In a futuristic world where your Genetic Abilities determine your status, Drew Li, a seventeen-year-old orphan living on Planet Kraus, makes his living by working in a soup kitchen at the Star Military Academy Training Base. As a series of events changes his life forever, Drew is given a chance to embark on his path to becoming an Intergalactic Warrior. Follow Drew as he becomes a Legend.
WARNING: This is not LitRPG!
*No Harems, No Sex Scenes, No Pseudo-Harems, No Truck-kun Isekais, No Isekais!
**Lots of references and short chapters. Be warned!
***I do not own the image.
****Unstable Author. (No, I don't drink or do drugs. I'm just high every time a chapter is being written.)
I'm a new author who came from another platform. Bear with me here as I’m not a master of English.
When an abnormal surge of Dungeons begins spawning in the continent of Oriar, it's up to Imperium City's Investigation Corps to collect information on Dungeons before dispatching Adventurers to close them.
Upon Royal Decree, Imperium City Guild Employee Arian Rai is one of many ordered to assist as an Investigator in exploring these Dungeons. Along with her assigned partner, the mysterious Adventurer Blank, the duo embark on their journey to look into the outbreak. However, the more they uncover from these strange Dungeons, the deeper into the rabbit hole they fall with secrets that might bring Oriar to its end.
Warning: This is not a weak-to-strong protagonist story. This is not for the LitRPG fans. It's a modern-fantasy mystery that takes a twist on the usual.
*No overpowered protagonist, no harem, no sex scenes, no power of friendship (or dues ex machina)
*Note: For all you people who think this is going the harem route just from the first chapters, it will not! Just read and see.
*Warning: High Author (Those who've read Heir de Winter know by now)
*I do not own the cover art. All credit goes to the artist.
In an alternate world where magic exists, monsters are seen on the lands, the seas, and the cities. Modern Adventurers, using magic and science, combat these beasts to guarantee the safety of the people. Andrew, a healer on the Savior's team, wanders into the forest to gather some herbs. Upon arrival back at the city, he finds that it is overrun by wyverns and in one of their hands, the Savior's limp body. A voice whispering to him tells him: "I am the Combat AI, Iris. You have been selected as the owner of the Hero Game. Do you accept?"
"Can I save that girl in the wyvern's hand if I do?"
"Of course, Healer Andrew."
"I accept!"
[Message: Hero Game Active]
[Owner: Andrew Halycon]
[Current Class: Healer Hidden Class: Silver Holy Knight]
[Current Level: 1]
[Attack: 45 ~ 49 (Middle Green Rank)]
[Defense: 30 (Middle Green Rank)]
[Intellegence: 39 (Middle Green Rank)]