One of the skeletons had turned aggressive on Caitlin, holding her by her neck and the woman didn't know spells as she had never practiced it. There were many white witches who didn't practice magic in the fear of being caught and burnt alive. Damien and Alexander had many more skeletons to fight with who were not backing down, coming at the one after another to notice the woman who was struggling to push the hands of the skeleton from her neck.
"You were supposed to die years ago and here you are alive," Mrs. Artemis walked towards her niece, "Don't look at me with so much hate, Caitlin. You were my darling niece. Your stars have been lucky that you have died when your fiance is still searching for you," the white witch slightly alarmed and worried over the thought about it, "How rude of you to leave him stranded."
Somehow moving away and pushing the skeleton by using the chair that was in the room, Caitlin asked, "You mean not letting him kill me?"
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