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55.1% Uchiha With the Nine Tails / Chapter 24: The Beginning of the End

Bab 24: The Beginning of the End

Itachi's disappointment lay heavy within him, buried beneath the stoic mask he wore. He had meticulously woven a web of subtle hints warning Jiraiya of the looming danger of Akatsuki over and over again, yet he wasn't here. 

Three weeks ago, when Zetsu informed them about One-Tail, Eight-Tails, and the Nine-Tails' presence in Konoha and the fact that at least two of them will make a public appearance in the final stage of the Chūnin Exams, Itachi knew he had to hurry up.

A week later, Itachi had dispatched a carefully designed cryptic message to inform Jiraiya with everything he needed to know. Yet, Jiraiya's inexplicable absence left him perplexed, a profound sense of confusion marring his usually composed demeanour.

Amidst the frequent echoes of battle that permeated the air, Itachi's thoughts swirled in turmoil, grappling with the enigma of Jiraiya's seemingly misplaced priorities. His expression remained stoic, a façade that masked the intricate interplay of emotions within him—frustration, concern, and a growing sense of urgency to protect Konoha.

"What could possibly be more important than saving Konoha?" he murmured in a low pitch, the words hanging in the air like a lingering question mark. Internally, he wrestled with the puzzle before him, a puzzle that seemed to have pieces he couldn't quite grasp, leaving him searching for answers that remained elusive.

Itachi's mind remained as calm as the surface of a tranquil lake, despite the chaos unfolding around him. He inwardly lamented Jiraiya's absence but pushed aside such concerns; now was not the time for distractions. His indifferent gaze lowered to the ground in front of him, where a bulge formed, heralding Kisame's emergence from beneath the earth.

"You lost the One-Tail," Itachi commented, his tone devoid of emotion, as Kisame emerged from the ground.

Kisame's response was defiant, asserting his ability to capture his prey regardless of any attempt to flee. Facing the Hokage, who stood on top of a pile of golden dust, Kisame unleashed a sinister laughter, his words dripping with malice. "You think we're the ones trapped? We'll see about that."

Itachi knew that damage to Konoha was unavoidable at this point. His focus shifted to minimising the destruction by swiftly neutralising the most potent threats within their midst. His gaze flickered toward Deidara, engrossed in a heated exchange with Sasori. A plan crystallised in Itachi's mind, a calculated move to safeguard his village.

"Deidara, Sasori, go after the One-Tail," Itachi's voice was firm, a command issued without hesitation.

Kisame's refusal erupted, his fury visible at Itachi's previous remark. Itachi turned toward him, his expression calm, a stark contrast to Kisame's rage. "Why?" he inquired, his voice a placid surface amidst the storm.

"Because it's my prey!" Kisame's retort was fierce, a declaration of his territorial claim. Though he screamed his defiance, he remained still, realising that he can do nothing but that. After all, the temporary leader of this six-man Akatsuki group was none other than Itachi himself, and in this moment, his words were absolute.

"You lost him once; you might lose him again. We need you here, and there's only one possible way to escape this barrier," Itachi stated calmly, his finger pointing toward the open sky beyond the confines of the four crimson ray formation. "Deidara can fly. He'll carry Sasori toward Gaara as swiftly as possible."

In this maelstrom of conflict, Itachi stood as a beacon of calculated reason, orchestrating moves with the precision of a grandmaster on a chessboard. Each decision he made was geared toward preserving Konoha, which remained unknown to the rest of his comrades under his cold expression.

"I don't think I need to fly out of here to escape, though."

Amidst the tense battlefield, Itachi, with his usual stoic demeanour, listened as Deidara's voice cut through the tension. He turned toward him, only to see him pointing somewhere.

Itachi turned, his gaze following Deidara's outstretched arm. His eyes narrowed slightly as he observed Kakuzu relentlessly assaulting the barrier with a grim expression, each punch resonating with futile determination. While Hidan, undeterred, counted the strikes with an almost manic enthusiasm, clearly enjoying the spectacle of not a single scratch forming in the wall of the barrier.

The duo's intensity drew the attention of the entire team. Their gazes met, a momentary pause settling over the battlefield as even the formidable Akatsuki members were baffled by the bizarre display. Yet, in the midst of this spectacle, it was Kakuzu's bet with Hidan that left Kakuzu truly unsettled.

Kakuzu, despite his calm demeanour, now wore a serious expression as he locked eyes with Kisame and his sentient sword, Samehada. "Can you break this thing in seven hits or less?" Kakuzu's voice held an unusual mix of respect and gravity, his words carrying a weight that demanded attention.

A gleeful smile stretched across Kisame's face. "Of course," he replied, his confidence unwavering.

"Then do it," Kakuzu commanded, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. The challenge hung in the air, before he started walking towards the barrier, a testament to the tension that permeated the battlefield.

"You think we'd just sit around and watch you do it!!" Hokage, who was gauging his enemies and buying time for the ANBU to come, finally interfered. 

He swiftly created four clones, each releasing a different elemental jutsu, while he himself unleashed a fifth elemental attack. The onslaught was formidable, an array of elemental power converging on Kisame, who prepared to defend himself with Samehada.

Yet, before Kisame could react, Kakuzu appeared before him. "YOU think, I, will lose my money?!" Kakuzu's voice resonated, filled with visceral determination. With a swift motion, he released the four masks from his back, each mask representing a different elemental affinity. The air crackled with energy as Kakuzu's jutsu clashed against the Hokage's onslaught.

Amidst the clash of elements and jutsus, the ground trembled as Samehada, in Kisame's hands, met the chakra-infused barrier. The clash of materials sent shockwaves through the battlefield, and the barrier, though resilient, began to yield Samehada started absorbing the wall's chakra making it thinner with each passing second.

Crack, Crack... 

The sound of splintering chakra echoed as cobwebs of cracks formed on the walls of the cage, a grim testament to the barrier's weakening integrity.

What Hiruzen feared the most came true. He understood the unique property of Samehada—the sword's ability to absorb chakra. The barrier, comprised entirely of chakra, succumbed to the sword's absorption prowess. Hiruzen's desperation seeped into his movements when he attempted to salvage the situation the moment Kisame tried to break the barrier, alas it was too late.

The four crimson ray formation shattered, a rare sight considering its usually impenetrable nature. Despair washed over Hiruzen as the barrier crumbled, leaving Kisame standing tall, a triumphant grin adorning his face. Confidence exuded from Kisame's every pore as he turned his gaze toward Itachi.

"I can go hunt the Ichibi now, can't I?" Kisame's words dripped with assurance, aware that nothing stood in his and his prey's way, not even Itachi.

But Itachi, ever calm and composed, denied Kisame without a hint of hesitation. Kisame's confident smile faltered, replaced by a perplexed frown. "Why?" he questioned, seeking an explanation.

"We need you here; you are the best counter against the Hokage," Itachi replied serenely, his tone unwavering.

Kisame, still processing Itachi's reasoning, was about to voice his disagreement, but Itachi anticipated his protest. With a gesture, Itachi extended his arms toward Hidan, his voice carrying the weight of finality. "Also, Hidan is at a disadvantage here. The Kazekage can bury him, rendering him useless. It's best if Kakuzu and Hidan follow after Ichibi," Itachi explained, his words leaving no room for argument.

The air crackled with tension as Itachi's orders hung in the air, a decisive command that set the course for the unfolding battle. He turned his gaze to the remaining Akatsuki members, his voice unwavering as he issued instructions.

"Deidara, you will be hunting the Hachibi. Sasori, you and I will face the Kazekage. Kisame, your target is the Hokage."

The Akatsuki members, bound by loyalty or purpose, nodded in unison. Itachi's orders set their paths in motion, guiding each member toward their respective targets. With a final command, every Akatsuki member sprang into action, their movements synchronised and purposeful as they got into stance.


Crack, Crack...

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon Hiruzen Sarutobi's shoulders. His gaze, once filled with wisdom, now held a touch of fear, not for himself, but for the village he cherished. The Akatsuki loomed like a dark storm on the horizon, and Hiruzen recognized a few faces among their ranks. If all members possessed similar power, confrontation would be disastrous.

At his side, a calculating gleam flickered in his eyes, unnoticed by the Akatsuki. They remained unaware that the feared Kyuubi no longer resided within Konoha's boundaries. 

A sly smile tugged at Hiruzen's lips. In this twist of fate, even if he let them take the other tailed beast Konoha had nothing to lose. Indeed, their vulnerability might even transform into an advantage, allowing them to evade the imminent destruction that hung in the air. It was a secret card, an unplayed hand that could shift the tides in their favour.

But Hiruzen shook his head gently, dispelling these vindictive thoughts. The wise words of Hashirama Senju echoed in his mind—The will of fire and the pact of peace. Despite those thoughts, Hiruzen believed that supporting Suna and Kumo now could strengthen their trust and alliance. The village leader's mind spun with strategic calculations, envisioning a future where unity triumphed over chaos.

The village leader's gaze shifted to Kuma, a village with strained relations with Konoha. This crisis presented an opportunity; alliances could be forged anew. Suna, amidst an economic crisis, and Kumo, a village full of wealth, stood as potential partners. If Suna and Kumo established trade relations, it could breathe life into Suna's struggling economy.

"We can all be together," Hiruzen murmured incomprehensibly, his voice resonating with the resonance of a visionary leader, envisioning a world where peace transcended the borders of villages and nations.

  As Hiruzen steeled his resolve, his eyes caught the Akatsuki members assuming battle stances. Two of them broke away, sprinting toward the dense forest where Gaara, the Kazekage's son, had fled earlier. A ripple of unease washed over the Kazekage.

"How long can your personal ANBU hold their ground against those Akatsuki members?" Hiruzen inquired, his tone laced with urgency.

"At least half an hour. What are you implying, Hiruzen?" The Kazekage's voice dripped with palpable impatience, his eyes narrowing as he awaited an answer.

"I know a father's concern, I really do. However, I still urge you to stand here. Rest assured, those two won't be able to harm your children. My ANBU, alongside my own son, will reach them soon," Hiruzen said, a mixture of sympathy and duty evident in his face. The Kazekage, though unsure, nodded in reluctant agreement, believing that if Akatsuki won in this front then even if he managed to reach his son, perhaps he would be too powerless to protect them.

In an electrifying moment, Hiruzen's hands weaved intricate signs, conjuring the ancient technique of the Yamanaka Clan. "Yamanaka Clan: Mind Body Possession Jutsu," he intoned, his voice resonating with authority. His gaze fixated on Deidara, the perceived weakest link in their enemy's chain.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion erupted from Sasori's side, obliterating his Akatsuki robe and leaving Hiroku's puppet body severely dented. Confusion and shock rippled through the Akatsuki ranks. "Deidara, what are you doing?!" Kisame's voice boomed with disbelief, his eyes wide with confusion.

But Deidara remained silent, his hands weaving through seals with practised expertise. With swift precision, he unleashed a torrent of flames, a Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu, towards Sasori. Desperation etched on his face, Sasori attempted to shield himself with his massive tail, but the flames engulfed him, scorching him alive.

"No, Sasori!!" Kisame's shout echoed through the battlefield, his shock mirroring the horror of Sasori's demise. Yet, before the chaos could settle, Itachi's calm voice cut through the air, attempting to bring reason to the madness. "Calm down, Kisame. That is not Deidara."

Itachi's composed demeanour contrasted the chaos around him as he took out a gleaming kunai. "Hiruzen Sarutobi, the god of shinobi, the strongest of all five kages and 'The Professor' is capable of using every Ninjutsu in Konoha that is not a kekkei genkai," he explained, his words laden with gravity. With a swift motion, he hurled the kunai towards the unconscious Hiruzen. 

The blade soared through the air, poised to strike its mark. However, in a twist of fate, a tendril of golden dust emerged from the ground, deflecting the kunai upwards. However, Itachi anticipated this move, his eyes sharp and calculating. He flung a shuriken towards the airborne kunai, redirecting it towards Hiruzen from above.

Inside Deidara's body, Hiruzen sensed the impending danger. As the kunai descended, he stopped his possession of Deidara, catching it with lightning-fast reflexes. The battlefield trembled with tension as the Hokage held the weapon in his hands, his gaze meeting Itachi's.

Kisame, wide-eyed at the unfolding spectacle, finally regained his composure, his lips curling into a manic grin. "He's going to be a tricky one, isn't he?" he remarked, acknowledging the formidable opponent they faced.

Amidst the chaos, Sasori's burnt corpse seemed lifeless until, with an eerie grace, a young red-haired boy emerged from the charred remains. His eyes narrowed, meeting Itachi's with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Sharp as ever, huh, Itachi," he quipped, his voice dripping with rage and annoyance.

And so, the battle began in earnest, a clash of titans with unforeseen twists and turns, as the fate of nations hung in the balance.

GuiltyOfSloth GuiltyOfSloth

I deeply apologize for the late release as compensation another chapter is coming soon.

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