ShadedSoul - Profile


male LV 5


2018-03-07 Bergabung United States

Lencana 6

Moments 51


YAY, New Chapter!, Can't wait for the next 1s, I kinda Wanna get into the next when Carlisle, Starts meeting his Family, Ima assume that will be covered in the Next 5 chapters (as Author stated - there's five more chapters until the very beginning of the main plot. (1930s)) - I Really Wanna Ask, is the MC going 2 buy or Make Butcher Shops? 2 Salavage Animal Blood? (Works like a Normal Butchers, but they also Collect Blood of the Animal? Sell the Blood they Marked, & documented (if its safe ect?) Basically the Shop Will Test the Blood/Meat n ect 2 make sure its safe for ppl 2 eat? The Blood can be Sold 2 any1, its mainly for Vampires Tho, But, Humans Can use it for there Blood Pudding? (sounds nasty 2 me, but Ive never had it so idk,) Maybe Collect the Bones, for use? idk Grind it and spread Bone Ashes across the Farm Fields that the MC might Own?? & well the Pelts? Use or Sell, or something? Basically the MC Butcher Shop Should do alot of things?, & with Carlisle Family going 2 Grow, & with New Tech making Farms n Butcher Shops, might be useful, as the World Develops... As Hunting Animals nowdays, U just can't go Hunt a Deer just cuz u want 2 eat 1, u have 2 wait till the season, & they patrol the hunting grounds n ect now, eventually they do the same, might aswell, get the farming & shop setup b4 they start noticing animals, missing blood n found dead... just make this setup, in afew places around the globe, (well something like that anyways?) idk if u have a certain plan for it or not? maybe they just have there own farm n Sell the meat n collect the blood? anyways, I enjoy the FF, Can't wait till the Main Story Starts!) ps- sorry long msg


So I really wanna Ask tho, what is the MC goal when having a Place in the world the modern world (Twilight Movie start)? Is the MC, Going to make his (*Covens*) his bank? Is the MC going to go into the Animal Blood business? (His Banks can Start an Animal Blood Bank? and Sell Pig/Cow/Deer etc Blood to People/vampires/shifters, is a Chilled container and Start a Butcher Business for the Meat as a 2bird 1 stone idea, as some people use pig/cow ect blood for Blood Pancakes/puddings in certain places in the world, is the MC maintains the NO Human Blood Rule around his Banking Territories he can just sell Vampires Animal Blood If they're not in the Woods 2 Hunt, And some Animals Will get endangered if he doesn't Make a Farm for Animals that He will use the Blood From also so maybe Open a Slaughter Farm for Animals to Sell the Blood & Meat & maybe do something with their bones? Sell Bones for pet owners? Grind them & sell them with Fertilizer with others from the Farm?) The MC can Also Advance Food safety when this can be started. Altho if he can make a Celler that is Clean, he can Prob start the Animal Blood Bank Also. Also, I really Wanna Know, Julius & Jane When they Hunt, what do they Do with the Meat? after Drinking All its blood? Cuz that is a waste of money the meat can be sold (or Adam eat it) (if they Can just Drain the animal without bitting it (vampire venom) the pelts can be cleaned & used for clothing during this time, and well the bones can be used to feed pets or grind it to help plants grow). Is the MC Coven (Banks) and the Volt going to, basically Share Control? the 2 Big Wig Covens that other Covens will have 2 pick a side to be on for their Laws that might be similar. MC(Animal Blood) & Volt(Human Blood, but in secret?) I really do think the MC needs to make a Power system he controls besides his known Bank on the human side, he needs something for the Vampire side (besides my Animal Blood Bank idea) to show that if you come to my territory you follow my rules, and if u kill or hunt humans here ima kill u, I'm sure the MC will have More banks all over the world & Quite a few In each territory? maybe? Although Britain isn't around yet and fully united when it is, there might be 3-5 of the MC Banks All over Britain, so I'm going to assume that the more places will have Banks the bigger it is also. Also, ima pointing out, that after the war, the MC might wanna start recruiting more Vampires/Shifters into his circle, for his Banks Protection, like a Shadow Guard, in case hostile Vampires(etc.) try to Rob him and his security can't deal with it) Maybe start and make his own police force also? to control the laws that are not even in place yet? After All, as tech advances, the MC can only do 2 things, Control the world, or stay hidden from it like the Volt does. And well the MC owns Banks all over the world, to stay hidden is almost the same as giving up the wealth and control he has built up, so I'd say take control of things before he freaks out the modern-day people and they wanna try capturing(to gain Immortality) or nuking the MC out of fear. Cuz, let's be real it's 2024, if ppl found real vampires now, we wouldn't fear them, & I'd bet many would want to capture them to learn of their immortality, & maybe even fix the flaw that vampires have gaining it, (reproduce, crystal cells that sparkle, etc) (if they followed Twilight Vampires) basically a Myth/Legend for 1000+ years, then Bam it's Real, will cause Chaos, compared to, we know the Immortal Bank group or w.e and this group seems to have found the secrets to Immortality in 1005 and had been around and known to 2024, it comes Cool, think if I join the Immortal Bank I can be immortal also? It's Amazing the Leader has been Alive for over 1000+ years ago And still around and controls the bank, It's Amazing! (of course, some ppl in Power will have a more accurate answer, Vampires and shifters, etc ) (( ALSO, I LOVE YOUR STORY, KEEP GOING!, Im Looking Forward 2 MORE


I really would like to know if the MC will have all 7 Aura (didn't find anywhere, where they R stuck with only 1 or so, and it seems possible to develop all 7 of them (MC is IMMORTAL so should be able to advance & master all 7 b4 Twilight Saga(Movie) starts since its still over 1k yrs away) ( There are 7 auras, each with their attributes and colors. --Red (Muladhara): Deals with the physical nature of the body. Orange (Svadhishthana): Deals with emotions. Yellow (Manipura): Deals with self-energy and willpower. Green (Anahata): Deals with healing. Blue (Vishuddha): Deals with intelligence. Indigo (Ajna): Deals with mental communication. Violet (Sahasrara): Deals with awareness of illusions and obtaining a higher consciousness. ) Info from Powerlisting.fandom wiki (Aura Manipulation)) is a basic rundown of the 7 Auras & their traits these 7 also relate to elements to use with Aura, mastering the basics & the advanced 7 Auras, will make the MC Super OP at least when he fully masters them, (if in order the MC should learn 2 master them -if gained- Blue/Violet/Yellow/Orange/Green/Indigo/Red) Blue is 1st as it helps with Intel & makes the MC smarter & understand things faster, Blue+Violet(helps with Enlightenment) would help the MC faster learn his Aura abilities & power and make it easier to learn all the Aura abilities that might take him hundreds of years in just years. My thoughts? Sorry, just interested in how & where you plan to go with your MC in his power, as Indigo+Yellow will give him power similar to what Julius can do after mastering both Aura colors. PS- The MC might be able to save Alec with Indigo+Green+Orange (I don't think it can cure him but I think it can save him & release him from the Control, & give him his free will back) or could cure him if the Author wants to OP the power more) Also, Green can be used to save the lives of other vampires or Humans and shifters (werewolves).


tbh with the Ox King now still having his treasures (or some of them), it might not be that bad IF Goku & Chichi got married, but tbh... he might end up bankrupting them instead LOL.... (from his food intake o_o)

"I wonder what's going to happen between Goku and Chi-Chi, now that Goku will never come here with Bulma," Hal shrugged as he slipped into the castle and pried open the treasure room door. He wasn't the biggest fan of Goku's future wife, so his concern was mostly academic. "Whatever… maybe it's for the best."

Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun

Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun

Anime & Comics · VendakSoth



[Option 2 – Do I do the same as option 1 and give her the storm paramecia as I did in the other novel?]

One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to Death_Promise

he transmigrated, so maybe his old self was aggressive toward his family?

Fang Shuping looked at Chu Lingjun timidly. Her gaze was evasive, like the shards of sunlight hidden in the treetops. Her tone could not help but carry a hint of desperation. It was as if she was afraid that her words would anger Chu Lingjun.

Mythical Era: My Electric Eel Clone Can Evolve Infinitely

Mythical Era: My Electric Eel Clone Can Evolve Infinitely

Eastern · I Have A Dragon Pen


only wants $ there are only like 5-10 real chapters rest are asking for $... with over 80 chapters... 70 asking for $ [img=faceslap] not recommended to read...

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