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66.66% Witcher vs Predator: Clash of Hunters / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: A Circus on the Frontier

Bab 2: Chapter 1: A Circus on the Frontier

Nine Days After the Fallen Star - The Frontier Border of Redania at the Blue Mountains, Hunter Outpost of Pine Watch - Early Midday



The fringes of the imposing Blue Mountains were not the most enticing place for travelers, especially along the border of Redaina. The country's history warring against the original elven masters of the land led to much of the long-lived civilization into this harsh region. Then includes the fact it was densely populated by fearsome animals and monsters, who had adapted to surviving in this world long after the Conjunction. For Pinewatch, it was the largest and oldest hunters lodge for Redaina, having one large pub and inn, a general store along with a dozen cabins for visitors.


Ever since the fallen star over a week ago, a horde of visitors had arrived. Treasure hunters, mages, soldiers, nobles and peddlers…everyone who saw opportunity with the star had shown up. Everyone, even of common standing new sky metal was incredibly valuable both for its material and arcane purposes. Considering the predicted size, some even claim it could be worth that of a small kingdom.


From the small balcony of the inn, Percival stared out across the outpost square, which was packed full of merchant stands and other star seekers. The young man was keen eyed to notice the mix of heraldries in recent days, as knights and nobles from Redania and its neighboring nations had arrived a few days ago. They had the best in funds and numbers, though he knew they'd be too soft for the Blue Mountains harshness. From the outpost border, a search party had returned, a third of their group was missing and the rest wounded, their knightly leader bandaged from a serious mauling across his brow and chest. He and his master had arrived among the early groups, yet had been biding their time, letting others test the harsh wilderness beforehand.


"What do you see, my apprentice?" Obin questioned while he was reading.


"A circus." The young man sighed. "Those of common standing have more understanding of the wilderness, yet held back by their lack of resources and fear. Those of the more notable standing are prepared yet their ego and rashness set them up for failure."


The harsh answer had Obin give a small laugh. "I dread the day when any king takes you as an adviser. Either you'll drive them into a fury or shape them into a steely ruler."


"My duty is to serve you, teacher. The cycle of mages meddling in politics has little interest to me."


"Your loyalty to me is beyond words Percival" Obin sighed before getting up, approaching the young man. "The boy I found on the battlefield, the abandoned squire…such potential saved." He firmly patted his hands on the young man's shoulders. "You have nothing more to prove to me. You've excelled beyond my expectations, the youngest battlemage in a generation."


Percival's passive expression did falter slightly, bowing his head slightly. "More reason that I devote myself to your cause."


"Hah! My boy…when we find the star my life's dream will be set!" Shifting past him, he stared out to the forest covered mountains. "My scrying has told me this star…this object from beyond holds such potential."


"Your divination has always been true, even if vague. That is how you found me after all."


"True. Yet I rather not let ambition blind me to risks. Beyond the known threats in the mountains, my assumed prize can have unknown hazards." As he studied the crowds, he hummed in thought. "Capable as we are, we require the best here."


Standing beside his master, Percival followed the old mage's gaze. "A capable outdoorsman is obvious. Someone who knows the land and understands the wildlife."


"And muscle. Capable men who can help us excavate the star yet protect themselves during the journey." Obin added while he focused on the center of the crowds.


Among the crowd, some Redania highborn were arguing with a group of soldiers bearing the red uniform of their kingdom. The leader for the troop grabbed the man by his collar, no doubt given a threat before tossing him down. With the others laughing, they stroll towards the pub while leaving their former employer completely stunned. Off to the side among the onlookers were two figures that did stand out, deep green cloaks and hoods up…yet their natural styled clothes betrayed who they really were, elves.


"Let us go downstairs. It's time we recruit the perfect team."


Vesemir blew smoke out smoke after a long smoke from his pipe, quietly enjoying the lively crowd in the Pinewatch pub. He had been one of the early arrivals, keeping a low profile to see how all these treasure hunters worked. A few had reached out to him, giving quite the offers for his services as a guide, though quick to turn him away when he set his own terms.


"Noble borns sure put their pride first, even out here." He muttered as he brushed back his dark hair while leaning back. Hiking his boots up onto the booth he lounged in, his attention drifted to eight Redanian soldiers who came in. He recognized their patch, an black eagle with a crossbow bolt grasped in its beak. The Eagle Watch, Redian's elite scout regiment, seemed like a band of them got roped into this star hunt. Considering their annoyed looks, they had just faced the biggest issue any soldier can face, a lack of payment and bad leadership.


"Heh…whoever pissed them off is losing out." He muttered. Even he knew a group like them would be capable of handling most beasts and lesser monsters on their own.


"Excuse me" A quiet female voice spoke up, making the Witcher shift his gaze to the right. 


He had been so focused on the soldiers; he didn't realize two strangers had approached him. That wasn't an easy feat, even in the noisy pub. Yet up close he could see why as even with those hoods on, he could see their graceful features and hints of their pointed ears, elves. One male and one female, twins likely considering their similar features such as having sandy blond hair and emerald eyes.


The female elf wore mossy green robe with a hood along with carrying a curling oaken staff crowned with a perfectly smoothed aquamarine gem. The small vibrations in his wolf medallion confirmed it and she was surely trained in magic. With her slipping her hood off, she revealed her features of delicate beauty…and hinting at her young age for an elf. Likely older than even him still. Her hair was also long, braided with the help of a vine cord and curved wooden clip at the end.


The male elf meanwhile had fine tanned leathers styled in a feathered or leafy fashion, true elven craft. He hesitantly took off his hood, his features sharply handsome yet showed signs of battle. A hint of a scar at the cheek and jaw, no doubt from hunting or a stray blade. His hair was short cut, very much like the soldiers a few tables away. The ornate willow bow on his back and thin short blade made it clear he was a ranger, likely better than anyone else at this whole outpost. 


"Forgive us, but may we share this table? All others are taken and…we are more comfortable sharing with a fellow outsider like you."


"Mutant or not, sister, he is still human." The male elf muttered, making Vesemir smirk.


"I consider that a compliment. If I'm still human to you…guess I'm not a soulless mutant as others claim." Chuckling, he shifted his boots off the seat before gesturing. "Have a seat. Drinks and food are on me as well."


The female elf sighed, glad that no offense was taken by her sibling's remark before she'd sit down. "Forgive my brother. He is just guarded when he comes to anyone outside our clan."


"Understandable." Vesemir hummed while watching him sit down. Waving down a serving girl, orders were quickly given before focusing back on his new companions. "Introductions are needed though. Vesemir, Witcher from the School of the Wolf." He'd show his medallion to them as proof of that. "Been on the path for…fifty so years. Work has dried up in the more settled lands of late."


"The Wolf." The male elf muttered. "Our clan once had one come to our territory…solved quite the terrible leshen that strayed into our woods. Did have quite the price, yet succeeded in their hunt."


"A good outcome then. Trust me, whatever was paid goes mostly to preparing for the next hunt. Which includes hearty meals and hot baths."


His sense of humor did make the female elf giggle slightly and her brother smirk slightly. "Can respect your wit, Vesemir. My name is Harin, and this is my sister Inara."


Inara nodded, speaking further. "We've traveled far north as soon as the star fell, by order of our elders. They claim that there were…signs of great doom brought by it."


"More like vague claims." Harin scoffed. "Druidcraft I understand plainly yet divination has always caused more headache than anything."


Vesemir was silent hearing all of this, waiting for their orders to arrive before speaking further. "My understanding of elven magic is admittedly limited. Despite being based on it, the schools of human magic have strayed from them." He mused. "Can you share any further? A detailing of this…dare I say it…prophecy."


For a moment the two elves looked to each other, a warning look in Harin's eyes before his sister nodded. "They spoke of a…rock made of pure metal not of stone. Knocked adrift from a course of the stars. A serpent, wicked and all-consuming, sealed within it. Beyond that they…fear that the humans will unleash this threat from beyond."


There was a long pause, with Vesemir glancing at the brother who seemed to not by the elder's claims. Giving a sigh, he took a deep drink from mug. "Inara. If there is some horrid beast from beyond the stars, then who better to slay it than I?"


"Quite confident?' Harin muttered. "What makes you think we can't do it, if there is even such a creature?"


"Not doubting your skills, only your lack of knowledge." Vesemir reasoned. "Besides whatever threat your elders assume came on this star, the Blue Mountains in these parts have some of the harshest subspecies around. For one…the blue-back nekker."


"Nekkers? I hunted for those when I was a child. Fast and sneaky yes, but only a real threat if they outnumber you."


"True, but this type is likely as old as the Conjunction. Makes them smarter as they knew when to move when humans threatened them than adapted as Witchers hunted." Vesemir explained. "Poisons don't work on them, as they've gotten a diet of toxin bugs and plants to build up a resistance. It also makes their attacks and even blood poisonous." The long stare by the elven hunter betrayed some worry hearing this before the Witcher grinned. "Now…any doubts?"


Inara gave a gentle smile back. "None from me. Still, knowing your price be-" She started before tensing up. 


Even Vesemir snapped his attention to the clean cut and orderly dressed man approaching them. His medallion shook, doubly more than what Inara gave off, showing this man was twice as powerful in arcana. The passive look of the man was calculating as he eyed everyone at the table.


"Ceádmil, Wedd Brokiloéne." He greeted in fluent elven.


Harin frowned at the greeting. "We are not from Brokilon. Not of our clan."


"I meant no disrespect." The mage stated plainly. "My name is Percival. My master, Obin of Ban Ard, wishes for your expertise relating to the star."


Vesemir gave a small hum after hearing that name. "I've heard of him. Quite a renowned astronomer and diviner."


A faint smile hinting at the man's lips. "You are informed then, Witcher. From what I know of recent news of School of the Wolf and notable hunts, I assume you're the accomplished Vesemir."


"Hah, it seems my reputation exceeds what I know." He laughed. "While it is nice to exchange formalities, we here at this table are just about to come to any agreement on a smaller partnership."


"Understandable. However, my master's interest is not just in your recruitment." His gaze drifted to the elves. "Obin can aid you in your clan's endeavors, along with other interests."


For a moment Harin seemed ready to refuse, only for a look by his sister to hold him back. "We'd be willing to hear his offer at the least, if Vesemir agrees as well."


The Witcher gave a sigh and shrug. "No harm in talking." Standing up, he grabs his mug and nods to the mage. "I take he's the wise man chatting with the Eagle Watch?"


Percival just nodded, leading the way to the crowded table. Obin was busy speaking to the chiseled if scruffy faced leader of the group. The other soldiers varied in age and heritages, the youngest seeming to be a starry eyed teenager with the tanned skin of Zerrikania while the oldest into his late forties with a thick graying beard and eyepatch, likely a Skelliger. When the Witcher and elves approached, their muttering became more hushed and gazes more judging quickly. Obin meanwhile gave a grandfatherly smile to lighten the mood. 


"Ah…honored Aen Seidhe and good Witcher. I welcome you to our table and into the company of the dutiful ranks of the Eagle Watch." He greeted before nodding to the soldier captain.


With a small grunt, the man gave a smug grin. "Sargent Duke, leader of this sorry lot of scouts." He introduced in a jesting manner. "Our…former employer dragged us nearly half across the kingdom for this job, only to stiff us on pay or have proper supplies to attempt it."


"Said it be our 'patriotic duty' to claim that rock." The one-eyed man scoffed. "Like to see duty feed the grandkids back home." The remark drew laughs from the other men.


"Seems like everyone going for the star is lacking good allies and preparation." Vesemir mused as he sat down, with the elven twins sitting beside him. "And while I'm sure all of you have a colorful history, I'd rather point to this invitation."


"Direct, I respect that." Duke replied before gesturing to Obin.


"I simply wish to hire all of you for your expertise. Duke and his men are capable of labor and capable fighters." The mage explained before looking at the twins. "As for…?"


"Inara and Harin. Druid in training and hunter for our clan to the north." The female elf answered politely.


"Thank you, Inara. I'm sure both of you are well versed with the wilderness of the Blue Mountains. I will confess, despite the magical talents me and Pervical have…the great outdoors isn't our strong suit."


"Our intentions here are simply to investigate the star. Helping you isn't required to accomplish that." Harin stated.


"True." Obin hummed before reaching into his satchel, taking out a few thin yet aged booklets. "However, these may very well interest you." Sliding them over to Inara, she gave a curious look before looking through the first few pages, eyes widening.


"This…old records from Loc Muinne. Such information here is considered lost when our people were forced from that city."


"Yes, a very tragic and barbaric time, a loss to all gifted" Obin muttered. "However, there is much I have copied from archives and my explorations throughout the Northern Kingdoms. Consider those a gift, though a fraction of what I'm willing to give for your aid. I'm sure your elders will find them a suitable payment for a…deviation of your goals."

Inara looked to her brother, to the muttering in hushen elven before her sibling sighed and nodded. "It…would, Obin. So long as Duke and his men can maintain respect towards us, we'll join your group."


The sergeant gave a grin back. "Well, me and my scouts aren't ones to care for age old grudges. Carry your weight and we'll be all dandy."


"Trust us, we very well can." Harin smugly answered before Vesemir spoke up to stop any arguing.


"Right, onto my terms then. I'll be simple, a thousand crowns and a pack full of pure meteorite iron from the star."


The youth among the Eagle's scoffed at that. "Hell with that! You're telling me you alone are worth half our total pay!"


"Zif." Duke sternly warned, making the boy tense. "Trust me, Witcher's worth the pay."


"To be blunt, fourth of that is going to be supplies to protect all of us." Vesemir explained. "Herbs for repellents, curatives and making oils. Some things in these mountains are going to need more than crossbows and strong steel to kill."


"A true professional as they say." Obin hummed before nodding to Percival, who'd head upstairs. "Money is of no issue and there will be plenty of material to be shared. We all cooperate, all sides will come out of these mountains alive and wealthier than before."


"Here's to that!" Duke cheered out, cup up as the others did so too. "Still, I wouldn't mind some thrills on this job. Bagging a monster or two to show off be fun I say."


Vesemir couldn't help but like their spirit at least, giving a smirk. "May show a trick or two, but nothing more. Can't you lot stealing my work now can I."


The banter became more spirited with the unlikely group, with even the elven twins chatting up. Even if all sides were working together for their own personal interests, trust was needed despite their differences. Because in his gut…Vesemir had a feeling that there was something dangerous about this fallen star or at least following it


Lower Atmosphere


Achi was deeply honored to be entrusted on this mission and to be given such an advanced ship as well. While he was still rising among the ranks of other Blooded Hunters, this proved his efforts had gained interest among the elders. Then again, the cargo of the ship was important…the deadliest prey his kind sought. He'd never forget that experience, having the scars gained and given as proof of that. Yet he didn't let the past victories distract him, failure here wasn't an option. 


Though so far, his scans of the planet had proven curious. As the report confirmed, the planet was a lush and habitable world, teaming with life. More interesting was the fact it had intelligent life, humans in fact. It seemed even in this isolated corner of the galaxy they had found a way here, though that was perplexing. The ship camera focused on the cities shown that civilization was in a medieval era that Earth once had. This simplified things as they had no way to detect or harm the ship, though if the specimens in that ship got loose…


"Ironic." He scoffed to himself as he began to trace the emissions of the ship. Even after this much time, such traces are easy to follow up on. It went down towards a dense mountain range that split most of the main continent, between a temperate region and a vast desert. Yet the ship oddly couldn't pinpoint the ship, some kind of interference within that region. This was an unknown world, so no doubt some new element or harmless radiation caused it. At the least he had a zone to recon personally…along with scouting any unique wildlife to hunt.


Setting an automated course to the search zone, Achi went to arm himself. Walking the trophy and armory chamber, he gave a low clipping as he thought over the weapons and tools to take. His first thought was of facing humans, who would no doubt be drawn to the crashed ship, despite its remoteness. They were paradoxical prey by many reports, physically weaker, technologically inferior and often seen as stupid. Yet throughout the tens of thousands of years crossing paths, a fair share of skilled Yautja had been killed by them. One such being a quite savage hunter killed by mere tribal humans.


"Careless." He mused as he collected his weapons. His gauntlet, standard issue beyond his personal wrist blades and a single shot low power netball, meant more to entangle than kill like most designs. Next be a smartdisc, a reliable thrown weapon he had become most skilled with for silent kills. He'd take a speargun pistol as well, which lacked laser tracking but was a reliable sidearm to him. Lastly though, he'd take a shoulder-mounted plasma caster, in case anything had breached from the ship, or this planet proved to be threatening. Despite the appeal for exploration, he had a job to do and couldn't take risks.


Grabbing his mask, he gave a deep breath as he'd savor the air the ship had before setting the device over his face. With it linking with his gauntlet, the lens filters through the different settings before going to a default sight. With a small alarm showing the ship was reaching its destination, he paused as he eyed the sword on the wall of weapons. Not a befitting tool for the hunt, more for ceremony and duels. Yet an amusing thought of crossing paths of a knight, a claimed elite warrior among humans in the feudal era.

"A tin man." Chuckling at the thought, he snatched the weapon and attached it to his back, returning to the ship controls to find a suitable drop point. Clawed hands tightening, he focused on his discipline and training to calm the thrill he had…facing the known. The thrill of the hunt!

next chapter
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