I’m not dogging on the story but just remember that this was hiruzen after he retired.
Inside the barrier, after the deafening clash, the enormous Adamantine Staff was instantly sent flying by lightning. Sarutobi Hiruzen himself was struck by the sudden force and flung backward.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
Isn’t Neville’s the day before?
Ben - Splendid. Both of us are doing great. Listen, it's Harry's birthday in two days. I doubt he's ever gotten a proper present from the Dursleys, much less a celebration. So, we're going to arrange a little surprise party at my house. Do you think you and your parents can make it?
No, in the series the clones will take on the effect of senjutsu turn into frogs or stone. That’s confirmed besides just have another clone pop the other clones if they start getting off control. They have far less chakra than they sum of the main body so the amount of senjutsu flowing into the main body from a clone that has been divided into many won’t make that much of a difference
Clones can turn to stone for him
Lmao, a giant eye patch. That’s brilliant
Nah, one of the Abby died when he touched the one trapping the third hokage. So the original also doesn’t
(AN: It is a non-cannon technique used in many fanfics. If you have not already known, most of the author's knowledge is driving from other fics instead of original source. Still, good if the story not being tied with cannon.)
Anime & Comics · OberonLA
Lmao you are forgetting all the wars he instigated before madara
Okay next, Zetsu. To be honest your honor Zetsu is just a boy tryna see his mom that's been locked up for 1000 years. Can we really be mad at him. I mean if anything it was Madara and Obito who did all the work. If anything by boy Zetsu is hall of fame level instigation skills.
Anime & Comics · BarryAnime
Naruto: I am Uchiha Shirou
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode