"First of all… the thing I'm most curious about is how this even works," I muttered under my breath while picking myself up.
I briskly brushed the dirt off of my pants and shirt and walked down the bustling streets of this now-thriving trading center.
"Okay… it should work like this… I'm assuming…"
I stretched my finger out, pointing and touching both of the skills I wanted to fuse together. But, it didn't seem that easy as nothing really happened as soon as I slid my finger across both skills.
Still, I had no directions meaning I had to figure this all out by myself, but to be honest, I felt I had already grasped it, and as I stretched out both of my fingers, a slight smirk appeared on my face.
My left and right index fingers touched both of the skills I wanted to fuse, most likely making me look like a crazy person, but if I could fuse both of these skills together… then that would be way too overpowered.