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20% TWD In the Navy during the Apocalypse! / Chapter 1: Prologue
TWD In the Navy during the Apocalypse! TWD In the Navy during the Apocalypse! original

TWD In the Navy during the Apocalypse!

Penulis: Westley86

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Prologue

When I had woke up I was pretty pissed with how I died. I got fucking truck-kuned, I mean what the fuck! Isn't that just too cliche and fucked up to be real!? After that I woke up in a crib screaming my baby lugs out crying my frustration out to the world. I mean it's awesome I get a new life and all but but I'm supposed to be a 25 year old god damned Naval Lieutenant Commander not an infant for crying out loud!

The ridiculousness of the situation is astounding to me truly. Now I just have to find out what kind of world I have found myself in. I had some hopes, if I'm being honest. marvel or DC universes would be fun. Star Trek or Stargate hell anything really that starts with 'Star' in the name would be interesting at the least. I would even take Battlestar Galactica as long as it was the 2003 version.

The annoying thing is that most my favorite artists, actresses and singers wouldn't be around for decades because I'm pretty sure going by the adults standing over me, the way the dress, that this is at least the 70s or 80s or somewhere in that ball park. ….sigh. I'm going to be old as fuck before any kind of canon in any story I can think of actually begins. Or maybe this is simply a plain Jane world and nothing special will happen? Well, hope for the best I suppose but until the. Milk this bitch for all she is worth.

I would be hailed as a mother fucking genius from hell or whatever probably not really but whatever. I am admittedly smart but I am no mad genius by any means. I do have a near photographic memory which helped me advance pretty far in the Navy and with my past knowledge I plan to advance even further than my previous fast track to my previous rank.


I basically had to be home schooled most of my childhood because there was no way I could interact with preteens on any level, just wasn't happening. I was skipping too many grades to do so anyways so it didn't matter and wasn't really possible anyways so yay me!

By the time I was 10 I was already graduating high school, by the time I was 14 I was working on my masters in IT, Engineering and a Bachelors degree in business. It was only a matter of time before I went for my Doctorate in at least IT maybe Engineering as well but I didn't want to spend the time on it as I mainly just wanted the basics for understanding such.

I did realize eventually that I was actually quite a bit smarter in this life. I'm not sure what it was really, I could just connect the dots far faster than I could in my last life. That plus my near photographic memory were highly useful things.

Eventually I also decided join the NROTC while I continue getting my degrees as I was already about to turn 17, they made an exemption and allowed me entry a few months early. Considering I was pretty much already on my way out of college in a yea for so it was either that or they can fuck off basically.

Pretty sure they were foaming at the mouth hoping I wouldn't lose interest in the Navy in the future. I thought this mostly because I noticed my class had far more time on different ships when the occasion allowed for travel than I ever had in my past life's ROTC school. I think they were trying to tempt me. Or maybe I'm just looking into it too much? Who knows.

Once I started my career I should be starting out as an O-3 as a good portion of my college years will count towards my time even if i wasn't technically of age at the time to even be in the military. It was a compromise made as long as I could show the maturity that the rank demands, which I was obviously able to do especially when it came to decision making. Dealing with people while being younger though was kind of annoying though.


The moment I turned 18 I had decided to take a chance since I turned at in October of 1997, I began buying power all lottery tickets, hoping that the numbers I could remember winning in the past would also win in the present. I had weird past times in my old life especially writing novels. I would sometimes have to look up the most useless information and this just so happened to be amongst the detritus that I googled once upon a time. But hopefully that shit will be treasure sometime later in 1998.

I was kinda happy now because some of my more favorite artists and stars have finally become relevant once more! Yay for music!

By the later end of 1998 my magical numbers eventually hit gold, I had won almost $150 million from the power ball lottery. I would only receive about 110 million of that but it was still an amazing chunk of change I could use to invest in the basics such as Qualcomm, apple, Amazon, and anything else I could think of that was good.

Though I had already had my parents investing small amounts of money that I had already made and saved when I was younger through programming and other minor projects that were sold. I had them begin investing my money in Amazon as soon as it became public in 1997, they also decided to invest some of their own spare money since we were a fairly well off just above middle class family. And since all my tuitions were already paid for the didn't really need to save for such things anyways.

I think the shares started around $4 or something around there but if things played out as I hoped they would be at least over $1,000 - $3000 one day. I think I had over 2500 shares initially which was good and I would keep investing more as time went.


I didn't really have much time to mess with the business side of my life though I did trust my father in this life fairly well, he was an honest man and has always did his best to do as I wished for the most part so I trusted him. I didn't give him access to everything but I did give him the ability to act in my stead if I needed especially if I was out at sea.

By the first year the stock basically went up by 20x and I immediately became a millionaire multiple times over. Thankfully my wealth kinda went under the radar as it was primarily in stocks.

By the end of 2000 i had tens of thousands of stock in Amazon, Apple and Qualcomm while they were at their lowest prices that I could remember them ever being. I eventually sold my Amazon stock as I knew they would fluctuate massively over the next few years. But that still netted me many millions of dollars for just letting them hold on to my money basically! I tried to buy them all when they were around or under $5 as I knew they would all eventually raise to at least $100 before I sold them. I know Apple was basically penny stock until around 2005 or something like that so I kinda just waited until it bottomed out every now and again and bought more and more of its stock for cheap, I knew it would crack a dollar eventually and then go pretty high later.

Other than that I simply studied, made money and did my best to advance my rank for the first years of my career.

My first few years on the water were on a nuclear powered cruiser. That was something I always loved the thought of, after all who likes having to re fuel every few days or weeks depending on operations? It would be my goal to keep that line going as I know in my original world they quit producing them in like the early 80s but they had long life spans. I had never had the joy to serve on one in my last life though.


By the time 2005 rolled around I had already helped design a new version of the nuclear powered cruiser line. The design was finished and approved because I had simply managed to make it cost effective to build the damn thing by doing most the design and creating a lot of the systems myself(for a hefty sum) from my future knowledge that's still 15+ years more advanced than most current military technology. My bottleneck was that I wasn't a nuclear physicist and was too lazy to become one damnit!

I let someone else take care of the design for the engine and the power source as I could only do so much nor did I have the time to do everything myself really. Because of my intimate knowledge of the ship and her systems, when she was finished and off the line, the USS San Diego would be my first real command. She would be well over 800 FT long, have a beam of 106 FT, have a crew of over 450 and would be one of the most advanced ships in any fleet with the things that I helped put in to it.

A lot of what I did was also geared around software. It helped to make things run more smoothly and made the weapons targeting and guidance simply far more superior to anything else produced in 2005 by far. It would be years later before other ships could reap the benefits of these advances because the ships would basically have to be rebuilt to be able to use them aside from a basic software overhaul anyways.


It's currently 2008 and I have commanded my beautiful ship since it's completion earlier this year. With its abilities and lack of need to resupply fuel, we can stay out at sea for around 9 months if we push it, if we have an over stock of supplies, we can almost stay out for a full year without being supplied.

Over the years I had finally given up gradually on dealing with the market, it was tedious and slightly annoying to remember everything so I simply bought as low as I could remember going and then sold it off when it went back up once more, ending my stock market career and also netting me around $3 billion dollars over the years including the money for my technology created and sold to the Navy. A hefty sum but I currently have nothing to use it on, no wife nor any children so that is a bummer.


My parents finally gave up on the city life after they followed suite and sold off all their investments and the home they had in Kentucky, they had decided to move to Georgia and buy a decent sized ranch out in the country but that's not really what's important about the situation though.

No what is important about this is that my parents like to introduce me to their friends and neighbors whenever they move somewhere and that's usually fine too. What isn't fine though is that they want to introduce me to their friend and probably more specifically his daughter, Maggie Greene. Did I forget to mention that the friends name was Hershel Greene? Well it is and I could almost instantly feel my 'your fucked' meter filling to capacity, either that or my sanity was slightly cracking.

With that information I started to do research, to find try to make sure what universe I'm in. Yup Catrina Island is a thing here, where as in my original world it would be Catalina Island. Hmm Rick Grimes is currently a sheriffs deputy in a county that shouldn't exist in my original world, check. I think the comics had him in Kentucky though so double check. Paul R Williams high school,l in El Sereno California, check. Staff member Madison Clark, check. Yup fuck my life that's a lot of check marks in the 'your fucked' category.


It took a few weeks to plan and to get enough time to get away for a while but I did, I got a glorious two week vacation to go visit my family and meet my parents new friends. I was kinda terrified as this simply made things too real. Hopefully the timeline held for The Walking Dead and the virus wouldn't hit til 2010 at the least.

As I grab my luggage I see a young lady holding a sign with my name and rank written on it, so I move in her direction. I thought my dad was going to pick me up but I guess not.

"Miss?" I ask slightly hesitantly. She is quite pretty and it only takes me a few moments to connect the dots. This is definitely a slightly younger Maggie Greene. Shit I think either our or my parents just 'Set' us up! "Maggie will do Mr Duvall! She told me with a sweet smile. I was fucked. "Please just Alex is more than fine." I give her a smile of my own.

"I have to ask, is it me or were we just reverse parent trapped?" She just laughed at that sounding highly amused by the thought of it. Then she sighed. "Pretty much, I heard my dad talking to your parents." She told me with a amused grin. "They at the very least wanted you to get off that boat of yours to get to know people and I think everyone automatically through my fate in that particular hat." She told me in her best southern drawl.

I couldn't help but laugh at that. At least she was honest. "To be fair I pretty much built that ship." I emphasized the word 'Ship'. "And since it's nuclear powered I pretty much have to baby it." I told her with a shrug and gave her a what can you do look.

"I would suspect so I guess, I dunno much about warships obviously but it sounds like a lot of work." "Well I have been designing her since I was 18 for the most part, a little here and a little there and in the end, wham bam thank you ma'am, most advanced ship in the world!" I pretty much cheered and she laughed a bit at my silliness.

With that we kinda just talked for the rest of the drive to my parents ranch until we had to say our goodbyes. I was actually sad to see the pretty country girl go. I hadn't even really thought of relationships since I arrived at this world so it was surprising, I was beginning to think I was A-Sexual or something.

With that done and actually getting to see my parents for the first time in forever I began to check the real estate in the area both here and nearer to the beach. I would need places to stash things or to have my parents stock things.


Every time I look in the mirror, month after month year after year I'm still slightly surprised. I should look almost 30 years old but I still look to be around my early 20s or around about. I never really aged that well in my past life but to be fair, while the navy life is stressful in its own way still even this time around due to my responsibilities, I don't REALLY let it stress me.

Then I suppose there is the fact that I'm stupidly rich in this life and can afford the best of everything, health, skin care, the whole 9 yards. In my old life my skin was almost aged and weathered due to the sun but not this time around. I took far better care of myself in every way I could as I wanted to live a long and happy life and not repeat my past mistakes.

With that pointless thought over I began to wonder what I should do other than what I'm already doing. There wasn't much to do, if things happened as they did in the show, well the show didn't even mention a Navy and I can kind of understand why. Naval power simply isn't as prevalent in this version of the world as it was in my original world.

Don't get me wrong there are super carriers, submarines and all that good stuff it's just that there aren't as many of them as there should be by almost 80% across the board of all classes of ships. That doesn't really just go for the United States though either. Chinas fleet is simply pathetic from what I can tell from the reports iv seen over the years. Russia has a few nuclear powered ships but most of them are really old and they only have a few modern warships.

The Brits have one modern battle group worth of ships, a super carrier and her escorts and a few other patrol ships.

I have done what I could to refurbish a few of the more recently decommissioned ships that are in good shape, I managed to convince the admiralty that some of the ships would be good test beds for some new equipment in the coming years, I simply snuck in others through the cracks.

So with that some of the old Nimitz Super carriers got an overhaul and would hopefully be done before 2010. They mostly just needed more modern reactors for the most part, and the rest was a simple refit of our dated systems. Most of that didn't really matter to me though as I was just going to use them as refugee ships. It's why I wanted most of the ships to be nuclear powered, to give them near infinite range and to not rely on fuel.

I did my best to keep the refit quiet, it was after all technically top secret and I didn't want some politician to try to Debo my shit for their own evacuation purposes. I may have even resorted to hacking just a little bit, to make sure nobody found out too much. Fudged work orders, equipment and supplies as necessary.

Honestly the navy simply wasn't the massive machine of war that it was in my world, a world that had over 400 warships at its disposal and that's just the United States. This worlds United States only had around 100 active warships that weren't mothballed or inactive. It explains the complete inactive showing the navy had in the tv series really. I don't even think the navy was even mentioned.

Well hopefully I would change that slightly this time around. The inactive fleet had several nuclear powered carriers that I wanted to refurbish. I had already started refurbishing the fleet even before I knew what world I was in but not it's simply a new level of frenzy and more importantly secrecy.


Late 2009 has come about and then early 2010 and there still hasn't been much going on about anything interesting in the world. My own ship has been tested thoroughly on missions around the world and it has performed perfectly.

Over the years I have done my best to make contacts in the more grey aspects of the world, mostly revolving around information gathering and such things. It wasn't but a few months ago that I was ordered to pull an asset out of some backwater country, who also happened to be one of my own informants that I started to hear the slightest hints of something disturbing in the wind.

Nobody would or could elaborate on such things but I knew already what it was most likely anyways so it didn't matter.

It was somewhat unfortunate that this version of Earth seemed to be far less militarized than my old earth as they probably could have won against the initial zombie outbreak in the tv series but that's not the case here. While the military has soldiers of course, there simply aren't that much to protect the country from such an internal threat. And while things like tanks, strykers and most of the other things I recognize exist here in some way, there simply aren't the massive quantities of them that I remember.


I had ordered a massive quantity of 9mm rounds as well as 5.56, both through the Navy to supply my ships even if the quantities were over the top as well as privately through other means such as gun shows or simply ammunition manufacturers. I even had my contact in the gray side of things to order things from a weapons merchant, rifles, pistols and their appropriate ammos to go with them. That was paid for with cash through my friend.

She honestly reminded me of someone from a TV show I had watched in my old life, Annie Walker from covert affairs. So when I began to hack shit and check, go figure her real name was actually Annie Walker, we just never really exchanged real names in the past even though I'm sure she knows who I am after so long. It's the main reason I went to her now that things are starting to stir.

With so little time now, maybe 6-9 months before things go to complete shit, it's time to really prepare.

Westley86 Westley86

Just an FYI I don’t know shit about the navy and anything and everything is done by quick google search or guesses. Also this kinda just popped into my head so I wrote it, don o if anything else will come of it.

next chapter
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