/ Fantasy / Universe Engine
Lu is born with a dream and passion to create, but died without accomplishing it. watch Lu as he executes his dream and passion after death.
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Tulis ulasanIam the exp of my sowrd. Webnovel is my body, and exp is my blood. I have created over a thousand useless reviews. Unknown to death, nor know to life. Have withstood pain to create many reviews. Yet, those hands will never hold anything. So as i pray... Unlimted exp works!
Very good lot i like it Hehehehdueisndorieiebndkfirjrnfnd Xbchchdjdbfjfjtreiosjxhdhd he ieoekdjhdhdhdjdjdjcjdoskdjfjdjdidjdjdj Bebeiejdjrhehdhdhdyhsisiekdidududududueuejdud
Penulis Sitouo
super good I hope it's not dropped🙁🙁🙁