Well, that's one way to end things.
I never thought that it was that simple. To be honest, it was anticlimactic. well, enough about it. What's done is done. I have done all I could. My preparation was complete. I have poured all I have as my time reaches its end. The only thing I couldn't let go is my regret. And I know it will cause more harm to others around me. I just hope my preparation was enough.
So, here I am walking in a white space with nothing around me. I believe if others didn't face what I have been through, they might have gone crazy and willingly embraced insanity just to feel something in such a place without darkness.
I have faced such darkness before, the demon that inhabits it. I have surpassed it. As far as I have learned, one can't kill one's demon nor can one erase the dark. If one did so, it's no different than killing oneself. May it be literally or metaphorically or any other fancy words that words-smith makes. I have been there, felt it, experienced it, and passed it.
Yes, that's right. It's as simple as it can get but many fail and choose the easy way out. A permanent solution to a temporary problem. I won't say more than what I have already said. Sometimes it's better to leave more questions than answers. Knowing a certain knowledge is a curse in itself if one refuses to understand. Thus, my understanding is my own and your understanding is yours. That is one of the many things that make us scornful of being called humanity unique.
Back to the point, I didn't defeat my demon, I acknowledge it. I didn't succumb to the darkness, I brought in light. To finalize the exchange, I embrace acceptance. I was successful. But sadly, my success was late. And my time was near its end. If only I was given more time. As far as my regret can reach. I can only walk towards it. So, here I am walking on this white plane filled with light and calm.
" That is a vague monologue, my child. Despite, your origin from the level of existence of your world, your understanding is high for the knowledge that exists there."
I halted and raised my head since I was observing my steps to pass the time. In front of me was an old man in a white two-button suit. High collar and a darker shade of white at the side. His skin is dark with wrinkles on his face showing his late age. His hair is trimmed short with white and black hair fills perfectly. His mustache and beard in a way that makes him seen as wise and humble but with power and might.
"That's quite a description you have of me, my child."
I just stopped, I want to think more but I can't. Wait! Shut up me!
" Morgan Freeman? Is that you?"
As vast as the concept of "existence" can bring. There exists a space within it, there are many similar spaces but in one space of pure white that fills with light and calm. You can see two individuals facing each other. One is wearing a black business suit while the other is wearing a white suit. There was silence between them. Until,
" No, I am not him. As far as I can tell when his time comes, he will reach a higher space than we are currently in. Enough about him. Let's answer the second question you come up with."
So, he can read my mind.
" Yes, I can. And no you can't call me ROB, how would you feel if people suddenly called you random? Just call me 'old man' since it is the form that I am taking to talk to you.
Your third question can wait, it is easier to explain while doing the procedure so we don't need to spend time here.
It's a pity really, with your level of understanding. You can reach a space level higher than we are in. It's not a rare case but mostly souls from your level of existence in your Origin world would simply enter the cycle of reincarnation. If only your foundation was enough. But here we are. Shall we proceed and answer your third question? Your other question is rather useless to answer since by the end of this your memory will be wiped."
I simply nodded; " So, from what you said. I can understand because this space represents my understanding and allows your word to reflect upon it. Also, it's the reason why I am not panicking right?" the old man chuckled and nodded somewhat proud of me for not having him explain everything.
The old man made a gesture with his hand and 6 wheels popped up in front of me. 3 big with 3 small in between. Only the first wheel has words on them while the other has straight line grove marking the boundaries.
"You have been given a chance to reincarnate to a new world since your soul has reached a level that your old world can no longer support.
The first wheel holds the category of worlds. As long as an idea exists the world exists. The second wheel holds the names of the worlds under said category. Making it less complicated since ideas can cross with one another. The third wheel holds the name of the species that existed in the chosen world. So, no new species will be introduced thus the Law of the World will not target you. The fourth wheel holds variants of the chosen species. Since we can't bring in new species, we might as well allow this much to make it exciting and The Law of the World agrees as long as it is within the bounds of the chosen world. The fifth wheel holds a set of powers. Since you had broken the limit of your previous world consider this as a reward. The sixth and last wheel holds the structure of the chosen power. We can't just give a power that has no limits. It's counterproductive. Might as well make yourself a god if there is no structure in the given power.
All you need to do is to will it to spin and it will spin and stop one by one."
I nodded again and did as I was told. I enforce my will upon the six wheels, where the big one is 3 times larger than me while the other 3 are slightly smaller. I was surprised to know that there are a lot of variants for a species. But it is still blank since the species is yet chosen. Maybe if I am lucky, I might be a strong species and not just some weakling.
When all the wheels stop spinning. The old man vanish the wheels before I could read it all and started to explain.
" Well, this is an interesting development. The category of worlds that will be chosen is a supernatural world and the world chosen under this category is quite vague since it landed on a vampire world. If only the arrow landed on a specific title, I might explain more. You better start praying for your luck for when I send you on that you don't need to start fighting the moment you open your eyes in your new world, my child.
Next, you will be reborn as a vampire, quite a cliche if you ask me. The chosen variant is a half-breed or mostly known as a Dhampir. What kind of dhampir is unknown since your world to be reborn into is not specified.
For your reward, the arrow has landed on manipulation. The structure of your given power can be many for example Energy Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Astral Manipulation, etc. What you got is an Element Manipulation, to be more precise the element of fire. Just don't burn yourself when you use it for the first time. It will be a pity if you die so soon.
It looks like that is all, my child. Do you have any more questions before you agree with what has been given to you? Not as it matters since everything will be erased except for the knowledge of the world you are reborn into if you know the said world. Any last word to exchange before I send you on?"
The old man looks at me with a grin matching that of the Joker. Somehow, I feel like I am being cheated on. Is this all that is needed? Should I just accept? Oh, his grin just got wider, right he can read my mind.
Maybe there is a chance since it is what I hold onto the most thus making it a belief in itself. As they say, the more you believe; the more it becomes real. Oh, his smile is waning. It's now or never.
The old man wanted to speak but I cut him off by shouting,
"I calm the right for an equivalent exchange for my memories and past life for wishes!"
(A/N: Hello guyzzz, if any of you can dissect what I have written in this chapter. Please be my guest. I might change a few points based on your comment. END)