

male LV 10

Aspiring author

2018-03-08 Bergabung Global
Karya Asli
Lencana 7

Moments 34
14 hours ago
Replied to Halt_Jagged

Maybe they will.... maybe they won't. Only time will tell

The teen sighed in defeat as he allowed gravity to pull him off the building. Memories came flood back as the air tousled his dark locks. The crowd cheering, warm air, his parents leaping and falling like fairies through the air. Tears threatened to escape from his eyes.

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

14 hours ago
Replied to Alucard_7894

First, thank you for reading and being passionate about this fanfic. It means the world to me, I will try to answer most of your questions here without digging too much into spoiler territory. So the whole bit about Batman still being a legend part? Batman to me has always been an extremely mysterious character from the point of view of normal everyday citizens. Sure he might've put alot of people behind bars for the crimes they committed but who would honestly believe these same criminals that each have some mental problems that make their statement less than credible? That's the primary reason as to why he's only truly known by the general populace as an urban legend. I might've gotten the timeline a bit wonky here but I wanted to start the story shortly after the Justice League truly made themselves known, thus the AU. Next, yeah I do plan on Albert's starting cases to be from ocs. It just makes the most amount of sense, the world is a lot bigger than just the named characters. I want to write the happenings of the DC world to happen in the background for now until that particular vortex inevitably drag him. I'll admit to your point about me not knowing a lot about the DC comics. Most of my information is drawn some of the DC tv-shows and movies I watched as a kid, particularly Justice League Unlimited, Batman the Animated Series, Batman Beyond and Teen Titans. I've always loved the DC Universe, I grew up with it. It's the primary reason why I wanted to write a fanfic for my first showing to the public (At the time it was a toss up of either an Avatar, Marvel or Naruto fanfic). And that last part about the danger an agency in Gotham in all places, I can consider going into that a spoiler. There will be problems that will arise from that very thing. Harley is one of my favorite characters to write in this fanfic, she's a very bubbly and sadistic character. She's not a good person, at all. Recent displays in media do try some to show her in a better light like Birds of Prey or the Harley Quinn tv-show, but she's still Joker's sidekick and shares in the amount of blood split due to his schemes. Please don't be fooled by her act, she's still a villain. And I don't plan on her crimes to be just brushed under the rug, there will be a reckoning sooner or later. Now the interpetation of Joker turning her insane is usually just up to whoever is writing her. In some versions she was pushed over in a chemical vat and that made her mad, or she got slowly corrupted by him during her time in Arkham. But I don't think this a spoiler, so I'll put it in perspective. The Joker is a very charismatic person and he has been known to even throw Batman for a spin so I'll put his Fast Talk or Persuade to be around 90+ and Harley fresh out of school maybe had around 75-80+ in Psychology. This is a slow burn type story, I plan on this series going on for a long time. It's a passion project of mine and in my head, I don't have any plans on ending it anytime soon. If you feel there's hasn't been as much progress from chapter then isn't a lot I can really say to refute that and that's completely fine, this is only volume 1. It's like giant prologue for some of the shenanigans in the future, just laying down the groundworks. Hopefully, this answers a majority of your questions/concerns. Again, I cannot tell you exactly how happy I am to see someone be so passionate about this series! I always read the comments to it's rather heartwarming tbh XD! And yes, I've read Lord of Mysteries and please do not hold my work up to that masterpiece. I apologize if you just came back from reading that to this, but please show mercy. I am nowhere Cuttlefish. Again thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

1 days ago
Replied to LordCampione

I do have some plans for a pairing, but in this part of the story romance will be pretty sparce. As for a harem? I want to say no but maybe my mind will change in the future.

8 days ago
Replied to Theren_Nailo_1621

Remember, this book isn't from the DC multiverse either. It's recording the history of humanity from a different universe.

'This author thinks our entire existence as human was nothing more than chance.' He mused, ignoring the smoldering edges,' I guess it makes sense in a way. Passing down on beneficial traits to achieve a form of evolution is also based on chance, but I knew plenty of religious people back in my old life that would find such a statement disrespectful. And depending on the time in history, outright heretical. But other than that, what they've described so far is correct.'

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

28 days ago
Replied to Jackhammer_11

But I love the suggestions, for sure am taking notes don't worry!

28 days ago
Replied to Jackhammer_11

And maybe here, it probably won't be the actual Samaritan but a magic gun isn't out of the picture entirely but remember, it's going to be a long way down the road. If you look at some of the enchanting spells in Pulp Cthulhu, Call of Cthulhu and/or Call of Cthulhu Grimoire, you'll see there's a POW cost there. I see it as infusing an object with your willpower to solidify a magical effect. And also if you look at the table on page 38-37 of the Call of Cthulhu Core Rulebook, you'll see a variety of stat values and what they mean. Particularly, look at the severe downsides to have a low POW stat. Combine that with his MP being entirely tied to that same stat, enchanting is going to have to be done very delicately.

28 days ago
Replied to Jackhammer_11

That's a spoiler my friend, you'll have to wait for that answer!

28 days ago
Replied to Jackhammer_11

And as for a signature gun or weapon? I don't know yet honestly. He's not really in a position to have a signature weapon at the moment, his path currently hasn't fully been revealed to you guys yet. So far, you guys have only seen some hints into Fortunecraft (Luck) while the Arcane is still steeped in a murky mire at the moment.

28 days ago
Replied to Jackhammer_11

I don't have any plans for Albert to use Weird Science. I'm glad I got someone else involved in Pulp Cthulhu. I kinda want him to be more into magical items, Weird Science probably would've been used heavily if he chose to be an Engineer instead.

28 days ago
Replied to Atrox_ashborn

There's a bit of hint a couple chapters back, remember Bruce did take pictures of a majority of the inherited grimoire and they're currently being stored on the Batcomputer, so maybeeee

  • This DCverse is Maddening original

    This DCverse is Maddening


    4.87 Baru Diperbarui

    This is a DCverse fanfiction with the system of Call of Cthulhu RPG and Pulp Cthulhu, I will primarily be focusing in on the mystery solving aspect of the two systems and combat will usually always be avoided when possible for atleast the first 2 volumes. I am new to writing in general so expect the first couple of volumes to eventually be rewritten. I do not own anything from either DC Comics or Call of Cthulhu/Pulp Cthuhlu. Thank you for reading. **************************************************************************************************************************** A veteran CoC player gets teleported into a world with gods among men and must survive as just a normal human all while dealing with the most common problems any person has; rent, relationships, finances, CREATURES FROM BEYOND THE VEIL WHOSE MERE PRESCENCE CAN STRIP AWAY LAYERS FROM THE MIND (L)(e)T_M(E)-iN, and of course taxes.

    43 Chs 616 Koleksi

  • Immortality in DxD original

    Immortality in DxD


    Baru Diperbarui

    After coming out of seclusion for a few centuries, our protagonists finds himself in a world both familiar and foreign. Watch as he tries to reintegrates himself back into society ruled by Devils, Angels and Fallen Crows. *************************************************************************************************************************** Hello! I sure hope you all are looking forward to this new fanfic being dropped! This'll be a cultivation theme Highschool DxD story. This was primarily inspired from the fact that Senjutsu is such an insanely interesting concept in the DxD world, so please expect an insanely overpowered protagonist! I hope you all enjoy!

    23 Chs 1.5k Koleksi