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100% Wandering the Dead Roads(REBOOTING WITH SAME NAME) / Chapter 32: We will return

Bab 32: We will return

『Recommendation: Leave this world to its fate you've completed the hardest world mission. Staying to deal with Shepherd yourself could lead to the world becoming dust, 890,903,700,402 years early.』

Reading this I think everything over as I stare at it, before stabbing Alucard into the Museum floor. The living goo creature of undeath spreads throughout the museum eating and drinking the remains. That the inside probably looks like a creepy living black watery flesh wall.

『Alucard: Loyalty 1000/1000』

『Living weapon - Alucard, is now binding to your soul.』

"Hey since your being chatty, is it possible to return? Cause I want to murder Shepherd eventually."

『Entity Laura can act as a dimensional anchor as she exist in multiple dimensions. Making returning a possibility but you will pay a heavy price. As once you leave your considered dead, returning means to revive and die 48hrs later. As you cannot stay permanently once you return.』

"Okay then, you know who I want contracted so please do it."

『Contract formed with Glacial Chimera, Origin updating.... Origin updated. Entity Glacial is now apart of the Byakko mythos.』

"Kill me ya fucker!"

『World Road initiated.』

Seeing that message my wounds which had begun to heal or healed reopened. Feeling it all suddenly just burst forth once more caused my body to rapidly shut down. My blood painting the hallway I am in as my equipment was damaged once more. My health became a zero like that as my soul was ripped from my dying carcass. An arrow flew somewhere piercing the back of my head causing it to whiplash into the floor.

Seeing myself die like that and feeling the pain just having flooded my body. Makes me realize if I begin world travel and haven't died for real just yet, I'll be forcibly killed by the world road. Looking around the world breaks down then rapidly reforms showing me Glacial and Myriad. They're with some of the children when they began hacking up blood. Startling the children causing them to run away screaming when Laura appears.

She looks at the two dying girls then her eyes snap to my form. She raises an eyebrow but I just shrug and decide to fill her in on the situation.

"Completed a world mission and i was recommended to leave or I'll kill everything. Well eventually will when I go to fight Shepherd who's no longer really human. However, I can return just your the return point, and I'll die once more after forty-eight hours."

She tilted her head at me a bit before smirking as she eyed me. Her words, just felt so wrong but oddly right to me, that I chuckled a little crazily with a snort.

"A return point huh? Guess I am a damn good reason. But 48 hours? That's enough to jump your bones and leave a lasting mark for poor little me. But I'll see you soon again anyways after all myths are everywhere, believe in us and we exist."

She made this so damn awkward but easy to handle that I couldn't help laughing. I wheezed a bit as I bent over just feeling her smug smirk on her face. A minute later I stood straight again as the two girls died after coughing more blood up. Looking at Laura I did a finger gun at her as the world and her rapidly turned to dust.

Now the three of us stood on a bridge of pure light, leading to nowhere yet. But as we stepped forward a notification popped up. Reading it I smirked figuring out the cause as an "RPG Character Sheet" appeared. The title of the character sheet being "Create your Guardian of Light" meaning Destiny universe. Fiddling with it I looked at my new character status screen with interest.

『 Name: Kaiser Lockheart Chimera

Race: High Lich/EXO, Age: 30, Height: 6'12, Weight: 800

Faction: Abandoned Dregs

Titles: Colonel, Squad Leader, Fort Chronicle, Executioner, Trader, Trainer, Legendary Survivor, Grim Reaper, Myths Husband, Vanguard Guardian, Regicide, Myth Killer, Only Human


Active Jobs: Warlock: 50, Hunter: 99, Necromancer: 800, Technomancer: 80

Passive Jobs: Soldier: Max, Combat Medic: 410, Fearless: 90

lvl- 1 0/1


HP: 60,000 Armor: 89,940,000 Mana: 60,000,000

Str: 800, Def: 40,000, Agi: 2,000, Con: 4,000, Cha: 1,000, Dex: 5,600, Wis: 2000, Int: 3,012, luck: 2,000, Ki: 8,900

Points: 0, Money: $50,000,000


Active: Stealth- active lvl max, Observe- active lvl 700, Observe- active lvl 700, Assassination- active lvl 400, Mythology Contract - active lvl max, Ki Manipulation - active lvl max, Thermal Vision - active lvl max, Transmutation - active lvl max, Negotiating- active lvl 440, Torture - active lvl 150

Mixed: Thief- active/passive lvl max, Technician- active/passive lvl max, Doctor- active/passive lvl 700, Regicide - passive lvl 5, Genocide - passive/active lvl 20, Limit Break - passive/active lvl 100, Nature Attunement - active/passive lvl max, Encampment - active/passive lvl 500, Technomancer - active/passive lvl God, Necromancer(EX)- active/passive lvl god,

Spells (Say the spell category then the name):

Styx: Half of All Life - active lvl 180, Necro Throwing Knives - active lvl 14, Deaths Gaze - active lvl 0, Death Touch - active lvl 0, Life Sense - active lvl 0, Damned Whispers - active lvl 0, Styx River - active lvl 0, Death Scythe - active lvl 0


Life: Protect - active lvl 0, Heal Bullet - active lvl 0, Gift - active lvl 0


Purgatory: Judgement - active lvl 0, Karma  - active lvl 0, Isolation - active lvl 0, Divine Guardian - active lvl 0, Horsemen - active lvl 0


Hell: Damnation - active lvl 0, Wrath - active lvl 0, Lust - active lvl 0, Pride - active lvl 0, Sloth - active lvl 0, Greed - active lvl 0, Gluttony - active lvl 0, Envy - active lvl 0


Passive: Gamer's Mind- passive lvl max, Gamer's Body- passive lvl max, Appearance Default- Passive lvl max, CQC- passive lvl 299, leadership- passive lvl 999, Marksmanship- passive lvl 890, Blade Mastery- passive lvl 789, Blunt Mastery- passive lvl 900, Spy- passive lvl max, Psychosis- passive lvl 806, PTSD- passive lvl 819, Soldier- passive lvl max,  Builder- passive lvl 940, Multi-Lingual- passive lvl 940, Point Gain Efficiency- Passive lvl max, Han Xiao's Machine Knowledge- passive lvl max (EX), Ki Sensing - passive lvl 700, Twitch Chat - passive lvl 204, Night Vision - passive lvl max, Danger Prediction - passive lvl EX, Chimera-Nomicon - passive lvl ???


Weapons: Prototype PMR30 railgun (handgun), M16A2 rifle, Dawn Blade (long sword (6ft long), quarterstaff, Grenades (60,000,000), Molotov's (30,000), Night Sky Saber, Below Zero Katana, Combat Knife, Power Fist Gloves, .150 cal sniper, Implosion Grenade (50,000), Death Hazard, Alucard,

Ammo: 20,000 - .22 magnum, 39,000 - 5.56, 100,000 - .357 Magnum, 90,000 - .50 cal, 10,000,000 - .150 cal

Tools: Thieves tools, Varying Tech Tools, Guitar, Black Oni Mask, Waker Control Drone (999), Death Merchant, SHIVA Core

Clothes: Barghest leather Fedora, Chimeradite metallic thread trench coat duster w/ chimeradite reinforced platings, Barghest fur thread black tank top, Chimeradite breast plate with neck protector, Masterwork EXO Rebreather Gas Mask, Barghest fur thread bpack combat pants, Chimeradite Knee and shin guards, Chimeradite full plate steel toed boots』

I knew what Half of All Life, and Necro Throwing Knives do but not the rest. So I looked up there information.

『Deaths Gaze - active lvl 0: Locking eyes with the target your eyes emit the presence of death. All targets who see your eyes drop lifeless instantly.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Eye contact』

『Death Touch - active lvl 0: Grabbing a hold of a creature you siphon their life as yours. If they don't have much life they instantly die.

Mana Use: 1, RoE: Touch』

『Life Sense - active lvl 0: Sense the life energy of anything living or dead. The dead will have a black life force, the living a green one.

Mans Use: 20, RoE: 600ft』

『Damned Whispers - active lvl 0: Summon forth the whispers of resentment from the damned in the Styx River. This mental attack causes random effects that can stack.

Mana Use: 300, RoE: 40ft cone』

『Styx River - active lvl 0: Summon the Styx River itself as a method of travel. All those who try to follow you on this journey without permission get dragged into the damned river.

Mana Use: 40, RoE: Point to point from your location and a memory of your destination』

『Death Scythe - active lvl 0: Summon the original scythe of Death to use in battle. If you cut a cut target, even the tiniest of pricking from this scythe will kill their limbs or organs. A full body lethal cut results in the one cut becoming a skeleton then dust.』

『Protect - active lvl 0: Cause a shield of white golden light to materialize and absorb a lethal blow.

Mana Use: 100, RoE: Line of Sight』

『Heal Bullet - active lvl 0: A white gold Smith & Weston magnum revolver is summoned. Six shots of bullets worth 100k health points are loaded in the cylinders. They heal and mend the target shot by these bullets.

Mana Use: 60, RoE: 50ft』

『Gift - active lvl 0: Gift an ally a random boon regarding their speciality or trade.

Mana Use: 40, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Judgement - active lvl 0: All with your sight who are of friend or foe shall be judged. Those deemed innocent by a white thunder gain a 60% boost to their main specialty for 4 hours. Those stricken by a black thunder suffer a 80% debuff to their power for four days!

Mana Use: 1200, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Karma - active lvl 0: The scales of deeds weighs and decides the targets fate. A ghostly scale held by a blind folded angel appears. The targets good deeds versus their bad deeds decides their fate. If the scale leans towards the right for good they gain a gift. If the scale leans left for bad they are executed. If it is perfectly balanced nothing happens. During this all the target can not move or be harmed.

Mana Use: 5000, RoE; Line of Sight』

『 Isolation - active lvl 0: Banish a target to a space for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, or all of eternity based on the amount of power used. Those banished cannot interact with any plane; they now live only as a ghost. Once released they appear in their original spot.

Mana Use: 200, RoE: Line of Sight 』

『 Divine Guardian - active lvl 0: Summon a guardian or guardians to protect a set area, or targets. They shall protect that area and those you deem as protection targets till their dying breath.

Mana Use: 40,000,000, RoE: 600 mile radius』

『 Horsemen - active lvl 0: Bring upon the horsemen of the end against those in your way. War's Great Sword, cost 1000 mana, wreath the battle field in hells flames. Death's Flute, cost 56,000 mana, play the tune of death killing friend and foe, Famine's Flask, cost 7000 mana, A single drop of this liquor causes a famine or disease to torment enemies, Conquest's Whip, cost 5000 mana, whip your foes into submission and into servitude of a suicide pact.』

『 Damnation - active lvl 0: Those with black souls are not worth redemption, off to damnation with them!

Mana use: 60, RoE: Line of Sight 』

『 Wrath - active lvl 0: Trigger the sin of Wrath to cause a target to self destruct in rage.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Lust - active lvl 0: Trigger the sin of Lust to cause a target to fall to their carnal urges. Death comes once the target has been in this state for more than six hours.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Pride - active lvl 0: Trigger the sin of Pride to cause a target to become to prideful. They will underestimate everything while slowly weakening every four seconds by 4%.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Sloth - active lvl 0: Trigger the sin of Sloth to cause a target to become lazy enough to fall asleep. If the target has a intelligence lower than 50, upon sleeping they succumb to death.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Greed - active lvl 0: Trigger the sin of Greed on a target, they shall covet everything. Causing friendly fire and dying for every item of greed acquired.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Gluttony - active lvl 0: Trigger the sin of Gluttony on a target, they shall cannibalize themself or nearby creatures.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Line of Sight』

『 Envy - active lvl 0: Trigger the sin of Envy on a target, causes their jealousy to slowly build up till their organs and blood vessels rupture.

Mana Use: 600, RoE: Line of Sight』

They Honestly weren't that bad, just need to combo them right and stuff. With that all done and read over I looked over my companions before we once more walked the world road.

next chapter
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