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12.5% We Are... Carnage / Chapter 1: -~<|¦It Started With A "Hello"¦|>~-
We Are... Carnage We Are... Carnage original

We Are... Carnage

Penulis: JazmineShyly

© WebNovel

Bab 1: -~<|¦It Started With A "Hello"¦|>~-

-~<|¦It Started With A Hello¦|>~-











^~Ear rape

"*Smiles* This!"

^~Action while talking



|3rd Person's POV|

|Date: November 24, 2002|

S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ was a place many didn't know off. S.H.I.E.L.D, the organization itself, isn't even known to the public. With only a set of people allowed to have such knowledge about the place. This organization often operates as much as a covert agency as a quasi-military one.

And currently, in the medical bay, many agents, people of S.H.I.E.L.D, were running around it wearing your typical lab coats paired with surgical masks.

Currently, these agents were acting as doctors and nurses, because the present situation required them. Though, there wouldn't be much of a problem as agents were required to have the rudimentary skills in the medicine course, as their job is highly life-threatening at times.

Then, while the agents were running around, a female would now and then let out a shout of pain.

Going to one of the beds prepared for patients, the source of the shouts lay there, many agents attending to her as she had a hard time holding in her yelling.

She was like this, because she was in labor. For nine whole months, she's carried a child in her womb, and now was the time for it to be birthed.

The woman, was a beautiful gal with sweat covered caramel skin paired with a curvaceous figure, her short, blonde hair laid sprawled on the pillow, her gorgeous face scrunched up from the pain. Then, with her unique, ruby red eyes, she glared at the figure beside her.

It was another woman, this time with fair skin and a rather petite figure, her short, brunette hair fluttered as she heaved for air from the pain she felt in her hand. With her cute face similarly scrunched up in pain, she eyed at the woman crushing her hand with her ocean blue orbs.

These two were a couple, married for 1 year now. Though their partnership were hated by many, they made it through with the help of their fellow agents and boss.

Lyla Smile was the blonde woman, currently in labor, and the wife in the relationship, and the other was Daniel Smile, was the husband in the relationship and also the one having her hand crushed by her wife.

You would probably question how one of them got pregnant when they were both females, no, none of them went and had a man impregnate the other, but rather, they just had a sperm donner. Though they specifically asked the person for the sperm, and not going to a sperm bank.

It was rather awkward for them to ask, as they went for their own boss' sperm. Their boss luckily agreed, since the two were eager to have a child that came from the person they both admired.

Then, their boss, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., was inside the med bay with them, watching over the situation. He was still considered as the child's father, even though officially the child's "father" would be Daniel.

He himself has a child, but he had to tearfully cut his connection with them as to not have any of his enemies hunting them down. Fury was already happy that he had the right to name his child, his daughter, Michelle, and had been secretly watching over them.

Even if people would immediately say that Fury was a cold, cold and heartless man, he was still a human with emotions, even if they were locked away for the good of the people.

And now, back to the lesbian couple, it has been over 4 hours since Lyla had gone to labor, and finally, she and her "husband" let out a sigh of relief as they listened to the cries of their newborn baby!

The nurse, who was a friend of theirs, was elated as she wiped away the blood off the baby, excited to hand it over to its mother. However, it would be bad to call the baby it, as it was now confirmed to be a girl!

Now, with the baby wrapped up in a blanket, the nurse gently handed her over to Lyla. And Lyla, still surprisingly having energy after such a long time, gingerly accepted the baby in her arms.

Hugging the baby affectionately, Lyla had tears in her eyes as she looked at her baby's gem like eyes, similar to hers, but from the small tuff of hair on her head, she could tell that it came from Fury, as no one in her family had any other natural hair color other than golden blonde. However, it was great to know that her baby's hair at least resembled Daniel's, so that she would have something to remind her when she(the baby) grows up and they(the parents) have to leave her to fend for her own.

Then, with Danial not being able to keep her excitement to herself, she hugged Lyla from behind, making sure to add their daughter in her embrace. It was quite a surprise that their daughter had a fair skin tone, but they did remember that Lyla herself used to have fair skin. She just forgot after having tanned skin for most of her life.

Daniel: "Well ain't she just adorable."

With an adoring smile, she gently caressed her daughter's head, the child herself falling into a deep slumber, as any other newborn would do.

Lyla: "That she is."

Agreeing with her "husband", Lyla smiled lovingly at the two. Behind her Daniel, her "husband", and in her arms was their daughter.

Daniel: "Hehe. We have a daughter. We have a daughter. Hehehe!"

Hearing her "husband" being giddy and all, Lyla rolled her eyes and lightly, or rather, weakly knocked her on the head.

Daniel: "Hey! What was that for!"

Rolling her eyes once more, Lyla huffed as she peeped at her daughter.

Lyla: "Shut up. She's about to sleep."

Hearing this, Daniel slightly panicked as she realized something. Lightly shaking Lyla's back, she catched her attention, but Daniel had to receive the brunt of Lyla's glare.

Lyla: "What!?"

She whisper-shouted, not wanting to disturb the baby that was still slowly succumbing to sleep.

Daniel: "Her name! Let her hear her name!"

Lyla was quite irritated, their daughter needed to sleep, but she thought that it was best to appease her "husband", this was supposed to be one of the best days of their lives. She didn't want to be a grouch and just complied with Daniel.

Lyla: "Then...be well, Freyja."

Then, as if understanding what was going on, the baby, now named Freyja, slightly widened her droopy eyes, and gave her parents a dazzling smile. The parents, surprised as they were, returned their daughter's smile.

Having watched this display since the beginning, Fury, as cold as he was, let out a small smile, his eyes showing a hint of nostalgia, before disappearing and being replaced with his usual calmness. Walking up to the couple, Fury nodded as he caught the attention of the three, the baby only tilting her head slightly, her eyes now barely open.

Fury: "Congratulations, agents Daniel, Lyla. And hello, little Smile. Welcome to this god forsaken planet of ours. Hopefully, you get to live a normal life."

With his piece having been said, Fury left in a hurry, afraid that he'd grow attached to the child. He still didn't get why he agreed to being their sperm donner.

Then, Freyja, finally giving herself into unconscious, slept for the first time since she was birthed.


|Location: Unknown|

|Date: January 21, 2009|

|3rd Person's POV|

In a space filled only with darkness, a muffled shout rang inside the darkness. Then, with the sound of a flick, the darkness disappeared as the inside of a warehouse replaced it.

Though, it didn't look like an ordinary warehouse, as there were many tools used for torture hanging around, and on a wall, there was a symbol of a skull sprouting six tentacles from its mouth. This is the symbol of HYDRA, an organization, or rather, a cult that was made since ancient times by an Inhuman, with its purpose being world domination.

Then, in the middle of the warehouse, were five figures. Two stood tall and imposing, while three were tied to chairs, all of them separated from each other.

The three who were tied were all women, one of them just being a girl not older than 7. The child was the farthest from the other two people who were tied, while said people were closer, and was facing the child.

All three were sweaty, tired, and bloody. Especially the child. Though there were no visible harm inflicted on the child's face, her body was a different story.

You could see all the injuries inflicted on her, as she was currently naked, her blood dried and stuck to her skin.

Then, while the child was mercilessly cut, slashed, and stabbed, the two women were visibly fairing better than the child, but through their dull eyes, anyone can tell that they weren't okay, mentally.

These three were the Smile family. Daniel Smile, Lyla Smile, and Freyja Smile.

The two women were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., with important roles at that, knowing more than the normal agent would, making them a great target for information by HYDRA.

Normally, agents like them wouldn't be easily kidnapped, but both of them had a weakness. Their daughter.

Having wished for their daughter to have a normal life, they had her sent to a normal school, rather than homeschooling her in secret, as an agent's child would be used as leverage, like this. Even being in a relationship was highly discouraged by S.H.I.E.L.D..

And now, with Freyja having been found out by HYDRA, its higher ups sent out a mission to abduct the child, then used her to lure out her parents. Then, with Lyla and Daniel, failing to cut off their emotions, recklessly followed HYDRA's orders, not even bothering to contact their director, Fury, leading them to what's happening right now.

It has been a week since the abduction, and during that week, Freyja, the poor child, was tortured in front of her parents for information.

Lyla and Daniel, relenting at first, didn't say anything even as they watched their daughter being cut up in front of them, but after three days, they gave up, not wanting their daughter to keep on shouting their names as she was being maimed. And somehow, Freyja still had her limbs intact, and was still alive.

Lyla and Daniel, having watched their child's pain, were mentally broken. How couldn't they? They watched how their daughter bled, and they couldn't do a thing about it except by spouting the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D., and they kept on repeating the wails of their daughter in their mind.

Then, the two other figures, were two women, HYDRA's best at gathering information through torture. They knew what they needed to do in any situation, and they never failed. Either through pain, or pleasure filled with pain.

And they know when someone's lying or not, and that's why Daniel and Lyla failed to give the two false information.

For the first three days, they had a hard time, Daniel and Lyla were loyal, even when their child was close to death in front of them, they had to respect that kind of loyalty, as they were the same to their cult. But, they still found a way for them to talk.

The parents finally relented when they tried raping the child. Once they heard their plan, the two agents immediately spilled everything, much to their displeasure, as the two were rather curious about raping the child, which they ultimately did on the seventh day, when the parents refused to say anything else.

The two sickeningly enjoyed hearing the child and parent's please for them to stop. For the whole day they used every toys and skills in their arsenal on the child, breaking the child completely. And the parents only silently cried, going as far as wishing for the three to die.

And now, with everything taken out of the two agents, the HYDRA women finally completed their mission, giving a bit of hope to the broken parents, yet it was immediately destroyed as the heard how they'd take Freyja with them, treating her like a toy. It seems that the two turned into pedophiles after their time with Freyja, and the two were quite possessive, having said that Freyja would forever be only theirs.

With nothing else to do, the women from HYDRA prepared to leave, all the information they now know all with them in an encoded script. Obviously, these two weren't the only people from HYDRA, there were more outside, acting as guards.

The reason why there were only a small amount of HYDRA personnel here was because most of them were set as a distraction for S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, what they didn't know was that, Fury, still feeling a connection with Freyja, was hell-bent on finding her after just an hour of her abduction. Since he wouldn't be authorized by the council to send everyone to search for one child, Fury used the pretense of wanting to stop two of his agents from leaking out confidential information.

And finally, after nearly a week, they found their location in a abandoned warehouse in Cambridge after dispatching an army of agents to fight against the HYDRA distraction.

Now, everything was ready.

Fury had his men situated around the warehouse, meters away from the HYDRA guards' eyesight. Because of their lack of people, HYDRA couldn't cover up much ground around the warehouse, and with the help of the dark night, S.H.I.E.L.D was able to slowly creep in undetected.

There was only one way leading to the warehouse, as behind it and on its right was a body of water, and its left was covered with a forest. HYDRA didn't seem to have used any kind of water transport, but the possibility of having a submarine was still there. Though if they did, their own submarine would intercept it.

Fury situated himself on the only road to the warehouse, looking cool as always with his cloak fluttering with the wind, his single eye looking over the warehouse.


|???'s POV|

???: "Where am I?"

Looking around, I didn't see those people wearing those white clothes anymore. I just wanted a can of soda, so how did I get lost?

I thought about walking back the same way I got in here and try to find my way out, but before I could, I heard a sound.


Curious as to what it was, I looked to my left, where I heard the sound come from. There was a door there, just like the doors I've passed by before.

Moving my gaze higher, I saw the letter and number, "F-610" and beside the door, I saw something written in cursive. I was able to make out "Smile", but a doctor's handwriting is really hard to read.

Shaking my head, I decided to leave it, but I heard another thud. Now I was slightly worried.

Gulping down a mouthful of saliva, I opened the door, and surprisingly, it wasn't locked.

Slowly, I opened the door, and once it was fully opened, I entered the room carefully, not sure about what I would find out.

Creeping as silently as I could, I passed the small hallway, and froze the moment I peeked around the corner.

Under the foot of the bed, I saw the cutest girl ever. With long, raven black hair, small, cute frame, a doll like face, and beautiful red eyes, staring at mine, all I could ever say, was,

???: "Hello."

|Word count: 2,643+4|

[A/N: I know it's confusing, but that's the point. Everything will be explained on the next chapter.

As for the content, I didn't really like adding the pedophilia and rape, it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, but it's for the plot.

This would be my first try on a dark genre, but it still has romance and lewdness, just with angst, depression, and self-harm.

Hope that this would peek your interest.]

next chapter
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