/ TV / Wolf odyssey

Wolf odyssey Orisinil

Wolf odyssey

TV 1 Bab 15.4K Dilihat
Penulis: Sea_of_Blood

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Disclaimer: (THE COVER IS NOT MINE) if you are the owner and would like me to take it down, then please let me know. :)

Disclaimer: this is a fan fiction, I do not own any characters or anything else, apart from my OC.

Darwin howler, he was a loving family man, he worked as a politician, after meeting his wife he retired from Bounty hunting, and decided to make use of his family background, and the knowledge he acquired in high school, college and university, for his family’s sake he tried to preserve his humanity as an upright politician, if their was ever such a thing, but things were not so easy, his superiors didn’t like who he had become after his child was born so they decided to take him out, blah, blah, blah, he ended up dying and thanks to his efforts of trying to better himself through good deeds, he was rewarded with three wishes, well that’s what the Rob told him, but something didn’t seem right, ‘oh well who am I too look a gift horse in the mouth.'


  1. Angelo_halo
    Angelo_halo Berpartisipasi 81
  2. Limbo_Xuehai
    Limbo_Xuehai Berpartisipasi 81
  3. ViBe_Avarice
    ViBe_Avarice Berpartisipasi 81

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Penulis Sea_of_Blood