All-In-One flinched and took a step back. He could see Henry's face clearly, which was not pleasurable sight. He looked like a demon who had just crawled out of the pits of hell. The teeth were rotting, eyes dark, and face muscles twitching like someone was pulling them apart.
"T-This is bad. The legacy has completely taken over!" This was the first time for him. He'd heard rumors of legacies taking over their carriers' bodies, but he treated it as a rumor.
It could only happen if the legacy were malicious and the carrier weak-willed.
"Hehehehe." Henry suddenly laughed and lunged forwards. He raised his knife and stabbed it towards All-In-One's chest!
"?!" All-In-One immediately reacted with his excellent battle senses. He extended his hand, touched Henry's chest with the tip of his fingers, and suddenly clenched it into a fist!
"One-Inch Punch!"
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