
male LV 13

Addicted to books

2017-06-26 Bergabung India
Lencana 8

Moments 257
4 months ago
Replied to KingsCandidate

The point is, it should keep him informed of the location of the zombies, especially when they get behind him

However, as they approached the pile, they heard a loud shriek from behind. 

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Fantasy · xlntz

4 months ago
Replied to Chris_Lawry

Unless what he did was more for brokering a peace between the two, when it was the humans who refused to stop the war. Could be that what he did , gave the ai the I do they needed to kill all humans, which gives them the leverage required to help the anti war humans take over and stop the war- Think of him as bilbo.

"Did I betray the humanity and join Anima? Ugh… Whatever… It must be a long story." Shane muttered as he decided to ignore this for now. It was not even his past or future but in an alternate timeline itself… Even if he really betrayed humanity at that timeline, the Shane of this world should not feel guilty.

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Fantasy · xlntz

4 months ago

That means he tried to dodge! Not narrowly dodged!

In a swift maneuver, Shane narrowly evaded the creature's lunge. However, he was still hit on his left shoulder!

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Fantasy · xlntz

4 months ago

Bloody well have the ai keep him I formed of all the zombies!

4 months ago
Replied to YoungMasterMeng

Ai does not need to be a bot- any software could become the ai- how about an ai that has access to the nukes? Take a few months to slowly disable all safety measures and nuke humans to the Stone Age…

Without hesitation, he opted for the A.I. Rebellion.

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Fantasy · xlntz

5 months ago

He is not a kid to fall for this. Just the fact that the shop’s ghost are blocking the view and the fact that the egg was in the middle of the path and the fact that the egg was brought to him all should allow him to sue the company for trying to scam him.

1 years ago

The night watch cannot interfere with the kingdoms. They can do nothing about what the lords do as long as they don’t attack the wall or the watch. Though why is he strip mining everything?

1 years ago
Replied to DesertRat

I keep feeling like I had read the whole story before- but just cannot fathom where… if you know what it’ a copy of, please let me know.

2 years ago
Replied to TriantLord

while i agree with you in principle- it IS explained , even if vaguely - his inner monologue does point out that being dragged into the game like that would have negative consequences. maybe the gaming rig just makes it safer and easier. btw, what happened to the story here?

2 years ago

I keep getting a deja vu while reading this story… as if I have read this plot somewhere. The whole president being away, trying to level up- while the mc has the stolen treasure that he is waiting for to become usable. I just can’ shake it. That and many other plot points look like I have read them somewhere a long time back.