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25% Vaewolf / Chapter 1: 1 - A Boring Life, A Quick Death
Vaewolf Vaewolf original


Penulis: Sorrest

© WebNovel

Bab 1: 1 - A Boring Life, A Quick Death

"Good job today, have a good night!"

"You too!"

I walk out from the office building I work at. I'm a graphic designer working in a relatively small city in the U.S... As much as I like graphic design, I don't really get fulfillment out of doing it. It's not like my coworkers are bad, I just don't really like the work.

I guess I just have depression. Nothing seems to really interest me anymore. Any time I'm not working I'm just at home laying in bed reading. I love fantasy stories. Magic has always fascinated me. At one point, I tried doing one of those techniques to gather mana I'd read in one of my webnovels. Obviously, it did absolutely nothing and I looked and felt like an absolute idiot, but it was still fun to try nonetheless.

As I'm walking home, I get the feeling that I'm being watched. I turn around and see a weird looking man following me.

I calmly grab my phone and start calling 911.

[911, what's your emergency?]

"Hey Leslie! I'm walking towards your house, right now I'm on Kenton Avenue, do you think you could come and get me?"

I say that very audibly, then under my breath whisper,

"Someone is following me."

[I understand, ma'am. I'll have help on the way.]

I stay on the phone with them for a good five minutes and then I see a police car driving by.

"Yeah, Leslie, I think you went too far, you might have to turn around."

At this point I'm scared beyond belief so I'm shaking quite a bit. I keep my eyes on the police and notice them turn around. The guy following me seems to have as well as he starts walking away from me. The police turn their lights on and pull next to me.

"Are you the one who called?"

"Yeah, I am thank you so much!"

After that I went through the long and boring process of reporting this and thanking them profusely. The officer offers to give me a ride back home which I obviously accept.


The next day, I'm on my way to work when I get that same feeling again. I look behind me again and see that same man but with an absolutely insane look on his face. He notices that I see him and starts chasing me, ignoring the multiple witnesses around us. I start running away from him and yelling "HELP!" but everyone around me just tries to get out of the way! As the man starts to catch up, a young man, an older man, and two younger women start chasing him. I look back for a few seconds which is obviously a bad thing to do as I trip over some idiot kid who didn't notice the woman running and screaming for her life. The guy jumps on top of me and immediately stabs me in the neck, chest, and arms before getting pulled off and beaten unconscious by the group of people around me. One of the women is apparently a nurse who looks at the wound on my neck and gets an obvious look of "oh fuck" on her face. She tries to reassure me that I'll be okay but I know what he cut. I immediately begin to lose consciousness.

He cut my carotid artery.


Fuck… I guess it's my time to go… I hope I'm reincarnated as something super fucking strong…

[Request confirmed: Generating a body that is "super fucking strong."]

Heh. This is just like one of those books I read…

[Request confirmed: Title: Bookmaster, has been achieved.]


I wanna be able to use magic without limits.

[Request confirmed: Attempting to gain access to magic without limits…]


[Requesting again…]



[Changing request to Title: "Unlimited Magical Potential"…]



I wanna be immortal.

[Request confirmed: Granting Title: Immortal.]

I wanna keep my memories.

[Confirmed, memories will be kept after reincarnation.]

Pain nullification too please.

[Pain nullification granted.]

I want to have access to every book imaginable.

[Attempting to grant Skill: Encyclopedia of Dimensions.]


[Changing request to: Encyclopedia of The Universe.]


[Changing request to: Encyclopedia of The World…]


[Changing request to: Evolving Encyclopedia…]



Make me beautiful.

[Confirmed: Granting Title: Beautiful.]

Heh… I guess that's it… Only other thing I could think to ask for would be godhood but I doubt I can get that…

[Request confirmed: Attempting to grant Title: Goddess.]


[Changing request to Title: Potential for Godhood…]


[Contacting Administrator…]

[Granted under one stipulation. User must be sent to a high class world as ascending to godhood in a low class world with her granted skills will be too simple.]

[Confirmed. Sending user to High Class World: Nastal.]

… You're kidding me…

After that, I black out and experience what I can only assume is death. It's surprisingly comfortable. Like being held in the arms of a loved one. I guess the description: "Death's sweet embrace" isn't too far off. Soon after though, I feel as though I'm on the most extreme roller coaster imaginable, with the wind turning into blades that could cut my face up, and the twists and turns being so extreme that all of my blood would rush to my head. I begin to see a light in front of me, which is weird because I'm pretty certain I can't see anything right now. I rush towards the light against my will and eventually crash into it, waking up and immediately vomiting a reddish-brown liquid up.

"Ugh… Fuck."

I roll over onto my back and see a horrible sight. It seems like I was reincarnated into the middle of a battlefield… Well, the battle is already over, but the amount of corpses lying on the ground is ridiculous. There's thousands of different corpses, with most of them being people in suits of silvery plate armor, similar to what knights would wear in the late medieval period. The other few were people in suits of a dark red color, more similar to fantasy medieval plate armor, with spikes coming off the shoulders and giant elf-like metal ears coming from the side of the mask.

"What the actual fuck…"

The people in the red armor seem to all have one thing in common, they all have wooden poles plunged through their chest, slightly left of the center. I look down at my own chest and see something shocking… I also have a wooden stake in my heart… But it's also plated with silver at the tip… I may not be the smartest person alive, but I can put 2 and 2 together and at least get 3…

"I'm…. A vampire?"

No… that's not right, if I was a vampire I'd be turning to ash right now since the sun is literally directly above me. So, using my gamer knowledge, I finally get 4 in this equation and say:


In a blinding flash of light, an interface appears in front of me.


[Name: Luna Nova Phantasma]

[Race: Half-Vampire Half-Lycanthrope (Lesser Vaewolf)]


[Evolution Status: 1 / 10]

[Age: 10]

[Bloodline: Royal Mix-Blood]

[Active Title: Royal Mix-Blooded Princess, +5]

[Power LVL: 274]

[Active Skills:]

[Blood Manipulation: Manipulate the blood of yourself and others. Dependent on the strength of being you are using it on.]

[Blood Absorption: You can absorb the blood of other beings to gain some of their skills and stats. Limited to beings of the same class or lower.]

[Bloodline Transfer: You can transfer a diluted form of your own bloodline to any intelligent being. Not used to create thralls, used to create full-fledged vampires. Vampires created by you will be nearly impossible to corrupt and will never grow stronger than you.]

[Blood Weapon: Create weapons out of your own blood. Not much else to say.]

[Thrall Enslavement: You can transfer an extremely diluted form of your bloodline to any intelligent being. Used to create thralls. Thralls will never have any thoughts of betrayal.]

[Vampire Lord Transformation: Transforms your body into the form of a Primal Vampire Lord. Double all Magical stats and grants 25% more physical stats. Duration: 10 minutes.]

[Royal Werebat Transformation: Transforms your body into a Royal Werebat. Doubles all physical stats and grants 25% more magical stats. Duration: 10 minutes.]

[Lycanthropic Strength: Increase your strength by upwards of 50%. Duration: 1 hour.]

[Blood Bank: A storage for blood to be used with the skill, blood manipulation.]

[Bloodlust: You lose yourself to your thirst and go on a bloodthirsty rampage. While in this state, you completely lose control of your body only stopping when you consume 30 gallons of blood. You will attack anything nearby, enemy or ally. All stats are doubled.]

[Passive Skills:]

[Inventory: Storage.]

[Moonborne: Under the light of the moon, your power is doubled.]

[Super Regeneration: you regenerate at a speed 1000x faster than an average human.]

[Sun Immunity: You are immune to the sun.]

[Pain Nullification: Pain up to a certain threshold is completely nullified.]

[Evolving Encyclopedia: You have knowledge of every living being you speak to. Can be utilized by saying "Analyze" or requesting information on certain things.]

[Super Fucking Strong Body: your body is "super fucking strong" being way more capable than the average human. Effect: Power level increases are quadrupled.]


'Nice! I'm pretty strong! At least that's what my skills tell me (Literally)! So, since I'm in the middle of a giant, bloody, disgusting battlefield, can I use blood absorption?'

[No, the blood in this area is far too old to be absorbed.]

A mechanical feminine voice sounds in my head, answering my question for me.

'Damn… How old is it?'

[It is about 10 days old.]

'So this body has been dead for ten days? No wonder I feel so stiff.'

As I stand up my bones start to make cracking sounds as if I'm popping every single one of them at the same time. It feels quite good honestly, if you take away how disgusting it sounds. I also pull out the wooden silver-tipped stake to which the system prompts me to store it in the inventory. I go over to one of the bodies in red and say:


[Showing simplified status board. This is the only time this message will pop up.]


[Name: Rudgerd del'Toya]

[Race: Vampire's Thrall]

[Class: Lesser]


[Bloodline: Thrallhood]

[Active title: Thrall]

[Power LVL: 50]

[HP: 0 / 50]


"Damn. I guess I am pretty tough. Hey, could you take the status of one of the strongest vampires and show it to me?"



[Name: Eldo Entra Phantasma]

[Race: Royal Vampire]

[Class: Legendary]

[Age: 274]

[Bloodline: Pure-Blooded Royal, +24]

[Active title: Vampiric Queen, +2]

[Power LVL: 235000]

[HP: 22 / 235000]


Holy shit, ok I'm not as OP as I was thinking… Hey, what about the strongest person from the other side?


[Name: Leo Veta Romeo de Kraxis]

[Race: Divine High Human]

[Class: Legendary]

[Age: 205]

[Bloodline: Demi-Angel]

[Active title: Hero of Kraxis, +58]

[Power LVL: 225000]

[HP: 0 / 225000]


Holy fuck! I'm in the middle of the hero's battle! System! Is there any type of like, legendary weapon or something nearby?

[Yes, the holy spear of Kraxis is here, as well as the cursed sword of Phantasma. If you are going to take one, I recommend the cursed sword of Phantasma as the holy spear will probably turn you into ash.]

Ah right, vampires and holy shit don't really go together. Lead me to the cursed one!

After about five minutes of walking, I come upon a large amount of corpses, so much so that I could barely keep going without stepping on one. As I get closer to the sword, the amount keeps going up as I'm now constantly stepping on them. Eventually, I reach the sword, and the sight was… Interesting… To say the least.

The Queen and the hero both have a weapon impaled through their chests. The hero is very clearly dead, while the Queen is still moving slightly clutching the area where the spear pierced while wincing in pain every now and then.

I have to admit, even though I felt nothing walking through a bunch of dead bodies, seeing such a beautiful lady struggling and dying hurts my heart a little.

Apparently, she sensed me coming and looked over at me. Seeing me, she smiles and says:

"Thank the gods… My baby is okay…"

I walk over to the hero and see a handsome young man with a black great sword pierced through his chest. I reach out for it, and as if it has a mind of its own it flies towards me and cuts my hand, absorbing my blood.

[Blood pact attempted.]

[Failed. Requirements: Power Level of at least 100,000]

"Well damn. I can still use it like a regular sword though, right?"


I walk over to the struggling woman and give her an apologetic smile. She looks at me and smiles with tears in her eyes and says:

"I love you honey."

I lift up the greatsword and say back:

"I love you too mom."

Before thrusting the sword down into her heart, killing her instantly.

I'm shocked by the fact that I just killed someone and I feel absolutely no remorse for it. However; this feeling only lasts for a second as I look at the holy spear. I bring the blade of the cursed sword towards it and a message pops up in front of me:

[It is possible to curse the Holy spear of Kraxis if you weaken its durability enough.]

Honestly, I wasn't expecting this. I was expecting the sword to, like, eat the spear like a cool monster sword but instead, I'll be able to get another weapon!

"How long will that take?"

[If you were to keep swinging non-stop it would take approximately 215 years to weaken it enough.]

"Yeah, no, fuck that. Just store it."

As I say that, the spear gets sucked into a miniature black hole.

I look at the body of the Queen and use blood absorption, which pulls up another screen:

[Cannot absorb the blood of higher class beings.]

"I figured that, can you give me a rundown on the classes of beings?"

[Starting from the weakest: Lesser, Normal, Great, Grand, Legendary, Mythical, Divine. The rest is unknown to me.]

"I'm pretty low on the food-chain huh? I noticed there isn't a levelling system, do I get stronger like a certain slime would?"

[If you are referring to the individual surnamed Tempest, you would be slightly correct. As a vampire, you get stronger by ingesting the blood of other beings instead of their "Magicules" as they would. If you were to be able to absorb the blood from this battlefield, you would instantly be upgraded to Grand class; however, all of the blood here has dried up and the magicules inside of it have dissipated long ago. Generally, you will want to take blood directly from living beings, or recently deceased beings. You also cannot ingest the blood of beings of a higher class than you.]

"Dang, that was pretty informative. You should be the owner of a channel that teaches people how to mod games so I could actually figure it out!"

[That is due to the skill: Evolving Encyclopedia. It has given me the knowledge of every living being you come into contact with.]

"Kinda like a certain slime's skill huh?"


"I guess I should get out of here before someone comes for the bodies that are here."

After going around to each body and searching them for food, money, weapons, and other stuff, I head off into the forest.


AN: i had part of this story written a while ago, so im just gonna post what i've written.

Sorrest Sorrest

Hopefully I don't fall off the face of the Earth again! I was just frustrated about my other stories I had going on and I've been busy since I just graduated college! Hopefully this one sticks!

next chapter
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