C. Villain Comic character that didn't show up in MCU movies. (I will stick to the movies, just to clarify)
Movies · Human_Sinner
Don't like Shuri in Peters harem. Don't think that with her being the princess of Wakanda that is "hiding" their tech she would open up to Peter. It would probably be eating her alive lying like that for the duration of the infatuation. However with the tech that Harry got it's a "mystery" that is drawing the moth to the flame to be gobbled up. With him also knowing about Wakanda the relationship can blossom quite fast since she could be honest with him.
Please note that much of this stuff I'm making up as I go. I already bumped Spiderman's age by a bunch of years so I'm bumping up T'Challa's sister Shuri by the same amount. I thought about having T'Challa in class but even without changing ages, as of 2009, he's 29 so that's not a great option. No idea if Shuri will join the harem of maybe I'll pair her with Peter. No idea.
Book&Literature · GnomeBob
Think this might just be "Harry Potter - Three to Backstep by Sinyk" https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10766595/1/Harry-Potter-Three-to-Backstep Not sure if it's the author but the story is far too similar in my opinion.