
LV 5
2017-08-01 Bergabung Ascension Island
Karya Asli
Lencana 7

Moments 29
1 months ago

just saying, but couldn't he kinda of used the eye on the daimio? with pressure from the daimio, if well used he could have bought himself quite some time. Look at the kaze, without the support from their daimio the village if close to falling apart in canon.

2 months ago

This, the MC comments on the house system. I kind wish the author didn't bring them up, cause this just out right pointed out an unexplored route. The book by ravenclaw, the elements, it would be interesting if each house was taken as more than their traits, but also as a predisposition towards one of the described areas of magic. Something that was lost to time. Just saying it would be a nice plot line that the author seemingly outright missed.

6 months ago

OMFG! I'm the Chosen One. [Star Wars SI] Sorry, but I remember reading this story somewhere else. You don't seem to be the author as your grammar somehow got worse than the original, If you are going to copy someone else's work you should at least inform your readers of such and post a link to the original.

Buku ini telah dihapus.
6 months ago

I do wonder if they could have healed Croc by transforming him? Perhaps temporary to permanent with a boost from Giovanni? It would be an avenue to explore deeper into the talismans powers.

6 months ago

I think I am a couple chapters away from dropping this story from my library. He is a Uzumaki, yet 20 chapters and no fuinjutsu... I mean the fact that you made him a Uzumaki should signal this story would somehow heavily focus on the art... if there is none and by the levels of taijutsu being thrown around might aswell had made the MC a senju.

6 months ago
Replied to Noctua

Sorry I said edit, I meant proofread...

6 months ago

Thanks for the chapter. Can you do something about the grammar? I don't know if you are to enthusiastic as you are getting along the chapters, but it seems to be getting worse. Try to paste it in chat gpt and ask for a edit, perhaps it would work.

7 months ago

3 whole short chapters for this, I guess at this point the author is just farming. This story looked like it had potential, a pity.

8 months ago

The last few chapters are worrying me, it feels like you are focusing to much on the romantic drama and losing the essence of both the series in the crossover. When I started reading this fiction I found the combo of the endearing darkness from addam's family with the magic from HP would make an interesting read, but you are failing to grab onto that.

8 months ago

I think you could have done something really cool without giving to much power to the mc, could have him struggle to do powerful spells, but make clever use of the environment to create traps and slowly injure the creature. Perhaps even include some animation. Heck this could have become his wake up call moment in which he decided something ought to be done to improve his situation magic wise. What happens if his wand breaks in this new reality? How can he fight if his strongest go to spells do not pack the punch they should?

  • Erik Chandler an Harry Potter's Fanfiction original

    Erik Chandler an Harry Potter's Fanfiction


    Erik Chandler is an orphan halfblood wizard, son of an halfblood father and a muggleborn mother. He lives in a loft above a barricaded shop just a few steps off the turn into Knockturn alley. He is also a casual fan reborn into his favourite world, ready to explore it for all its wonders. But first, he needs to find out how to magic his way into the light that is Diagon, without being captured by a dark wizard or an hag. Be aware this story does not follow canon strictly, as I, the author intend to just make use of the marvellous world J.K.Rowlling presented us with to practice my writing skills with a character of my own. Has such, events in canon will still happen and will have an effect in the story, but won't be descrived in full and the story itself hopefully won't crash and distort said events.

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