4th Month of 298 A.C. King's Landing
Lord Eddard Stark
The royal visit to Winterfell had been an interesting one, for the first time in years he had set eyes upon his friend and had been completely stunned at what he had seen. Robert was no longer the warrior of his youth, instead he had become a gluttonous man who indulged his passions to the extreme and seemed to be paying for them. The king seemed to make more delight in his mistress, who Ned did not know really, but he knew to be wary of her, than he did his own wife or children. Though Prince Joffrey seemed to be a decent lad, and Princess Myrcella seemed charming, Prince Tommen, well he was just there as it were, a quiet lad who did nothing of note. The king's bastard children by his mistress were more prominent as well, spoiled and pampered, their father paid them more attention than he did his trueborn children, and that was something Ned felt very nervous about, that never ended well, they had the Blackfyre rebellions as proof of that. Of course such things were not really worth thinking about, considering why Ned had come south anyway. Robert and his family would not last long on the throne.
Now that Lyanna's son knew the truth about his parentage, things were coming to a head quite quickly for the Baratheons. Ned was doing what he could to keep the Baratheons off of his back, but it was difficult, there were many and more who kept an eye on him, being as Robert considered him his closest companion that that was still the case despite their years apart, said something. It said that Robert had never truly grown up, and was still living within a childish fantasy. Of course, Lyanna's son knew about his parentage now, and seemed to have been handling it quite well considering the circumstances. The boy was quite calm and composed regardless of what situation he was in, and yet this news, this news had not really unsettled him, it was almost as if he had always known somewhere deep down, and given the visions the boy had, that did not surprise Ned one bit. He worried of course, he worried that things might spiral out of control, and he knew his father had been trying to do something similar to what Ned was now doing, but that had ended badly for his father and his brother and they had paid the price. Ned was determined to not end up the same, though he had a feeling that there might be some inevitability in it.
Still, he had a job to do, and there was not enough time to begin fretting over possible situations now. Not when he had a council and a kingdom to run. Taking a deep breath, he looks at the room before him and asks. "What word has there been from the city? How are the people responding to this damnable tourney?"
Janos Slynt, Lord Commander of the City Watch, a most detestable man and one that Ned does not trust speaks then. "The general populous are treating the tourney as just another moment of business my lord hand. It is those who are coming to the city from elsewhere who are causing the problems. They are getting into fights with each other and the people from King's Landing, and calling it their right as visitors."
"What makes them think that what they are doing is the right thing? If this was anywhere else they would not dare." Ned states.
"They claim that they have guest right considering the things that you ordered done when they entered the city, and as such cannot be stopped unless the king or the hand orders it themselves." Slynt responds.
Ned sighs then, he had introduced the guest right principle, to make people feel more secure, and he had not thought it would turn them unruly. Taking a piece of paper from the table he quickly writes out an order, and then signs it and hands it to Slynt. "Take this and twenty of my men, and go about proclaiming that the hand of the king has asked these people to stop their lawlessness at once."
The man takes the paper and pockets it, whether or not it will see the light of day or not, Ned does not know. "And if they do not respond well to this, what then my lord hand?" the man asks.
Ned looks at him intently and then responds. "You shall make them see the wisdom in responding properly to this order Lord Janos, otherwise we might need to speak privately ourselves."
He sees Slynt bristle then, but he has clearly heard the dismissal in Ned's tone for he stands and bows before turning and walking out of the council chamber. Once he is gone, silence falls on the hall for a moment before Littlefinger speaks. "A most bold move that my lord hand, subtly intimidating to Slynt what might happens if he should fail. The Queen might have something to say about that, after all Slynt is her man."
Ned looks at Baelish, he does not trust the man, has not trusted him since he arrived here, Baelish is far too calm and far too confident for a man of his rank, there is something else going on within that man's mind, and Ned wants to know what it is, his own spies within King's Landing have not found much more of note on the man, beyond what Ned knew already. Taking a deep breath he merely responds. "Let her come to the council and report her grievance then. It is not of my concern whom Slynt complains to so long as he does his job."
Renly Baratheon, the master of laws speaks then. "I quite agree, I think it is time enough that Slynt was removed from the post he has held so greedily. He has done nothing but accept bribes and other forms of payment for looking the other way for too long now."
Ned looks at the young Baratheon Lord of Storm's End, it is strange this man reminds Ned more of Robert when he was young than the crown prince does, he does not know what it is about him, but there is most definitely something there, and it is unnerving. Baelish speaks then. "How interesting that you would suddenly say that my lord Baratheon, when it was you who spoke most fervently for Slynt when Jon Arryn spoke of removing him."
Ned looks at Renly then, and sees the man laugh where Robert would thunder. "Ah, but you see my lord Baelish, when Lord Arryn propose we remove Janos Slynt from the position he now currently holds, there was no one who could replace him. However, now that some time has passed, a person has come about that might be better suited to the role."
Ned looks at the Lord of Storm's End intrigued, wondering who the man might suggest now. Baelish clearly seems interested as well, for he asks. "And who might that be my lord?"
There is a moment of silence and then Renly speaks. "Ser Garlan Tyrell, he is a young man with good skills in fighting and communication. He is known to the people of King's Landing and is known to the city watch, but not so well known that he will overlook their flaws. He has the benefit of coming to the role with fresh eyes, and not jaded by years within the city watch."
"And he has the benefit of being the brother to Ser Loras, who is your own sworn sword is he not?" Lord Baelish asks.
Before Renly can speak, Ned does. "I shall consider him as a replacement, but first we must ensure that Janos Slynt does something completely worthy of removal. Right now he has done nothing openly that would deserve him being stripped of his rank and punished."
"I do not think he will do anything that would make him seem unworthy of his post, at least in the open my lord hand." Renly says. "He is too experienced now, to make such a blatant display of corruption. You would either have to force his hand, and therefore risk reveal yourself, or you would need him to confess, and I do not think either of those things are preferable."
Ned goes to ask the man what he means and then stops himself. He looks at Grand Maester Pycelle, a man he knows is loyal to Cersei, and as such might well be listening in on all of this with a keen interest. He looks as if he is sleeping, but Ned has his doubts. "Maester Pycelle, tell me what do you make of this issue?" Ned asks loudly.
The man's eyes snap open then. "Huh? What? Sorry?" the man mumbles.
Ned hides a smile, and asks once more. "We were discussing the issue of Janos Slynt, and whether or not he should be removed from the position he currently holds within the City Watch, I wanted to know what you make of it."
Ned expects the man to begin uttering some nonsense defending Slynt, and yet is surprised when the man responds. "I believe he should be removed my lord hand."
Ned looks at him a moment and then asks. "Okay, and why is that?"
"He is corrupt and is doing things that would shame his predecessor, and as such he is doing more to harm the reputation of the king and the queen and the royal family than is truly good. The people might not respect him and they might well consider all of this law business a sham. We need someone who would bring honour and dignity back to the role." Pycelle responds.
Pycelle is speaking sense, and that is more than enough to make Ned suspicious. "And who would you suggest be his replacement?"
A moment's silence and then. "I would suggest Ser Jacelyn Bywater, he has been part of the City Watch for some eight years, and is a proven solider. He is loyal to a fault and would do the role with honour and justice."
Ned knows vaguely of Bywater, knows that he fought in the Greyjoy rebellion and was knighted for his efforts, the fact that Pycelle is suggesting him though makes Ned wonder why he is being suggested, what thing is there that makes Pycelle trust him. Ned cannot help but remember that it was Pycelle who allowed the gates of King's Landing to be opened during the sack, he cannot forget it, and he cannot forget the one thing he knows about the man, it disturbs him, and so he considers what the man says and then responds. "An interesting suggestion, you do not think that someone from outside of the watch could do well?"
Pycelle shakes his head. "I do not think that would be wise. A man from outside the watch would require time to get to know the men he would command and where the ropes are. A man from the watch already knows these things and is known to his fellow officers. It makes sense that Bywater be the replacement."
Ned considers this a moment and then asks. "And how would you suggest removing Slynt from his office?"
There is a moment's silence and then Pycelle speaks once more. "I would put something before him, something that would make it very difficult for Slynt to say no. The man likes money above all, and if one were to set him up that way, he would fall hard."
Pycelle speaks with such conviction that he cannot help but be surprised by it. "An interesting suggestion and one I shall take time to consider. Now, then, what other issues are there for us to discuss? The realm's finances, how much will this damned tourney put us into debt?"
Baelish speaks then. "Around another million dragons my lord hand. The king is offering a very large prize for the winner, and then there is the cost of hosting all of these people and paying for cover for things. The Iron Bank is beginning to ask questions."
Ned takes a deep breath, he had been deeply surprised to learn of the extent of debt that the crown was in, some seven million dragons in debt, and after Aerys had left Robert a full treasury, things were becoming somewhat worrying, he knew he would need to clear off the debt before his nephew came to the throne, and yet, he was hesitant to use funds from Winterfell. He knew well what had happened when the last hand of the king had used his own money to pay off the iron bank, and though Robert was not Aerys, he was a proud man. Taking a deep breath once more, he asks. "And how much are we expecting the city to make with the increase in trade from the tourney?"
There is a moment's silence and then Littlefinger speaks. "Around three hundred thousand dragons with the trade and the stalls that will be set up as well as those who are paying for entry into the jousting."
Ned runs a hand through his hair, he knows that is nowhere near enough, and knowing Robert, that money might well be gone before the moon is over. "Very well, is there anywhere else we might be able to get the funds from to repay the iron bank?"
Baelish takes a moment to consider and then responds. "Unless you are willing to increase taxes on the lords and the common man, I think things might remain stagnant my lord hand. Trade prices are fixed due to the act Lord Arryn put into place some three moons before his death, unless you wish to overturn it?"
Ned considers this, he knows some of what Jon had put into place, the trade prices had been soaring for some time, and there were merchants complaining of a lack of flexibility and so Jon had fixed them at around half a groat for every one item sold on board a ship, and one star for every item sold on land. It had done little to overwrite the debt the throne had accumulated, but Ned knew that the traders within and without Westeros had appreciated it. Now he knew times were desperate, they needed the funds, and they needed these loans cleared. Looking at Baelish he asks. "How much is owed to the Iron Bank?"
"Around three million dragons my lord hand." Baelish responds.
"Around?" Ned asks quirking an eyebrow. "You do not know specifically?"
Baelish grins and looks at the books before him. "I would say three million dragons. And they are wondering if the throne might be able to pay it before the year ends."
Ned takes a deep breath. "Begin looking around, speaking to the merchants Lord Baelish and ask them how they would feel about a small rise in the price of trading here, and elsewhere."
"Do you have any specific figures in mind my lord hand?" Baelish asks.
Ned shakes his head. "No, but keep in mind what the current figures are and see whether or not these traders would be willing to shoulder a slight increase."
The man nods. "Very well my lord hand I shall do as you ask, but bear in mind that there might be some who question the logic in this. Especially, when the lords might not feel the burden."
"I will keep that in mind my lord, thank you." Ned says. He then turns his attention to Varys. "Now, what word do you have for me Lord Varys? Have your little birds brought anything of note to your attention?"
Ned does not know what to make of the eunuch, some of the conversations he has had with the man- and they are not that numerous to begin with- have been somewhat ambiguous, and as such Ned finds it hard to figure out just where the man's loyalties lie. The eunuch takes his time to speak but when he does his voice is soft and melodic. "Well my lord hand, I have news to report from across the narrow sea. It would seem that the Tiger party has come to power within Volantis amidst a wave of fervour for more war amongst the people. The current leading triarch in Volantis is one Malequo Maegyr, and my little birds tell me he is looking toward removing the other triarchs and becoming king himself."
Ned is surprised by this, he knows little of Volanteene politics, but he does know that the elephant party has always dominated their political activities due to the need to ensure peace, after the bleeding years. That a tiger is now the leading member of the triarch, well that is something. Looking at the eunuch he asks. "And how likely is he to succeed?"
The eunuch titters then. "Well, I would think quite likely, the people of Volantis it would seem are tired of being told what to do by merchants who have grown fat off of bribes. There is a feeling within Volantis, a need to reclaim their pride, their history if you will. And it seems that they will want to make moves for that."
"And of course Braavos would be worried about such a thing, considering Volantis was the military stand post for the Valyrian Empire when it still stood. That is why they want their loans repaid urgently." Ned says looking at Baelish. "See what you can get out of the Braavosi man you know and see whether or not he will negotiate for a more favourable settlement."
Baelish smiles then looking at Ned and asks. "What are you thinking my lord hand?"
"It is time that we dictated the terms, not these Essosi men and women with their odd ways." Ned says thinking quickly. "Send word to Braavos and to Volantis let us see who is more willing to listen to the throne, for we have the might of seven kingdoms, and they are just cities. Disorganised cities." And soon we shall have dragons as well.
If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com