He spun Acnologia around with absurd speed, the air kicking up into a whirlwind. The dragon's roars of indignation and humiliation echoed across the range, and for a moment, Irene thought a genuine tornado might form from the sheer force of it.
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
The only thing that distinguished her from a human was the tail on her back, which was still colored yellow and gold.
Fantasy · KangarooCruz
This was why Bruno found abstract art, and what it led to, to be so unappealing, and frankly disgusting to look at. Who the hell wanted to gaze upon a painting of four different colored soup cans when they could witness the dew which quenches the earth personified through the talent of a human hand?
War · Zentmeister
"I swear to God, I'm not lying. You had not yet arrived in the Volga theater yet! This man literally just walked through the trenches with a spade in one hand and a pistol in the other. Smacking guys over the head with his entrenching tool and they just dropped over dead as if they had been touched by death himself!
War · Zentmeister
another idea that might be extreme early on is to paralyze the legs or whole body since the brain basically controls everything, and all he has to do is divert or erase the neurons that lead to that certain part of the brain.
I already have the genjutsu created and the next chapter(s) written. But I want you to theory-craft with me. Comment some cool jutsu ideas (of any kind) in the chat. Have fun, collaborate, and let loose. There are no stupid ideas, so let your mind run wild.
Anime & Comics · TheDreamofSomeday
I mumbled depressingly as I slumped to my bedroom, "It's not my persona to be the good guy… I'm not Keanu Reeves…Ahhhhh~ The haughty judge screwed me."
TV · Alittlepiggy33
Game Of Thrones: The God-Emperor of Planetos
TV · TheGreatPrince