a curbstomp, a fakeout followed by a curbstop, or a 'fake' fight where one side (usually MC aligned) will just end things by revealing something the other party had no way of knowing about but because they didn't know/prepare they are a foolish disappointment.

3 months ago
Replied to AWildSeraph

Yeah, because the Ferny Effect is a stolen copy of my work