During the time of dinner which was set up early, Penny sat next to Damien at the table. Apart from Lord Alexander and them, there were two more people who had joined the table. Elliot Wells, who sat on the other side of the table next to Alexander whereas this side was occupied by Damien and her. The man was charming and sweet, his wavy red hair exuding a very welcoming appearance. He was the younger brother of Jerome Wells, the architect who they had met less than a week ago. Both the brothers appeared to be poles apart, one was an introvert gentleman while the younger brother was a complete extrovert.
"How do you like the food, Ms. Penelope? We got some vegetables in here if you aren't comfortable," Elliot offered the bowl of salad which had beans in it.
"Thank you," she responded back.
"There was another dish I asked them to prepare," the man started to look around when the lady who was sitting next to him advised,
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