Really? Thanks! Webnovel and been pretty dead recently.
"Concentrate till your face goes red and your eyes leak blood," he said. "Focus till your brain feels like it's going to explode. Pack every second with thought and experimentation. Adapt."
Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234
I only know it because of you, you recommended me through that chapter way back. Thank you, it is in my top 10 favorites.
"Concentrate till your face goes red and your eyes leak blood," he said. "Focus till your brain feels like it's going to explode. Pack every second with thought and experimentation. Adapt."
Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234
Stubborn Skill Grinder in a Time Loop 100%
"Concentrate till your face goes red and your eyes leak blood," he said. "Focus till your brain feels like it's going to explode. Pack every second with thought and experimentation. Adapt."
Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234
Thank you. Really, this is webnovel, it has no business having people as nice as you. I don't deserve you all. Thank you again.
i didnt know nor bothered checking, sorry.
noy yet, been through some tough times
i didnt give up on this fic, but i cant make any promises anymore, it would be just lying at this point.
i didnt give up on this fic, but i cant make any promises anymore, it would be just lying at this point.
I sent a reply to an older comment of yours since i couldnt find this one, but again, I'm sorry. I didn't manage to pass a subject that is a semester long and now I'm basically doing 2 years of study in one simuntaniously, so I just went completely off of the internet. I have no excuse. I made promises and didnt follow them, nor bother warning anyone.
This is so peak man. You actually have the best miside fanfic in the internet, not even lying, i searched for better and failed. Keep cooking and make us see a true ending for this game! o7
Reside in MiSide
Video Games · Exalted_Felix