Sleeping_Mist - Profile



male LV 14

Not enough time for anime Went to manga Wanted to explore more manga Went to web Novels and toons #Momento Mori

2018-01-06 Bergabung United States

Lencana 21

Moments 342



Future Alex wanted nothing more than to travel back to the past and smack this idiot across multiple planets for this exact thought process.

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Movies · Addyctive7


So he does know, the fool

Ultimately, after two minutes of non-stop coughing, Tang Mo found a way to damage his lungs, and he started to enjoy it to the fullest.

Munitions Empire

Munitions Empire

War · Dragon Spirit Knight


Suprised you not going to save him and turn him into your ally or finish the kill as he still lives in canon after modifications (or am I wrong?)

"Pick that up and keep it hidden." I whispered while pointing at the lightsaber, he didn't respond but simply picked it up, and placed it under his armor.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278


I love that! Amazing detail!

While they had agreed to use the book series of James Bond written by Ian Flemming as the basis of their code, a joke both had laughed about when they decided on it, the order of the 50+ books depended on which of the five sequences they wanted to use. This way, "Casino Royal" could be Book 4 in Sequence 2 or Book 43 in Sequence 1. 

Interesting Times

Interesting Times

Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido



"That's because we did," said Luk, "but it's probably the best-paying devil out there. So, it could be worse."

Interesting Times

Interesting Times

Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido


That's what you think, keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night, it will certainly make his job easier!

With Denebren, the only thing they would have to do if they got out of this situation alive would be to avoid the Alliance territory. He may be a giant in comparison to Luk and Levin, but his influence mostly restricted itself to where humans were the majority. If they lay low somewhere else in the galaxy, they could avoid Denebren's retaliation and continue their work unhindered.

Interesting Times

Interesting Times

Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido

Replied to Larion_Thompson

I imagine there is direct and indirect inspiration, but as far as military-Sci-fi goes, the Halo Universe has some of, if not, the most realistic form of space-age combined Arms tactics used (especially when under Bungie), and that was in a loosing war.

"Sure. The only thing left is the effectiveness of our tactics. While we could hold the line with orthodox battlelines, our troops shined when they used a combination of 'hold-your-ground' mentality and flexible tactics. Every time they used an advantage they had found, it was used until it wasn't useful anymore. Then a new strategy or tactic was implemented. It kept the Turians on their toes, talons, whatever. Their strict command structure was often not fast enough to react to the changing tactics of small units. The use of drop pods was also very effective. We got soldiers on the ground fast enough to stop the breaching of the last defensive line. I expect this tactic will be very effective in clearing landing zones or surrounding enemies. Sadly, the Heavy Troopers were not as effective as expected. The exoskeleton suit was good against small arms but since they were intended to be used against armored vehicles we have to redesign them. They were a target for their cannons much too easily. Of the ten we send down, only two survived."

Interesting Times

Interesting Times

Video Games · Zanarkand_Kido


Thanks for the chapter!


ch 237 Symbiote 0237: The Farmer Initiative (1/2) **

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Movies · Addyctive7


What? Is it 78 or 74?

(Here Dragon Spirit would like to explain, the caliber of the C64 field gun is 78mm, previously Dragon Spirit has written some calibers as 75, some as 78, here to unify, it will be written as 75mm.)

Munitions Empire

Munitions Empire

War · Dragon Spirit Knight

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