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male LV 14

Simple zombie clerk dude. Been reading translated novels since 2014.

2017-07-26 Bergabung Bangladesh

Lencana 14

Moments 2562


the world killers are loose

{Send in the reapers,} she said, her face a rictus of frozen fury. {And remember to scan the targets before executing them with prejudice. Furthermore, there is no reason for those labs’ continued existence. Make them disappear from my sight.}

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Tech_priest

they're using the former intelligence operatives of the respective countries. you could say the one's operating in this country knew their Intel which can be higher on lower in the other countries

Earlier, two terrorists had infiltrated the Gravelines Nuclear Power Station, near Dunkirk, dressed as janitors. After eliminating the control room operator and senior reactor operator, they swiftly disabled all automatic safety measures connected to the reactor by the expedient use of a fireman’s axe. Then they destroyed the coolant pipes and moved to the reactor control room, where they increased the reactor output to maximum and initiated a coolant flush, draining the reactor dry.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


if Aaron does not see this coming it'd be a disappointment

Seeing that he was exactly where he meant to be, he clenched his teeth and bit down on the hollow molar, cracking it and releasing a deadly poison that would induce a fatal heart attack. The pain immediately struck and he broke off his shouting with a gasp. Falling to his knees, he whispered, “The devil will not win. For liberation!”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Banaman

by accident makes it the best part

“You miss all the shots you don’t take, my friend.” Enrico was determined to make his name as an ARES Reaper.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Star_Gazing_oldman

first rule Hollywood laws of physics are for pansies

Not all of the groups were monolithic, either, and fistfighting broke out within the protest groups rather often. The original organizers of the protests and architects of the violence couldn’t be bothered to care about any particular issue and simply gathered people who were angry. It didn’t matter why they were angry, just that they were. Unfortunately, with guns in the mix, quite a few shots were fired as well, though a surprisingly low number of them hit anything, as even the most fervent ammosexual was still in love with the idea of “warning shots”.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


completely ignoring the possibility of an alien invasion is actually on point for our current world. 10 years ago I was foolish enough to say otherwise but society has proven its idiocy enough for me to wake up from that delusion

Comments like those started appearing all over the internet as people almost overwhelmingly praised both the AR glasses and VR helmets and pods. There were a few minor complaints, but no one had said it was false advertising.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Banaman

one of the things the system scanned at the start was the date which kinda indicates it's from the future

That sparked a number of conspiracy theories ranging from Aron having sold his soul to the devil all the way across the spectrum to Aron already having had close contact with a far more technologically advanced alien species. Some even claimed that he had regressed to the 21st century from a time far in the future.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


also one that has an existing following irl

But the most impactful conspiracy theory was the malicious and intentional spread of rumors that claimed Aron was using his tech to brainwash people into acting against the best interests of humanity. It was especially believable, as it was basically only a hair’s breadth away from the actual truth.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


scary how somewhat close they are

That sparked a number of conspiracy theories ranging from Aron having sold his soul to the devil all the way across the spectrum to Aron already having had close contact with a far more technologically advanced alien species. Some even claimed that he had regressed to the 21st century from a time far in the future.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Robert_Siems

white room

“We also issue a most solemn warning: should any disgruntled former soldier attempt to try anything funny, We will retaliate. And We guarantee you that our sense of humor is much more overwhelming than yours, so do not test Our patience.”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Robert_Siems

maybe it's allthw chants of "no"?

(Ed note: Not gonna lie, I was a bit sad that nobody got the rickroll from chapter 404.)

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Robert_Siems

and somehow that feels like a low number lol

“First is that the imperial family will take no money from the government. None. I am currently rich enough to give every person on the planet two thousand dollars and still spend a million dollars per day on my own leisure and pleasure for the rest of what I assure you will be a very, very long life. Thus, there is no need to be greedy and no way for greed to twist my family’s thinking.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Maginus_Sama

I doubt even Trump has the balls to vote no after nova's "education"

{Judging by how things are going, and not counting the explanation Emperor Aron is going to give tomorrow, the number of rebel groups is going to skyrocket. But hopefully, most of them will lose interest in rebellions once we begin the propaganda push.}

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


let's not forget he can solo the world military xD

“He himself is no ordinary person. It’s like he’s individually capable of fulfilling any role he needs filled at any time.”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to oppaidaisuke_69

agent really having fun with this one lol

He checked his water storage levels and saw that he had enough to last him a week, perhaps a week and a half if he rationed it well, then sat back on the ground and labeled his current location on his map as Point Foxtrot. After that, he began writing his after-action report and included the loss of his swords, which had sadly failed to survive the high temperature fire, unlike his NUTS.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Fortunis

runic heart isn't the one doing it. it's the system

Aron had decided that Henry would be the second runemaster of humanity, and would bring that about by his own hand.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to RafiAthSen

Gandhi was one of the leaders and was bugged. he would start launching nukes at the slightest grievance at times

The most popular posts with the most likes and shares were those with video footage of the carriers lifting off. After that came recordings of the EV Heidrek crippling the USS Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group, then the destruction of the satellites and the offer the Edenian pilot, now identified as Lieutenant James “Reverend” Jones, had made to the doomed astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Then, in a distant third place, was the nuclear launch—which had even hilariously alarmed Gandhi into vehemently denying his involvement in the nuclear strike—and the Edenian defense against it.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to RafiAthSen

civilization 4 reference

The most popular posts with the most likes and shares were those with video footage of the carriers lifting off. After that came recordings of the EV Heidrek crippling the USS Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group, then the destruction of the satellites and the offer the Edenian pilot, now identified as Lieutenant James “Reverend” Jones, had made to the doomed astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Then, in a distant third place, was the nuclear launch—which had even hilariously alarmed Gandhi into vehemently denying his involvement in the nuclear strike—and the Edenian defense against it.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

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