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29.62% Winter's Promise / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Winter Rose

Bab 16: Chapter 16: Winter Rose

2nd Month of 298 A.C. Winterfell

Lady Sansa Stark

Winterfell, where the walls were warmer than they had any right to be, where the sun was white and pure. It was a strange experience knowing that within the week she would be leaving the only home she had known for the place deep in the south that her father did not quite like. Oh her father might say what he wanted about it, but deep down Sansa knew he was not really looking forward to going back south, he had only been down twice, and both times were for war. Sansa, did not think her father wanted to go, but he would go, he saw it as his duty to go, and her father always did his duty. There was another reason she suspected for her father wanting go south as well, but she was not sure what it was- well that was not completely true, she somewhat knows but has never dared confront it herself-. Her mother was anxious, there were things that Sansa and her mother shared, and Sansa knew her mother was anxious about her father, as well as herself and Bran going south, but there was nothing she could do. As she had done throughout Sansa's childhood, she would be supportive and ensure they were well prepared. Robb, Robb was a young man, married and with a babe on the way, her brother had always been her closest companion and she was sad to be leaving him, but happy for him as well. Bran, well her mischievous brother was coming with her, and she was happy for that, she got on the best with Bran, and she looked forward to making some mischief with him on the journey south. Arya, she and Arya had an interesting relationship, and that was better left unsaid. Rickon was a babe, and Jon, gods Jon, she did not know what to think, it was better she did not think of that.

The royal party was quite something as well. King Robert, was not the man that she had grown up hearing tales of. He was fat and a drunk, he seemed almost determined to drink himself into an early grave, and that was something Sansa was half convinced was because of the fact her Aunt Lyanna had died. The Queen seemed to be courteous but nothing more, it was almost as if she could not wait to leave Winterfell and return to King's Landing, something Sansa could understand slightly but still found insulting. Prince Joffrey, was a completely different matter though. He had the black hair of his father and the green eyes of his mother, and was quite handsome, quite handsome indeed. He was charming as well, he knew how to say all the right things, and he was quite sweet in a way as well, he was the perfect prince, and when Sansa looked at his mother and father, she wondered, she wondered what he was trying to make up for. Princess Myrcella had become a good friend as well, during the course of the royal visit, she was nice, and smart as well, and Sansa quite liked the calming influence she seemed to have over Arya. Prince Tommen was merely there, Sansa felt sorry for him, he was not like his brother, did not shine so bright, nor was he as smart as his sister.

It seemed that this was quite the interesting topic of conversation as well for her group of friends, with Wylla leading the charge. "Well, personally I think there is something there about Prince Tommen, I hope you do not mind me saying so Princess, but has he always been so quiet?"

Sansa looks at the princess, who looks almost like a younger version of her mother, but sweeter and kinder. The princess takes a moment to respond before saying. "He has yes. Tommen is a sweet boy, but he is quite shy. It takes him time to open up and speak to people. Though, he does seem quite fond of you my lady Arya."

Sansa sees Arya blush then, knowing as she does, the fondness her sister bears for their cousin. "Well, he is a nice boy. He is quite kind." Arya mutters.

Sansa speaks then. "Tell us Princess, is it true what we have heard? Was Robert Arryn courting you before you came here? I do not mean to pry, it is just that, it is quite strange to know Cousin Robert is so active."

The room goes silent then, and Sansa looks at the princess, she does not seem surprised by Sansa's question, despite how well covered this question is, Sansa had to dig quite deep to find any hint of it. The Princess is silent a moment before responding well naturedly. "Well, yes he was courting me. Your cousin can be quite charming when he wants to be. It's just that his mother tends to try and keep him overly protected. She is quite nervous about some things, poor dear."

Can you blame her, with your mother being as she was. Sansa thinks, aloud she merely says. "I see, well what did you make of his suite? Would you consider it?"

The princess looks at her long and hard then, and Sansa wonders if she is trying to see into her very soul. A long time passes, and then eventually, the princess responds. "I would consider it yes. Lord Robert, is a kind and caring young man, and a friend of mine. But I do think his interest lies elsewhere."

"Oh?" Sansa asks surprised. "And where do you think it lies?"

The princess is silent once more before she responds. "With my cousin, Lady Shireen. It seems, the two took a liking to one another, when Lord Robert's father served as hand."

Sansa considers this and then responds. "How very interesting. Now, enough of my prying. Wylla, what more have you learned about that little incident a couple of days ago?"

It takes her friend a moment to remember just what it is Sansa is referring to, but when she does, she grins. "Oh quite a lot my lady, quite a lot."

"If I might ask, what are you referring to?" Princess Myrcella asks.

"Of course, forgive me princess." Sansa says. "After that little incident with Domeric and the serving girl, I had Wylla look into it. You see that serving girl caught my attention and I wanted to know why. Wylla please do go on."

Wylla nods and continues. "Well, it seems after that little incident between Domeric and the serving girl, Domeric left to go to the godswood, where he spent a bit of time in prayer, and then he returned to his room. However, the serving girl did something most unusual, instead of reporting to Mistress Serena, as you would expect, she ventured out to a deeper part of the godswood and spent a lot of time there, speaking to a hooded figure."

"A hooded figure?" Sansa asks. "Did you hear what was said?"

Wylla nods. "They were talking about Domeric, I know they were, they kept referring to the pale horse, and well Dom's horse is pale. And the serving girl was saying that she had managed to get the pale horse to where they wanted him. That he was bound to talk soon enough, she just needed a little more time."

"A little more time for what?" Arya asks.

"I don't know, they did not specify that, but it seems to be something important, something very important." Wylla responds.

"And what makes you think that?" Sansa asks, looking at Wylla, but also keeping an eye on the princess from out of the corner of her eye, and noting that the princess seems to be most interested in this.

"Because of the manner in which they were both speaking. They were talking very urgently, and people only speak that urgently when they are trying not to get caught discussing something they really should not be. And these two people were speaking very quickly. I only caught the barest snatches of their proper conversation. And what I did get was somewhat worrying." Wylla says.

Sansa looks at her friend then and asks. "What was it you heard?" she is not sure why she is asking so much in front of the princess, but the girl is to be her sister soon enough, and she wants to show the daughter of Cersei Lannister what it is she can do, not everything, not yet, but enough.

Wylla looks at her then, and she looks terrified. "It seems, the thing with Dom, the little incident was just the beginning. It seems that there is more planned, a lot more. It seems the girl is going to be there again under a different name, with different hair, and she is going to be planning something big. This is at the leaving feast, by the way. It seems the girl wants to make a statement."

Sansa feels nervous now, her nerves are growing the more she listens to this and thinks about it, the farewell feast is only in two days' time, what could be going on then? Princess Myrcella speaks then her voice calm. "How sure, that is what they meant? After all, it could be they were referring to something else. We often hear things we wish to hear."

The room goes deathly quiet at that, Sansa knows what the princess means, hells even Wylla will know what the princess means, sometimes Wylla can be quite wilful and will make things more dramatic because she wants to, and however, stating that to her face, is not exactly the smartest thing. Wylla, looks as if she wants to slap the princess, and for a moment Sansa fears she will, and yet the girl responds calmly. "I know what I heard, and that is what I heard."

Sansa looks at Wylla and says softly. "I believe you Wylla." she pauses a moment and then looks at the room at large. "So what do you think this thing could be that they are planning?"

"Well if that girl is getting involved, no doubt she means to create a scene. Will she go for Domeric, or will it be someone else? Jon perhaps?" Arya asks.

Sansa feels a twinge there, but she ignores it. "I do not think she will do that, it would be too obvious. No whatever it is they have planned, it will be more subtle. Far more subtle."

Alys Karstark speaks then. "Do you think that it might be something a bit more secretive, a slip in someone's drink, a whisper here, a word there? God's above know that there is going to be enough tension within the room with so many lords present. Bolton no doubt will make some sort of remark. I know my father will."

"Your father is still bitter about that road being cut off from going near his favourite hunting spot?" Sansa asks incredulously.

"Aye, that, and the fact that Harrion was not invited back to Winterfell. Any reasonable man would understand that after Harrion did what he did he could not come back, but not my father." Alys responds.

Sansa shivers slightly, thinking about Harrion Karstark still gives her nightmares, the man had been so very strong, and the other one, well he was not here now. "Still, Lord Rickard is not a man to give into petty jealousy surely?"

Alys laughs. "Oh Sansa, you have met my father, you know what he is like. Of course he is."

Sansa sees the interested look on Myrcella's face and smiles to herself. Good, start thinking you are learning things. "Still to get so offended now is a bit pointless. I can see why, but I do not agree with it."

"Oh most definitely my lady, still there are some things that my father clings to, and this is one of them." Alys responds.

There is a moment's silence and then Jorelle Mormont speaks. "I think there might be something we have overlooked."

Sansa looks at Jorelle Mormont, the girl does not often speak, but when she does she says sense. She is quite the beauty, with her long brown hair and green eyes, and long face, she looks beautiful, and Sansa feels a bit of jealousy flash through her, she knows Jon has been speaking with Jory. "And what do you think we have overlooked Jory?" she asks.

"I think we have overlooked the fact that they might have said all of this to make us think something is going to happen. It all seems too convenient does it not? Wylla hearing what was said, it is almost as if whoever was speaking with the serving girl knew such a thing would happen." Jorelle says.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Sansa asks.

"Wait and see. If we make a move now, then we might scare them off, if we wait, we can learn a few things." Jorelle replies. It is a reasonable suggestion, and one that Sansa knows she can do, she has been waiting a long time for something else after all.

"Alright then, we shall wait, and for now that is us my ladies, princess. Till next time." Sansa says, curtseying before the princess, before holding the door open for them all to leave. Once they are all gone, Sansa whistles to Lady and then walks out of the room. She walks in silence, from the room toward the courtyard where Prince Joffrey is waiting for her, accompanied by Sandor Clegane-brother of the Mountain that Rides- and Ser Meryn Trant of the Kingsguard.

Sansa curtseys before the prince. "Ah Lady Sansa, you look very beautiful today." the prince says.

Sansa smiles. "Thank you my prince, you look most handsome yourself today."

The prince smiles and extends his arm to her. "Well, shall we begin my lady?" Sansa takes his arm and walks with him, there is a comfortable silence between them, not like what there was with Jon, or whatever it is he is called nowadays, she does not know. And she allows herself to enjoy her time with him. The prince eventually breaks the silence, asking. "Are you looking forward to coming to King's Landing?"

Sansa nods. "Most definitely my prince. It seems to be a very intriguing place, and of course, I will get to spend more time with you, so that is always quite good."

The prince looks at her briefly, and Sansa detects a hint of pride in that. "Is there anything you wish to know about King's Landing before we leave? I know that you have read about it, but reading about a place is not the same as being there."

Sansa considers this thought for a moment and then asks. "What is it actually like? The Red Keep I mean. I know that it is supposed to be quite big and intimidating, at least my father has said it is. But what is it like?"

"It is an interesting place, there are a lot of things one can learn from the Red Keep my lady. It is filled with history, and as my uncle Tyrion is so fond of saying, when there is a place such as that, you would be a fool to not look through it all." the prince replies.

"I see." Sansa responds. He sounds so like Jon when he talks like that.

"There is a room within the Red Keep where my father has kept the dragon skulls, and other things. It is quite an interesting room, there is much one can learn from the writings of the past." the prince says.

"Oh? And who have you discovered that you like? Marwyn? Perestan? Kendal?" Sansa asks curiously.

"Perestan is an interesting man," the prince says. "He claims that there are things within the ground that would make Westeros a very prosperous nation. He was burned by King Aegon the Unworthy for that claim, for the man thought it would take away the crown's own wealth. He also thought that there was a father of dragons."

"You mean, that the legend about the sun and the moon might have some basis in truth?" Sansa asks interested, that is something she has always been interested in.

"I think there might be, at least if you believe Perestan. Kendal completely dismisses his thinking, stating there is not one single piece of evidence on such a thing ever existing. And that even then, the Targaryen dragons might well have been things that were created somewhere else." the prince responds.

"How can you create something like a dragon? That just goes against everything Barth writes about as well as Marwyn, and that man is a veritable expert on such things." Sansa responds.

"Kendal argues that the Targaryens had some control over the fires that the alchemist guilds used, and that that is how they created the dragons. Through long hard hours spend toiling over a forge. The dragons did not appear, they were made. Just like he claims we were." the prince responds.

"But weren't his claims on that latter about disproven by Marwyn as well? I thought there was something about it written down in Marwyn's latest book?" Sansa responds. "Surely you do not believe such heresy my prince?"

"Oh rest assured, I most surely do not. I merely think that we should be more open to finding out more about where we come from. The first men especially is an area that fascinates me." the prince responds.

"Oh, and why is that my prince?" Sansa asks.

The prince stops then and looks at her, really looks at her, and there is an intensity in his expression that startles her. "Because I found something in the library at King's Landing that suggests that there was two types of first men, one who came from the east, and one who came from the north. And it is the one who came from the north that created your house my lady."

"What is this book called?" Sansa asks her heart rate quickening, images of a girl and the words, the words of a lie echo through her head.

"The Truths of Wintertown by Maester Pereceon." the prince responds. Sansa feels as though she is going to faint, no this can't be true.

DravenShadefall DravenShadefall

If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com

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