What's wrong with Dinomorphia? Don't like stun decks.
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Define fun. I think power is not the problem but consistency and a low amount of actions for the fanfic. I think some other relevant "fun" decks not mention you might consider are Mikanko, Dinomorpha, Luna Light, shaddoll, prank kids, danger monsters, dark world. These are primarily fusion decks too.
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This is the navy.
Kuzan, who had nothing else to do except pay a visit to Admiral Zephyr, immediately complied with the command and started sailing off towards Sabaody. With him, he brought his own ship, and also brought a few Liutenant-Colonels as well, just to make sure nobody escaped arrest.
Anime & Comics · Leo_DiAngelo
There is no Liutenant - Colonels. Did you mean lieutenant to vice admiral or something similar?
Kuzan, who had nothing else to do except pay a visit to Admiral Zephyr, immediately complied with the command and started sailing off towards Sabaody. With him, he brought his own ship, and also brought a few Liutenant-Colonels as well, just to make sure nobody escaped arrest.
Anime & Comics · Leo_DiAngelo
Arlong was never a slave but I believe a lot of the sun pirate crew was a slave.
What happen to the other slaves?
He raided 5 years after roger execution but had been a slave for years prior so the timeline is too early for him to make any contributions.
How Fisher Tiger freed all the slaves from the God Knights and CP0 is a complete mystery or a straight plot hole from Oda.
Low tier or you just want combo decks. Because Dinomorphia was never meta just rogue.