Unduh Aplikasi
65.11% Truth and Family: A God's Journey / Chapter 106: Building Blocks

Bab 106: Building Blocks

"Please, don't consider this look as my new appearance. I just use the dress and hairstyle to exploit others." Kali expressed, folding the lime-green dress neatly and smiling at Asahi.

Aletha crossed her arms and turned to the windows, hearing Emine slightly hum a tune in the corner. Although she was shoved, pushed, and almost stabbed by the monster girl, Aletha had a pulsating sense of forgiveness in Emine.

She reached out to the woman, trembling in the corner next to a cabinet, anchoring her gray eyes toward Emine's vibrant pupils. She smiled brightly, whispering as Asahi and Kali talked in the background.

"Look, I forgive you. I know how you felt when you were doing that to me, that face..." Aletha leaned closer to Emine, seeing her slightly distance herself out of shock. "... it shares a look of fear. As if you had no choice but to do this. I'm really sorry for questioning you..."

Emine gulped and pushed her dark hair to the side.


Aletha giggled, trying to ease and loosen up the atmosphere.

"Of course! Didn't you say you saved us from the forest?"

Emine's eyes leered toward the wall, feeling her anxiety rise to the roof. A remorseful look plastered on her face, remembering the carriage ride and when she had taken the wanderers. Aletha chuckled and pushed her white hair, slowly pushing Emine toward the glistening window revealing the vibrant landscape.

"Come on! Just be proud that you have saved us."

Emine scratched her head and fidgeted with her fingers, looking back at Aletha and thinking.

(How can that girl forgive me? My dagger was next to her neck.)

This certain charm to Aletha has always worked, despite hostile situations. Her radiant, vibrant smile and beautiful, high-pitched, young, and soothing voice have constantly splashed positivity into everyone she has met. This moment was no different.

As Emine and Aletha relaxed and stared at the window, Kali tied her hair and returned to her normal appearance, while Asahi pulled out his notebook and wrote what he had experienced.

[After the abrupt encounter, I eavesdropped on my sister's discussion, hearing that it was inevitable for us to avoid participating in this foot race.]

Asahi looked up from his notebook and noticed that Emine's face was much more kind-hearted and receptive than when he first saw her.

The room felt much more lively and relaxed, with the sun lighting the floor and the chaos behind the door coming to a quick halt as he noticed the crimson-haired man leaving the room.

Kali jumped up from the bed and packed her dress, rubbing Asahi's shoulders and alerting him.

"Hey, your sister and another want to speak with you! They have been hollering your name multiple times!"

Asahi's face turned pink in embarrassment.


Kali replied, pulling Asahi out of his comfort zone and propelling him toward the door.

"YES, really! Come on!"

* * * * * * *

It appears that Asahi hadn't realized that Telos was utterly silent. He hadn't said a word after Asahi abruptly awakened from the mindscape. Could all of that be an illusion, or was it for some other purpose?

No matter, the speed of the events ahead escalated as soon as Emine revealed.

"A man named Fint helped me gather the fellow individuals who accompanied you two before my arrival behind the door. You might have seen him. He's the man with bright crimson hair."

Asahi and Aletha exhaled, pushing out their concerns and adjusting to their new surroundings. Emine continued, staring at both the wanderers with a serious tone while still keeping a slight grin on her face.

"When I escort all of us outside of the hospital, I will guide you through Oksanna village and introduce you two to everyone. Don't worry; the people here are amiable."

Asahi and Aletha wiped a sweat of relief, walking out the door with Emine and seeing Chloe, Canyon, and Pridia, all relieved to see the two. They greeted them kindly and acknowledged that everything was fine with Emine, then told them to follow the woman out the hallway toward the lobby.

As Asahi, Aletha, and the others walked across, seeing several nurses and doctors rushing in and out the doors, Canyon approached them and asked.

"Are you two alright?"

Both the wanderers replied with a relaxed tone.

"Yeah, we're fine."

Emine pointed her finger and led the group across a room made of glass and wood. It was such a strange pattern that the silhouette of the mountains outside cast its shadows onto the floor. She closed her eyes and let the wanderers examine the beautiful room, telling them with a calm voice.

"When newcomers arrive from far lands to the continent of Vehemat, they usually come to Linuxinia and search for Oksanna Village. The Adventurer's Guild is the reason for why everyone comes to Linuxinia. It's where new adventures like you two test their limits and see if they can obtain an adventuring license."

Aletha's eyes sparkled with fascination, shocked to believe that there was anything of that sort to be in her world. As they passed another room, seeing windows all around, flower pots, paintings, and desks, Aletha walked up to Emine and asked.

"Ooo, so... what does an adventuring license do?"

Pridia, who was pretty energetic, beamed out and pushed her mint-colored hair, expressing copious energy.

"Oh, you're talkin' about getting an adventurer's license, eh? From what I remember, it basically allows you to secure adventuring hotspots worldwide and get some rewards!"

Canyon sneered and shook his head with a look of doubt.

"You're oversimplifying it!"

Pridia pressed her hands to her cheeks and gave a half shrug. She made a covertly triumphant voice, alerting everyone around her to be either annoyed or ignore her.

"NO, I'M NOT! That's EXACTLY what it does!"

The crimson-haired man fiddled with his collar and shook his head, chuckling and releasing a half-breathless murmur of amazement and incredulity.

Heavy oppression seemed to brood upon the air as he turned to the wanderers and explained. His voice was pretty gentle but had faint masculine accents with it.

"That boy is right. She is oversimplifying it.' Fint scratched his head and stomped his foot on the ground, gradually raising his voice.

"An adventurer's license isn't required, but it's highly recommended for those who want a smooth journey worldwide. It's an opportunity to be given payment to purchase things, compete with others and claim a reward for the best adventurer... or simply be able to ride your own personified mount. There are many benefits to having an adventurer's license, and that's not even scratching the surface."

Sweet bewilderment of tremulous apprehension floated in both the wanderer's faces. They never would have expected to discover such a carefully organized faction with benefits and opportunities awaiting them.

Pridia was still upset about how she was wrong but instantly jumped up with joy as she heard the people's greetings flood her ears.

Aletha beamed and expressed, walking with Fint, Asahi, Chloe, and the others, feeling the fresh breeze from outside pass through them as they walked outside the hospital.

"Ooo, so you're saying that by just having that adventurer's license, we would be given our very own mount?! That's SO cool!" Aletha grabbed Asahi's shoulder and pulled him, begging her brother to be interested in the deal.

"Bro, let's do it! Let's get an adventurer's license. Did you hear what that man was saying?! We would be able to join this faction and everything."

Canyon pointed out.

"Actually, it's much more expansive than that. Take it for me, for example: "

Canyon stepped forward and posed, staring at the treetops above his head.

"Seven years ago, I had to go through this training process where we would have to go on specific expeditions and complete quests, pass through obstacles and help others far from this place. They would teach me how to wield a blade, fight monsters, traverse the terrain and help others."

Pridia stepped in and expressed as the group shuffled across the neatly paved stone roads.

"In this training process, there are three ranks. Beginners, Traversers, and Dares. Once you reach Dares, you will be given your adventuring license and be guided to The Horse center, where you will get your very own mount so that your traveling can be easier! I've done it that hard way and became a Dare, doing the most dangerous tasks and risking my life! BUT MAN, was it worth it."

Asahi and Aletha scratched their heads, amused and interested in this program.

They were completely unaware of everything they encountered

It felt like a massive ball of information, discovery, and encounters had hit their heads and knocked sense into them once their feet had scratched the surface of this world.

But with so much stuff, they could get easily lost without guidance. And that is where Telos comes in.

Telos's voice suddenly popped into Asahi's mind.

(It appears that you will be dragged into this program, whether you like it. Trust me, Asahi. If you ever want to get close to regaining your relationship with your world and reclaim all of it, you will have to start from scratch; like every other adventurer.)

Asahi rubbed his forehead and took deep breaths, following the group across the center and watching people wave and greet him.

"Greetings! It's a beautiful day today!"

A child screamed happily as he got chased by others, playing a game while their parents chased them.

"Can't catch me!"

Two girls and five boys were chasing a brown-haired child with a feather, chanting and cheering as they ran in circles, giggling and... simply playing around.

"Run around, run around, not close to ever. Make it out, brush our snouts, and touch our feather!"

The brown-haired boy shrieked and flopped to the ground, feeling the tip of a white feather touch his back.

All the children, including the boy, laughed with joy, unable to resist the temptation of playing again. The bright cheers eclipsed the chirping of the birds, and a small smile emerged from Asahi's mouth, watching the children run around and chase each other while moving the feather.

"A ha... they're having a great time. They all look so happy..." He looked over to Chloe and remembered. His heart raced as the brown-haired girl looked down and avoided speaking with the people.

"Oh right, I... I forgot that I promised Chloe I would teach her my world's language. No, I don't want to see anyone like that."

Asahi felt a sting in his chest when he traveled through the cluster of triangle-shaped houses made of glass, stone, and dark oak.

A metaphorical burn; the cold hand of anxiety.

It fiercely grabbed his heart and breached the wall of calmness, allowing a flood of anxious thoughts to fill his brain. His voice grew shallow, quivering and trembling at the views.

"And... Drimi and my other friends are still out there. Not only that, I forgot about Isa and even YOUR goal Telos. What am I going to do?"

His breathing paced back and forth, biting his fingernails as he noticed the group scattering over a crowd of people.

"There's so much I have to do. I can't do it all by myself. I completely forgot about Aiyana, and now... I'm stuck with this. I don't think even my powers are still intact! I'm weak! What am I going to do--

The tattoo on Asahi's body flickered and pulsated rapidly, following the tempo and speed of Telos' voice.

(Ease yourself. Calm down. Take a deep breath.)

Asahi closed his eyes and felt the soft leaves brush against his leg. He inhaled the pleasant blossom scents lingering all over the town, feeling the fresh air and tasting the sweet atmosphere of Linuxinia.

While Aletha and the others wandered around and introduced each other to the kind people of Oksanna village, Telos continued.

"Not even a god can take so many tasks at once. It is only evident that you would need help. Asahi, I strongly recommend focusing on one objective one at a time. Your mind has an infinite expanse called memory that could greet and help you if you know how to organize your thoughts. Organizing and being prepared are necessary if you ever want to achieve your primary goal. Even I know that."

Asahi's black eyebrows lowered, noticing his thick white hair covering his right eye. He turned to the towering mountain behind the village, seeing mist and a dragon encircling the peak. Telos thought about it...

(Every goal has obstacles. You can't immediately reach your long-term goals; you must focus on what comes when achieving a goal. The little things. Think of your mind as a mountain. The peak is your long-term goal. Do you know what builds a tower?)

Asahi's mouth went dry.

"T...The blocks?"

(Exactly. What sustains a tower are the little things. Think of the blocks as your short-term goals. They build up to the peak, paving a smooth pathway toward your long-term plan instead of a mess. Do I need to recap what you have experienced so far?)

Asahi sprinted behind the group and followed them across the road, pacing and screaming at them as the foliage around the village grew thicker.

"Wait up!"

Telos' voice sighed.

(As expected, you don't remember it all. It's just so much for you... that you can't relax and enjoy your adventure. Why don't I say a list of what I've witnessed so far.)

Asahi took a deep breath and walked next to Kali, finding green bushes and the blue sky above him. Telos thought about reminding Asahi but thought it was too easy for him.

And instead, Telos informed as Asahi's gray eyes darted to the martini-haired girl, watching her gray skirt dangle with the winds.

(Why don't you focus on helping that otherworlder while you go through the process of obtaining a so-called "Adventurer's License?" No need to worry about the others. Just focus on her and the adventurer's license. I promise you that building just one relationship and helping someone will help you make more allies along the way.)

Telos paused, sounding as if he actually cared for Asahi. He thought about his face of Morwenna while speaking.

(I suggest you part ways with Aletha for a little bit if you can. Give only your time to that otherworlder. If things go correctly, perhaps that girl will tell others how you act and sprout a chain-reaction of rumors to everyone, thus allowing you to make more connections.)

Asahi's eyes widened in shock, stopping in his tracks and standing still while Aletha gestured to follow the group.

"Hey, come on! We're almost here!"

Asahi made a thumbs up and mumbled back to Telos as the sun glowed on his white hair.

"Y..You're right. But I don't want to be separated from Aletha again. You don't know how much I care for her."

Telos sighed.

(Understood. As long as you help and build a connection with the otherworlder, I promise you... people will see you as a different and better individual. One step away and reclaim your lost land. Now, go after her! Remember what I said.)

Asahi tightened his fists with determination and sprinted to Aletha. A whimsical feel of hope flew into him.

He couldn't believe that with Telos' soul trapped in Asahi's body, his knowledge and wit made more progress than when he was alone.

Asahi thanked Telos, seeing a large brown building with carriages parked near surrounding trees, people rushing in, and the vibrant sunlight reflecting on the windows.

"I couldn't be more grateful for you, Telos. I promise you that I will help you reach your goal. No matter what, with your knowledge and powers, I know we can do it together."

(Haha, expected of you. But no need to be so serious about it. My goal is far longer and less critical than that yours. Just continue doing what you're doing. Though my memory had faded, I could still sense a feeling of importance in you. I enjoy being your guide, and although there is much to be done, I guarantee that both of us will reach our goals.)

next chapter
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