It had immediately made her flustered because it should be well known how much power the student Council has. They are so powerful they can stretch their hands to each other's businesses. As long as a student has the capital, it can be enlarged or confiscated depending on their power. The student council, as far as she is aware of has always been led by a president who held power outside of the school.
For her, she thinks this is a terrible thing simply because Jah Di'ordi will then become more and more out of reach.
Wenn Diana still remembered that time she had tried to frame the young Di'ordi and had failed. If it had not been for their family being ranked lower than theirs at that time, would she be in the situation she is presently in?
Would she have to struggle so hard?
To be like her, that is her secret wish only.
If she had to be labelled as a wicked girl. That is ok. For the one she adored since young, she had no problem.
When writing this chapter I had to cringe and roll my eyes over and over. Sigh, characters like this for me are so... It was hard. Really hard.
Anyway guys I hope you like it. I will try to upload a chapter later since I missed the deadline today.