
male LV 12

ok lah

2018-03-26 Bergabung Indonesia
Lencana 9

Moments 6
1 months ago

for you who did not know, samsung note 7 realy has problem with its battery that can explode from over charge or when you carry it on flight, so samsung stopped note 7 production and recalled all of them. it is not hoax..

"Could Boss Jin still be carrying the Zamzung Notephone 7? The phone that could explode from overcharging?" The onlookers whispered to one another.

Number One Dungeon Supplier

Number One Dungeon Supplier

Fantasy · Moloxiv

4 months ago

alpha, is that you?


In the spaceship hall, a round, chubby robot was speaking in a very mechanical voice. Its cylindrical body looked like a can, with two long, thin mechanical arms on both sides, and was about one meter tall. At the bottom of its body was a wheel that allowed it to move.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia

1 years ago

hmmm... Reliance's red bird was smaller than a rabbit and rank six too.

However, Rean's group couldn't be blamed for that. They never thought that a Stage Six Demon Beast would make such a low-key appearance. First of all, they would never believe that a Stage Six Demon Beast wasn't more than a few dozen centimeters long! After all, demon beasts were only able to change their size once they reached Stage Seven. Obviously, it wasn't the case for this rabbit. Last but not least, was Blood Rabbit really a name one would give to such a white and small creature like this one?

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy · Suiyan

1 years ago
Replied to Yuesbi_Ci


1 years ago

eh om. ada yang kelewatan belum diterjemahin [img=nervous]

"Who!?" The three Vermilion Imperial Sect disciples were startled by the sound of someone chuckling, and they used their senses to search for orang itu, but they didn't find anyone else's presence.

Cultivator With Modern AI

Cultivator With Modern AI

Eastern · JosieGan

1 years ago

why eat it now? not later when their stat has grown higher? since 10x4 is less than 100x4. or the differences (90) are included on the multiplier too when he grows?

Xia Tian immediately plucked all the Speed ​​Fruits, he gave Mo Xiaoqi two fruits, and he himself also ate two fruits, their speed increased drastically after eating them.

Cultivator With Modern AI

Cultivator With Modern AI

Eastern · JosieGan