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50% Universal Heartstrings / Chapter 1: Breath of Life
Universal Heartstrings Universal Heartstrings original

Universal Heartstrings

Penulis: Saena_bun

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Breath of Life

I began this road of my own volition. At least, that's what I tried to tell myself from reading the situation.  

Afflictions with myself as I was given the choice to pick and chose my path. I chose… I…

It's me and myself in time at a point where it didn't make sense. I saw myself as truly being alive when I saw the pictures of a younger me with a different set of eyes. Holding tight, the edge of an unfamiliar picture frame as my broken eyes strained back at mine in the glass reflection. Nothing but sad and cold stretched across my face as I wore my feelings in a pitch black box locked away somewhere inside.

Different, yet, distant was my mind as I tried but, failed to make sense of where I sat or who I was...

In the center of a hospital bed from what the nice, lady doctor explained. I was caught within a thread for my life as my other self, I shouted from inside.

With a clear gaze, I breathe as I stare at the door and wonder… "Who were they? "

Lost in space as I raced to catch up to my time while distracted by the other self my left inside. For my diagnosis according to the doctor was, Amnesia after following a life long Coma...

With little to determine if I was who I was yesterday, I sat down with a look alike as unfamiliar faces claiming to be my mother and father. One held a nasty look of pain and stress, while the other held a gentle and broken smile as she looked to need the bed more than I.

Hugged by my father, he called me a amazing as he shouted at my fortunate life as his child. His words fell on eager ears, or rather, someone else's as I neither remembered them as familiar nor any comfort in the words they spoke. Stressed, he mimicked the same symptoms as the doctor did as his shaken hand resembled my own.

I believed to be involved in an accident. Correct, my mother claimed my accident was a year ago. Being told I was in a coma all that time with little chance of waking up. More or less as the doctor put it as I held a mirror to address who's mask I wore. I felt empty as the air around me, sounded like comfort, but carried with it nothingness.

I'll be ready to head home in a week as I was advised by the doctor. Stuck in a hospital where injured patients reside for care, I bide my time in silence. Calculating my feelings as numbers and identifying which deserved to stay and which to bottle away. Not finding this task difficult as I felt a sort of sting as if it seemed what my body was already doing.

With a white scale to replace my lost memories, I see a candle, lightly lit while enveloped in pitch black. To open my eyes was a surprise that awaited me as I had communicated with the owner. Lightly feeling and unlocking every door, I brought in light with me as I searched and found the small candle in the darkened room. Illuminated, I find a starving child with the same dark brown eyes and smile as I crouched to extend my hand. As time passed, his body became mor full.

"Hello… you must be the original owner of this temple. Temple; a place of worship and praise to otherworldly beings or entity. "

Turning to his fragile body, I stared as he tilted his head and stretched himself to reveal his boy as it had begun filling out. Standing still, he stood with a cold chill as my gaze began to fight his unwavering gaze. He was danger, howbewr, how could I attack the rightful owner of this vessel.

"Who are you? " was all he could manage as he coldly waited for me to speak.

"I do not know… I was woken up by strangers… Stranger; unfamiliar or new face you know nothing about… "

Turning his gaze to a door behind him, he pointed and asked if I created it. Not sure how to take his response, I walked to the door and look back as if I hoped to find something. Closing my eyes, I open them to find the same hospital room while I laid in the same bed.

Had I woken from a dream or had I fallen into one, I sat up unconsciously as before. However, I felt more in control as my mind had a sharpness it didn't before. Clear images as if I had yet to close my eyes and look away, flashed and stayed in my mind as I called them. Conjuring memories from the first sight, I saw all those who came by an wondered, who was I.

Surprised by what my first words were as a vague image was irrelevant as my heart remembered a name. "Kiri. "

This was someone's name, a name mostly heard around me over time. I felt a single emotion as it stood out more than most as I thought of the name. It was a sharp sting with a gentle tone as it resonated with my heart.


The following days passed as I closed my eyes to try and open the door from before. Never getting close as if the door was just a painted picture on a wall of black, my mind refused to open it as it ignored my command. Opening my eyes, I found myself in what I was told was my room. Though, its unorganized and disgusting gleam made it difficult to focus on concentrating my mind.

Spending hours cleaning, fixing, and moving over the depressing grime. It took no longer than half a day. While driving out the dirt into the curb, I focused on order and kept everything out of mind when I began to sit still and focus my mind as it was onlynnatrual for me to do.

The room became my temple as I would hold in concert a mental image of the two sides of the same room. My side were sat was clean, fresh, and orderly. The other, was just the same as before I cleaned it thoroughly. As a shared interest in the mind, the door clicked open and as I awoke, the same little boy now sat on his side as we each shared a room.

"Hello again… I have found out what my name is… would you like to know? "

Nodding lightly, I spoke and said the name I was given by the two who brought me here.

"Kiri… Osato. "

Rising his brows, he nodded as we both turn to the air as I awoke from my dream to find a little girl talking about a nightly snack. Introducing myself, the little girl no more than six asked if I was still sick. If she was referring to my present state of mind, I would perceive myself as healthy mentally and physically.

"I'm Nina… You are my older brother. Kiki. "

"Why am I called Kiki? The man and woman said my name was Kiri. Were they wrong, Miss Nina? "

Smiling as Nina let out a slight giggle as if she had found something amusing. Remaining her composure, she implied I was a knight in shining armor. She also implied I was there to marry and protect her when she got older. Turning to my phone, I unconsciously typed, tonight and read a brief description.

"A knight is a man or woman who has sworn theory lives to a King and Queen of a Kingdom… I see. "

"I am a beautiful, Princess that you must protect and some day, we will be married! "

Turning my gaze as I found her smile comforting. Continuing as the woman from earlier came and took her away as Nina pouted and wandered off obediently. Searching more of the phrases Nina used, I understood a grasp of what she meant and took it to heart.


Later that day, I had sowed an image of a rose onto the fabric of my clothes. It was an honor to bare my Lady's seal on my person. Having depicted her red, velvet flower on her shirt, I followed that example and used it as a reference to create her crest. More information gathering was needed as I stared at the door and waited as it read in the description that a knight only acts when he or she is summons dory called upon by his or her Masters.

A long day passed as I saw the change on light outside the room window. Turning as the click to the door opened, Lady Nina's cherry voice echoed from behind. Kneeling as she entered the room, I followed through the drawing from history as knights bowed before their Masters as a sign of respect and honor.

"Welcome back, Lady Nina. "

Stopping a she gasped and asked me if I was still her knight. Looking up and showing her my resolve as I assured her when she saw my crest on my chest where she had yesterday.

"I shall not falter, nor shall I fail in my quest to protect you from harm and bring you countless victories with my sword. "

I then found a silver ruler on the table that was the closest thing to resemble a real sword. Offering it as a sign of my loyalty, she gladly took iron up and bestowed upon me my knighthood, necessary to carry out my duties as her protector.

Afterwards, she had me make a hand down dress and had her display it afterwards as I headed her every command to the best of my ability. Even as I was unable to fulfill her every wish, I admired her forgiving heart as she forgave my incompetence.


Later that night, my lady's mother arrived to escort her back to her room. Bidding my lady farewell with solem gaze, I eagerly awaited for her return the next day. Passing the rest of the night in conversation with the other voice in my mind, we debated on who was right and who was wrong in terms of purpose.

After that, I fought with the boy and ended up losing as he left the room. Giving chase and stopping at the door, I was unable to open not from the inside as I was trapped. Hours passed and as I began cleaning up his side of the room, I picked up the last scrap of trash and turned to the sound of a door unlocking. Setting the bag of trash away, I walked to the door and opened my eyes back in control of my body.

Looking around and seeing myself as I felt my body had grown, I turned to a small room where I unconsciously flopped the light on. Seeing my reflection, I had gotten older as my hair had overgrown my eyes. Looking around, I picked up a pair of silver swords and cut along my hair. As it now short and messy, I felt comfort in this style as I once held it before.

Walking out onto an unfamiliar room, I looked around and found a small sewing kit like before. Hastly adjusting and engraving a red, velvet rose above the heart, I patiently awaited for my lady to return.


Two days had passed and I could feel my strength dwindling as my mouth was parched. Finally, after all that time, I heard her low strung voice as she spoke in a more sensible tone.

"Kiri? I'm coming in… moms nod I are worried you haven't gone to school-"

Kneeling as she neutered the room, I welcomed her as I did before.

"What are you-Y-your hair?!"

Lifting my gaze as I met her darling, brown eyes as they had matured into a young woman's.

"I await your command, Lady Nina. "

"M-Mom! Mom! Her on here! "

As I waited, my vision suddenly began to waver. Suddenly remembering the knighthood she bestowed onto me, as a her knight, I pushed through and hoed my ground. She then took me to the hospital place again and as I rested in a different bed, the woman outside who had aged looked to be arguing with the doctors.

Turning my gaze over to, Lady Nina. I spoke and asked her when we should be we'd as she wanted. A bright, Cherry colored look struck Lady Nina face as she stuttered about what I was talking about. Gathering my strength, I spoke as clearly and firmly as I could.

"It was what you asked of me, My Lady… "

Shaking her head lightly as she repeatedly asked me what I was referring to. Lifting my ark and lowering the blanket, I exposed my chest to reveal her crest. In that moment, she shook her head a she spoke my name incorrectly.

"What does that mean, Kirk?! "

"Kiki… My name is Kiki, My Lady… It is the very same naked you yourself gave me remember. "

Sitting back as I lowered gaze to show her the same resolve as last time. Slowly, she began to discern who I was and only repeated my the name she had given me with a broken tone.  

"Ki-ki? "

"What may I do for you today, Lady Nina. "

Hesitantly standing as she held her hand sober her mouth, she began to get blurry and in seconds, I passed out whilenseing that terribly saddening expression on her face.

Oh… I have made Lady Nina upset. That's unforgivable, I must return to her and right my wrong.

Suddenly looking around the same room split in half by me and the other boy, I heard his voice as it was sharp and hostile.

"Hey! Who are you?! How the hell did I end up here?! Answer me or I'll crack your head open! "

Tilting my head as I wondered if this was truly the same boy from before. His eyes mirrors my own Ina. sense of identity, however, he carried a darkened aura I felt from across the room. As we both turned to the sound of Lady Nina voice, I closed my eyes and opened them up to see the face of Lady Nina.

"Wake up! Damn it! Kiri! Why did you have to go to sleep?! Wake up! Mom misses you, I Miss you! Come Back! N-no! Let me go! He needs to wake up! I can't take it anymore! Let me go! "

My Lady is in trouble, I must help her... I need to protect her.

"D-doctor! H-he's waking up…The boy is waking up! "

Inhaling a gust of wind, I sat up and placed Lady Nina in my arms as I turned to met the gazes of strangers.

"K-Kiri?? "

"My apologies for dozing off, My Lady… I heard your cries and ce back to protect you. "

Shocked to say any more, she suddenly pushed herself off of me as she shook her head saying I was not, Kiri.

"No… I'm Kiki. You yourself named me, Lady Nina. "

Collapsing onto the floor, her tear stricken expression filled me with agony as I wanted to make her stop. Lowering my gaze and starting straight, I them knew what I had to do. Crouching inform of her, I looked as she weeped while hiding her face.

"Lady Nina… If my going away will bring back, Kiri, I shall gladly do so upon your request… Lady Nina. Please, don't cry as it hurts me somehow seeing you in pain. "

As I raised my hand and touched her cheek to wipe her tears, I skilled while I knew her in her dazed state, returning would bring back the other boy… This Kiri she wants back.

"I feel this may be the last time I may get the chance to speak to you My Lady… So I humbly ask you release me of my knighthood… Please, I do not wish to leave with regret in my heart, Lady Nina. Simply nod if you want to see Kiri come back. "

The heart crushing feeling my chest made when her head tilted slightly, made my heart break as it felt she chose someone else over me. Regaining my resolve, I gave her alight ile as I gently leaned in and lightly kissed her on her cheek.  

"Though my time with you may jade been short, I believe the feeling I had for you was one not of admiration, but of love… Know that once I disappear, Kirk will be returned back to you, My lady. In any case, I wish you happiness, Lady Nina… "

Standing up slowly as her hand faded from my grasp. Falling gently, I stood and concentrated my breathing. Within moments, I had grabbed hold of the door and as I opened my eyes to meet Lady Jonas one last time, I was sure she felt my gratitude as my eyes began to blurry. As I closed them, I softly whispered under my breath as I thanked her for everything.



Opening my eyes as I was back in the empty room, I sat and laid down while gathering air into my chest. Holding it in, I looked at the ceiling and recalled Lady Nina's precious and blinding smile as it was deep in my soul. Exhaling a powerful gust of air, I stood back up and walked over to the door. Grabbing onto the handle, I twisted and broke it off using my strength.

Chuckling as I walked back and jumped onto the bed, I lid admiring the doorknob while remembering her smile. Shreds of the room began to disappear slowly. Suddenly, as the darkness ate away at the room, I closed my eyes while holding the piece of the door close to my heart. As the bed was the last to go, I clenched the door knob a if I was holding her smile.

Creeping above me and all around, I became consumed and as I stared into the darkness, I was steadily disappearing until I had only my thoughts and emotions.


As I drifted in nothingness, I focused the image of her old as strongly as I could for forgetting her was worse than losing everything about myself.

Suddenly, in response to my strong attachment and feelings, I awoke to the sound of a beating drum. The closer I heard, the sharper it became as I recognized the rhythm as a heartbeat. Suddenly, the room I once held, turned into an open plane of flowers, hills, and nature ball around as I stood at the base of a large, empty tree.

Turning around, I then saw a wooden door in the center of the field. Walking down to it, I stared as the handle was missing to open the door. Thinking, I then closed my eyes as I held my hand to chest and painfully pulled out the doorknob I had etched, deep into my soul.

Flirting the knob to the door, I suddenly was able to opennot and as I walked into it, I had awoke as my eyes opened and informed of me, were two giant faces looking at me from above.

It then became apparent that something must had happened as I was moving and feeling the world through my skin once again. Unable to find anyone else in my subconscious, I believed the original host of this body, passed away before we got the chance to meet. In memory of the nameless host, I decided to carry on the original soils will and live a health, happy life in its place.

That is… until I realized that this body had a few, differences, from the last one I inhabited.


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