Warning: This is a story about suicide,r*pe, health problems (obesity mostly), bullying, death and abuse. Viewer discretion is advised.
**Everyday and all my life I've been bullied non-stop. People ask me "why I don't stick up for myself or speak up?", but it's hard to do that when no one listens to what you have to say. **
Unknown:" MOVE YOU F*CKING PIG!!!"
*pushes Nara*
**I just only wished people would maybe show some empathy for me... maybe give me a break, a week without being bullied and picked on... Honestly it sounds like paradise and totally unrealistic. I can't even have lunch in peace.**
Jake: " Hey, Narry-Bear!"
*hugs Nara*
Nara: " Ugh, stop it, it's annoying!" *playfully pushes hands off*
Jake: " What's wrong with showing love?"
*sits on bench next to Nara*
**Jake is my best friend, also my only friend. We made a pac to never leave each other's side and to always protect each other.**
Nara: " There is a difference between love and annoyance!"
Jake: " Not in my definition!"
Unknown: " YOU F*CKING DORKS!!"
[Two people empty garbage can with trash on Nara and Jake's head]
Jake: *sighs and stands up* " YOU F*CKING B*TC--"
Nara: " Don't... You'll get hurt!" Jack: " But I'm so sick of this bullsh*t, everyday the same sh*t happens, but we do nothing!" Nara:" But what can we do... We're weak compare to everyone else!" Jack: "... I know!" *sits down* "Hey, do you have anything planned Friday?"
Nara:" No,why?"
Jack: " I wanna take you somewhere!!" *walks off*
Nara:" Ok, where are you taking me?"
Jake: " We're almost there, be patient!"
[After walking 20 minutes, we arrived at a gym.]
Jake: " We're here!!!"
Nara: " You're took me to a gym?"
Jake: "Come on, don't you wanna start a change, with enough work we can both lose weight and become more stronger!"
Nara:" I-I don't know... I mean people are gonna look at us and I don't think we can--... Oh why not, let's go in!"
Jake: "Thank you!"
[We entered the building and there was a lot of people.]
Jake: " Hello sir, I'd like to make two membership passes, please!!"
Employee: "Sure thing, that'll be 49.28!!!"
Jake:*gives $50*
Employee:" Will that be all?"
*gives change*
Jake: " I'd actually like two energy smoothies, One blueberry and Strawberry explosion!"
Employee: "Okie dokie, give me 5 minutes!"
Nara:"Thank you Jake!"
Jake:" No problem, let's go!!"
*hands smoothie*
**After 1 hour of torture, we had finally finished working out, from cardio to jumping jacks and surprisingly no one was mean to us.**
Jake: " That was fun,high five?" *raises hand*
Nara: "High five!!"
*hits hand*
Jake:"Are you up to going with me every week?"
Nara:"E-Every week?"
Jake:"Come on, please!!!"
* gives card*
*takes card*
"Thank you for today, Jake you really are a great friend!"
*stops walking*
Nara: "Jake?"
Jake:" Oh-Sorry, haha thanks, you too!!"
*continues walking*
**That...was weird.**
Nara: " Bye then!"
Jake: "See you at school!"
**I honestly wasn't expecting going to a gym, but I mean I'm honestly happy he took me, although today I feel a little sore.**
Nara:"Come here Ryan~"
*picks up snake*
"I love you~"
**Snakes are so adorable.**
Grandma: "Hey, dinners ready!"
Nara:"Ok, thank you!"
*puts Ryan in cage*
**Sometimes I just wish I could talk to you grandma and tell you what's going on in my life, but I know you already have so much to worry about.**
Nara: "Jake, us both memberships for gym, we went yesterday!!"
Grandma: "You know, I really don't like that young man, something about him makes me feel uneasy..."
*Hands Nara a plate*
Nara:"But Granny, he isn't so bad when you get to know him, he said he was gonna help us get in shape and--"
Grandma: "Your perfect the way you are my cutie pie, why would you wanna change?"
Nara:" You know how our family is, diabetes runs in our family and I don't wanna have to go through that!"
Grandma:"... Any decision you make at the end of the day is your owns, but you don't get diabetes by having a little meat on your bones!"
Grandma:" But please watch out for that young man!"
Nara:" K, Granny, I will!"
Grandma:" Good, now let's eat!"