Just ashara, **** harem
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TV · InkDweller
Aslong as you ignored the big skips in stat numbers and how they work only in certain cases it's an interesting read at start, with MC being a serial killer in previous life and reincarnating as a snake evolving. However at ch74 when MC willingly entered a soul contract with a dragonoid(basically a human with dragon ancestors) where if one died, the other would die aswel I lost all interest. TL;DR It started out great but went downhill during the transformation of MC with sociopathic personality -> doormat that willingly gives life away
Honestly wtf, just skipping over the part where if one dies the other dies aswel... Give me back cold MC at start instead of this retard willingly offering up easy way to be killed for free.
I see you trying to ease audience into accepting harem. I can only hope you change your mind as there is no point adding more love interests. luna+Mc is already adorable even if luna has been left more or less behind, since whole cultivation arc started. TL;DR : more couple time with luna and throw the idea of harem away never to return.
Welp, lost a gem to immature readers. Sadly I, as most others, have no idea where to find it. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
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Movies · I_am_potato_lord
"might have to kill and imposter god" Why would he need to imposter god when he's already a god? Unless it's supposed to be "an" instead of "and" ?
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Anime & Comics · Celelond
No harem, harry potter or marvel
A self insert as a Lannister
TV · InkDweller