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61.42% Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This! / Chapter 43: Chapter 43): Big Night!

Bab 43: Chapter 43): Big Night!

Chapter 43): Big Night!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


(A/N: Including this chapter there are four chapters left until Bella arrives, I am getting excited for the ideas I have coming so I want to hurry and at least get into the summer which will set off the events for Part 2 of this book. Anyway, hope you are enjoying it!)

4,000 Words!!


"So tonight then?" His mother asked as they drove into Seattle, thankfully he didn't need to take the team bus as he did not want to drive all the way back to the school.

Instead he had gotten permission to ride with his mother, who was coming to watch the game tonight along with Meredith who got the night off to also watch, well she wasn't on call really. He was fine with her showing up too, honestly he was just tired of his mother asking about Leah, who yes she was meeting tonight after the game.

"Yeah tonight mom, and again are you okay with her staying in the city with us?" Ryan asked, Sue and Harry were okay with it as long as his mother was there to watch them.

She paused but sighed, "Yes, I am okay with it. Please don't make me regret it though, I am to young to become a grandmother."

Ryan stuttered out a laugh, he was someone with confidence for days, hell even in his past life he was not a virgin, but that didn't mean he was all that comfortable with his mother talking about anything sexual. Plus, he was not ready to do that with Leah yet, he knew she was still a virgin and not ready to do anything like that, hell she crushed on and dated Sam but she was never ready with him either.

He was not going to be the one to push her forward on that either, it would happen when it happens he wasn't all that in a rush to do it, they had plenty of time to have sex with one another as he didn't plan to leave her any time soon.

(A/N: Comment if I should do an R-18, not really use to doing them, but I can try if you want it.)

"Trust me mom you do not need to worry about that. I am not ready for kids yet." He said shaking his head.

"You are never ready for kids Ryan, get that out your head now. Everyone plans it or doesn't but most of the time you still won't be ready. I will be honest, you were our accident, but I love that we have you more as each day passes.

I wasn't ready when you were born, but the moment the doctor out you in my arms, my world shifted. I should have been a better mother as you got older but you were mature growing up, I didn't think you really needed me or want me around.

When your Aunt Ellis got diagnosed, that opened my eyes a lot. Ryan, I don't want to end up like her one day and not have clear memories of you, I want us to be closer."

Ryan sat there and paused, he gulped as he nodded his head, "Don't worry mom, I know you are trying. And I will too, hell even if I go off to college who says you can't follow along? I will be an adult soon but we can stay together as long as you like."

She grinned as she reached over and patted his arm, "Well you and Leah might be living together but I wouldn't mind being close by, I'm not that poor son."

He chuckled, "That's true."


"And there's the end bound, you know, with the performance of Robins last week I did not expect this game to be this close," the announcer said, but he was speaking to himself as he didn't have a co-host, "But he is still in good form. The reason for the close game would have to be Mike Newton who has been a ball hog."

Ryan ignored the announcer as he dribbled up the court, he ignored the frantic Mike who was waving his hands trying to get his attention, he was not making the mistake of passing to that guy again. Even double teamed he still seemed to think that he could hold the ball for himself, and it was really getting to the team so he dribbled lightly up the court.

As he crossed half court two defenders were on him quick, but it made sense, there was ten seconds left and they were down two thanks to Mike. Ryan could easily out maneuver them and get the shot himself, but he quickly threw to Tyler who they left wide open as they preformed the double team.

Tyler looked shocked for a moment, but he must have seen the time because he quickly took a three from where he was standing, everyone but Ryan held their breaths as the ball soared in the air. The ball circled the rim four times making everyone nervous before it dropped in making the crowd cheer wildly.

Ryan nodded but didn't rush Tyler like everyone else, instead he began to walk towards the locker room to shower and change, it was only the second game but he had a feeling they could go all the way again. Since it was his last year he was willing to win it all too, he figured he could give them one title before they ended everything.

After his shower he walked out with his bag into the gym, his mother was quick to rush him as she squealed bringing him into a hug, "Oh son you were amazing, 32 points 16 rebounds, 13 assist with three steals. You are amazing."

"You might want to calm down aunt Rachel, you don't want to give him a big head." Meredith teased as she also hugged him when his mother pulled away.

(A/N: Just realized I never named his mother or father since they were never big characters but here is one name now.)

Ryan rolled his eyes but saw Leah standing behind them looking nervous, he smiled slightly while nodding at her, he saw the Cullens too but they knew to stay back, "Thanks guys. Now, here is the girl you all wanted to meet."

Leah reached them and he could see while she was nervous she tried to play it off by being her usual confident self, "Hi, it's nice to meet you both. I have heard a lot about you from Ryan."

His mother sighed as she shook her head, "I promise you, I am not the total bitch he has probably painted me as. Just a failing mother."

They all blinked at her words, Ryan's eyes wide because he had talked to Leah about his parents but it was more complaining then anything, "umm," Leah nervously looked at him.

"Mom, I didn't talk bad about you to her." Ryan informed while rolling his eyes at her especially when she brightened up her smile stretching across her face.

"Great! Well Leah, I would love for you to join us for the night, it is fine with your parents right?" His mother asked while holding Leah's hand as if not to let her go even if she said no.

He could see Leah physically relaxing, "Yes, they are fine with it. Ryan just has to have me at school tomorrow, they wouldn't budge on that, they know how he can be with school."

His mom chuckled along with Meredith, "Oh we all know how he is with school. We might as well get going then."

They all began their walk out the gym, Meredith had spotted the Cullens specifically Rosalie, she shot Ryan a look which he ignored since he didn't need to explain himself to her. Out the corner of his eye he did see Edward shoot a look between all three of them though, he must have been listening to the thoughts of his mother and Meredith to figure out what was going on.

The drive to the restaurant was filled with Meredith and his mother basically asking all they could ask about Leah, and after some time Leah got comfortable with it as she smiled along with them.

"And I swear I have no clue where he got it from but he just would not stay clothed, he loved to run around the house naked laughing." His mother said finishing her story about his younger years.

"Really Ryan? Naked?" Leah teased as she laughed her forehead on his shoulder.

"Hey, if it wasn't for society I would do it now too. I have nothing to hide." He said defending himself smiling as he was glad that Leah was able to open up to his family.

"Oh I am sure you would, we just need to get you high enough and you will do that." Leah said while rolling her eyes making the whole car laugh at what she had said.

Ryan tickled her sides causing her to laugh, he could see his mother and Meredith smiling fondly from the front of the car, he wasn't ashamed or embarrassed to be affectionate with Leah with them around. If anything he was glad that he could show off about their relationship, he didn't want his mother to think that he was so lonely with her gone, he was glad she was there but he did have others in his life to filling that void.

Eventually they made it to the restaurant, Ryan was glad his mom didn't choose somewhere more classy, he honestly didn't like those places since he hated dressing up unless absolutely necessary, and if it wasn't a date to a restaurant then it wasn't. They all walked inside and were sat immediately at a table, the place was clean and comfortable.

After they had been sitting for awhile and ordered his mother's face suddenly got serious, "So Leah, what are your intentions with my son?"

Everyone froze hearing her, Ryan though went wide eyed, because wasn't that something that a father should be asking the guy dating the girl, sure he had feelings but at the same time he didn't expect her to say that. Looking closely at her he shuddered, he had only ever seen the look she had when she was doing deals or working with others as a lawyer.

She was wearing her war face, he knew that if Leah didn't say something she liked then that relationship would crumble fast, he of course wouldn't take it personally, but he also was nervous too.

He saw Leah's eyes widen as she shuffled nervously in her seat, under the table he reached over and took her hand calming her slightly, her chest went up and down as she let out a deep breath before speaking, "I want to be with him forever, I know that we are only eighteen, but I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Ryan to me is the one."

His mother's face didn't change as she spoke again, "And if what happens with college next year? What if the two of you don't get into the same one? What would you do then?"

Leah looked over at him with a quick smile she turned back to his mother, "It doesn't matter," she said shaking her head, "I would go to whatever community college was closest to his or do online courses if it came down to it. I am use to not going to the best school, it won't stop me from being near him."

The table went quiet, the waiter finally brought the food but even he seemed to notice the mood was off, he was stiff as he served them, no one said 'thank you' since they were all still watching his mother.

Ryan and the wolf in him were happy to hear her words, of course that didn't completely wipe his feelings about her becoming a wolf and imprinting on someone, but it did help ease some of the worry. Plus it was the same plans he had for her, he knew that eventually Twilight would kick off when Bella came, but he wasn't going to pay much attention as it was their own actions which lead to it all.

He wasn't a fighter for the Cullen family, and if he kept getting missions from his system then the Volturi would not be a problem down the road. If the Cullens did somewhere down the line ask him to join the fight, he might say yes, it just depended on how close he was with the family at that point, and what he was doing with his life.

Because once he left Forks he wouldn't be back for awhile, he planned to explore the world more with Leah, especially when she became a wolf, they would do everything they could before ever visiting again.

"Hmm, good. I approve of this, not that Ryan cares much for my approval," His mother said breaking him from his thoughts, 'But I promise you Leah, you break my son's heart, and I will do whatever I can do with all my power to ruin you."

Ryan wasn't sure if his senses were working straight, but at that moment for a split three seconds he truly was afraid of his mother, not kid afraid of parent scared, but deep rooted fear from someone with power. Before he could think further on it though the feeling was gone, his mother was smiling widely again.

Leah and Meredith must have felt it worse because they were looking at her in a mixture of awe and fear, Ryan at that moment felt a swell of pride for his mother as he could see behind her usual self there was a strong confident woman. He had no clue why his father was dumb enough to cheat on his mother, and honestly he didn't care, it had nothing to do with him anyway so he pushed it out his head.

"Oh, I am so sorry if I scared you Leah, please don't think badly of me. I just love my Ryan so much." His mother said nervously as she saw that Leah was still gaping at her.

Leah snapped back tightening her hold on his hand, "No, umm don't worry about it. I just hope that someday I can be as strong as you when I eventually have this talk."

His mother beamed at the praise, Ryan scoffed though drawing everyone's attention, "Please if we have a son or daughter their significant other will have to---"

"Have to what?" Leah stressed.

Ryan chuckled, "Chill Shortstack, I was just going to say they can't even date until they reach the age of thirty."

His mother smiled coughing a little, "Can we keep the child talk down? I don't want to be a grandmother until at least sixty."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "As if that is something that is controlled, life doesn't always work that way mom."

She sighed, "I am just wishing. Now Meredith, how is your love life going?"

For the next hour they sat there enjoying their meal, many times during their talk he saw that Meredith wanted to drink tequila from his mother's questions, but she was out of luck as they didn't serve any where they were at. He chuckled seeing her distress, he was joined by Leah who had grown closer to her over the course of the dinner, his mother kept up the interrogation until Meredith finally told her it all.

"But there was advertisement for live music tonight!" A man's raised voices caused them all to look over at him.

"I am sorry sir, but the person who was suppose to preform has come down sick. We are sorry for any inconvenience." The waiter said with a tight smile.

"I don't want your sorry, what I want is music to go with my meal, and if I don't get it then you can forget about me paying." The man growled, some tables around him agreed with what he was saying too echoing his words.

Pretty soon the whole place was complaining besides them, "Hmm, I didn't even know there was suppose to be live music, I just thought we would all enjoy the food." His mother said out loud.

Ryan shrugged he didn't care either way, he was just glad the dinner was going well, until his mom got a smile on her face as she looked over at him quickly before looking to the waiter. His eyes widen and he was going to stop her but they all seemed in on it as Leah threw a hand over his mouth, he glared at her but she just smiled sweetly as if she wasn't covering his mouth at the moment.

The waiter had already walked over to the table at his mother's beckoning, "My son his is an excellent singer, he is willing to preform if you really need someone to."

The waiter looked to Ryan, and Ryan glared but the hand covering his mouth seemed to diminish the glare, "That sounds perfect, I will get the manger and let him know, he has been scrambling since this happened."

He was off as Leah removed her hand, he shot a glare at all their smiling faces, "I hate you all." He said with no real heat.

"We love you too sweetie" his mother said condescendingly as she brushed off his words.

Pretty soon the manger with a huge smile walked out to the stage they had in full view, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry for the delay we have gotten someone to come and preform for you all. Just give us a minute to set up, then we can begin."

After the announcement the waiter from before led the manager over to Ryan's table, "Sir, I want to thank you again for your help here. We really could not have done this without you, is there anything you need?"

Ryan sighed as he knew he couldn't get out of this, the hopeful looks from his mother, cousin and girlfriend all prevented him from not saying anything harsh, "No as long as there is a acoustic guitar I will be fine."

"Excellent, well the stage is ready for you." The manager said with a beaming smile.

Reluctantly Ryan got up, he walked out where the stage was ignoring the eyes of the people who watched him walk up, he didn't need to prove anything to them and was only doing this for those he cared about. Grabbing the guitar that was sat near the stool he took a seat, "Well, I don't really want to sing, but I was talked into it. Not exactly how I wanted my night to go but who cares."

The crowd laughed thinking he was being modest but he was serious.

"Anyway, this one goes out to my girl Leah. Since you helped with this I guess this will be how the first time you hear how I love you." Ryan announced with the awws of the crowd, he saw Leah put a hand over her mouth as his mother smiled.

(Ed Sheeran: Perfect)

"I found a love, for me

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it

Darling, you look perfect tonight

Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this

Darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight"

Ryan finished and waited for the applause to die down before he went into the next song, he ignored all the phones recording his songs, he didn't care either way if they got out there. It wasn't like he was trying to be famous or anything, since that wasn't where his future was headed he saw no reason for people not to record him.

When he was done he stepped down ignoring the applause he got, walking over to his table his arms were full of Leah before he could even sit down, she kissed him fiercely on the lips. Pulling back with a smile breathlessly she said, "I love you too."

Ryan smiled but it froze as his mom killed the moment, "Oh, you two are just too cute together!" She squealed.

"Thanks mom." He sighed shaking his head.


After the dinner they were back at the apartment where his mother once again warned him of sex and not being a grandmother, Leah was blushing as she was there to hear it this time. He just sighed and took her hand leading her into his room closing the door, it didn't escape his notice that his father's things were missing from the apartment.

"So....we finally said it huh?" Leah asked as she laid spooned into him in the bed his arms wrapped securely around her.

He nodded but still spoke out, "Yeah, do you think it is to early?"

She shook her head turning to look him in the eyes as she trailed a finger down his face, "No, if we weren't best friends for the past year, then maybe, but seeing as we have been then no I don't see this as to early for us."

He smiled kissing her lips l

next chapter
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