The Spear started pulsing as if it was panicking.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
"[Amusement.]" I sent my laughter back as I retreated from her realm less she blasts me away out of embarrassment.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
Still love this one even if the first time it was a unintentional dark joke
It was a motherfucking Goblin.
Video Games · Abadom
Late happy birthday now i just gotta wait 10 days for mine
What is this the 3rd or fourth version of this story i am gonna be honest i have forgotten but its great as always
This is beautiful
Because, damn it, wasn't it enough that the past Roman drank and gave me headaches? Now the future Roman will cause problems too?!
Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
Will never stop being weird to see my first name being used in stories
Linus Ozias. Someone I shall never forget.
Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1
this one
Should I continue using first person view in our protagonist? Like 'I' 'Me' 'Myself'
Anime & Comics · Charlottes
I love november
"That's because a couple of years later, my grandmother died two days later. They are just two days apart. So— it's natural to take some time off. Besides, November is an utterly crap month. I don't like it."
Anime & Comics · Dragon15681
"Silence." Ophis perked up.
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne