Unlike you, Anthony. Huh. Can someone remind me what happened the last time an ant was kidnapped? Did a certain ant charge into the unknown city and almost got herself killed? Surely not... That would be ridiculous.
I wave goodbye to the Keeper and watch as they trundle off to commune with the Mother Tree. As a group, the bruan'chii seem very happy to be closer to her, lots of big smiles and all that. It almost makes me wish we could bring the Queen down here to cheer everyone up, but I know that would end in disaster. There would be no way to keep her from the front line, and if one of the Colony were kidnapped, she would charge off into the unknown without hesitation.
Fantasy · RinoZ
-We are the carvers of the Colony, to us, the impossible is a 9 to 8 everyday regular job. Damned be the shadows, they took away an hour of our day. An entire hour of glorious work wasted. Damned be the... doesn't it look like it got darker? Uh.. Oh Oh.
"We're the carvers of the Colony," Tungstant snapped back, her eyes focused in every direction at once, supervising the work of all the members of her build team. "We do the impossible on a regular basis. Now be quiet and let me focus, this is difficult work."
Fantasy · RinoZ
Tolly shows the plush toy to an ant, and the ant runs away... -Tolly: What has happened? -Emilia: Yeah, thats not a toy, its a threat.
Such a gentle-firmness, I can't imagine how they achieved it. It goes without saying that the linens and duvet were of the most sublime quality as well. I truly looked forward to immersing myself in their warm embrace. Even more surprising was the incredibly-well made, soft and appealing plush toy I found sitting on my pillow.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Vibrant appears in the background, -Cometothespeedsideeldestwehaveteaandcookies
The Mages continue to attempt to stifle me as Rathwyn pleads for patience, but I cut off his mind bridge and use my many mental constructs to rip into their attempts to slow or stop me. Forget about being delayed, I need to go even faster!
Fantasy · RinoZ
In colony standards that means she was sorrounded by ONLY 300 ants, and some weird shadows...
"You've been too lonely, haven't you?"
Fantasy · RinoZ
Granin be like "It's happening. It's happening"
Granin squeaks.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Thats gonna be Anthony new motto. "Not everything I do is some scheme, sometimes the wars I start are just happy little accidents."
"Not everything I do is part of some grand scheme," the old woman huffed as she sipped from her fine cup. "Sometimes it's just an accident."
Fantasy · RinoZ
-Yes, sure, of course, it's all going according to the plan...- ¬¬ suspiciously tries to hide in the shadows occupied by a nameless. -Ey, make some room.-
And once again, all at the behest of the Eldest. Their designs ever moved our family forward, from the very moment of our creation. I believe, as others do, that even back then the Eldest had seen what was to come, and the inevitable conclusions that would be reached.
Fantasy · RinoZ
For our amusement. Obviosly. No other reason, really.
Fantasy · RinoZ
Its mind/soul is male, since its from a previos life. The body, like all ants, is female. We roll with the male thing to make it easier to diffentiate the mc, and easier to understand the character personality. Author confirmed it long ago. Tecnically, Anthony is a she.
I wave goodbye to the Keeper and watch as they trundle off to commune with the Mother Tree. As a group, the bruan'chii seem very happy to be closer to her, lots of big smiles and all that. It almost makes me wish we could bring the Queen down here to cheer everyone up, but I know that would end in disaster. There would be no way to keep her from the front line, and if one of the Colony were kidnapped, she would charge off into the unknown without hesitation.
Fantasy · RinoZ