Relax & recover man.
Take your time and give your body a time to recover.
Yup it's really confusing. Then they kept changing between English name and Chinese name. Might as well read the mtl
Did they forget about their mother?
Let's go with the good first: = the story is great - it's about introducing technology to medieval world that have some level of fantasy = not that technical - most of the time author just explain 1 aspect then continue the story = a bit like slice of life - not too many inside problem, most of the time mc just try to solve outside his kingdom problem, the problem inside the kingdom usually solve by introducing more technology Now the bad stuff: = editor - this novel seriously need a good editor, too many misspelled or wrong choice of word, there also grammar problem but not major in my problem, even mc name sometimes misspelled, this is really big problem that want me to stop reading the novel = ending of an arc - some of the arc just end abruptly, there is no aftermath details
This is the first time that I understand dust explosion
The ending is golden
Well at least it's not skip chapter, even though previous chapter being repeated
My Pet Beast is Super Fearsome
Fantasy · Watering Horse while Gazing at Qinchuan