Unduh Aplikasi
72.72% Traversing Worlds (Multific) / Chapter 7: Ch.7

Bab 7: Ch.7

While I was cooking Giles came back upstairs and asked about the runes carved into the walls and floors as well as the cage. Chuckling, I told him. "They're all protection sigils and runes to keep out evil or in some cases, in. It'll burn like acid to demons if they try to enter without permission and some are a sort of early warning system in case someone or something tries to sneak in while we're sleeping. I'll have to reapply them each month because of the hellmouth's energies but it should keep out anything remotely evil except Oz. I had to use his hair in the spells to make an exception."

Giles took off his glasses and cleaned them. "They're ingenious especially, well, was that Aramaic I saw in the bedrooms?"

I shook my head. "Sanskrit. The Aramaic is in the attic. There's Hebrew, Latin, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Greek and Babylonian as well. The rest is enochian."

Giles's eyes shot open. "Enochian, really?"

I nodded. "I paid a pretty penny for that as well but it's worth it I think. It'll keep most anything from finding this place and anything that does will be extra crispy if it tries to enter without permission. Well, except humans of course. I even consecrated and purified the grounds to keep evil out. It won't stop all evil but every little bit helps."

Giles nodded. "Perhaps you'd be willing to do the same for a few places?"

I smiled. "You mean everyone else's homes?"

He nodded and I shrugged. "Sure, but I gotta warn you I ain't sharing the enochian. The more it's used the more likely someone will figure out how to get passed it. The rest though is an easy fix up. Oh, and I doubt it'll work on the library on account of the whole hellmouth just below it."

He sighed. "That's understandable I guess. Though I would like to take a look at the enochian scrolls for my own personal studies."

I agreed easily. "Sure, just don't go using them out in the open. The only reason you can even see the runes here is because I lowered the cloaking runes to show off. Once you leave here you won't see them again nor remember specifics on what runes were where. A trick I picked up in my own studies and something to keep this place more secure, you understand?"

He nodded before asking about the rest of the magic's and wards I've found since I left Sunnydale months ago. I told him all about my trips hunting down magic in my free time and searching out shamans and holy men. I'd learned nearly every human language there ever was and over a hundred demonic languages.

What I hadn't shown him was the demigod runes on the house that made up the anti-violence wards. I'd paid a hefty price in getting the runes and spells from some furies that lived in LA. I kept my word and stayed out of the city, but instead used middle men to talk business with the furies in LA for the trade.

I'd given them a super charged ward stone filled with space elements I'd used my ring to charge up for the full trade. I'd even had to get some blood from them for the deal because of the divine parts only they could provide. Well, any divine essence would do but there's not many gods or demigods running around.

Faith and the Scoobies were keyed in as the exception to the wards so they could still fight if necessary while anyone else would be barred from fighting at all so long as the wards were active. Then came the demon wards I'd put into place. Those were a bit tricky and I'd had to reverse engineer them to use basic rune magic as a power source instead of demonic energies.

I'd used Nezzla demon wards on the doors to prevent any non invited guests from coming in and damn was it difficult. Finally the restoration wards I'd put on the furniture and the house itself to prevent destruction. I'd carved them into the very foundations and so the house and the wards would always self repair so long as the foundation wasn't destroyed or the magic fueling them didn't run out.

Giles didn't need to know about any of those though as he was perfectly fine thinking I needed to reapply the wards each month because those last few wards had cost me dearly to apply. I'd had to use my own blood mixed with a dangerous spell to claim the house as mine and link it to my health.

So long as I lived the wards would repair themselves and the house now that they were in place. Fortunately such a spell was only a one way deal or I'd be fucked. I'd made damn sure the wards or the magic couldn't be reversed to harm me in any way even with the hellmouth and other demonic forces. That involved blood letting and a bit of Druidic magic to get just right.

Faith had watched me do it and bandaged me up afterwards until I was strong enough to accelerate my healing with my stored energy pockets in my body from eating. It's actually one of the reasons I'm cooking a feast right now.

I finished the rib marinades and put them in the oven while taking out the roasted ham. Finally I made some nice macaroni and potato salads to go with the ten pound ham and twenty pounds of hickory bacon smoked ribs.

I set the ham on the stove and kept it covered to keep it hot while taking the oven mitts off. Giles was asking about using the basement for Buffy's training as well since there was no sense in buying all new equipment for her when there was plenty here.

Chuckling, I offered him. "Sure, but you'll have to train them both. I've taught Faith all the martial arts I could find from this world but I'm no expert. I did teach her about sword fighting though and showed her what I understood of it but like I said, I'm no expert."

He nodded. "I'd be delighted to see her progress and improve upon it wherever I can."

I smiled and set the cooking utensils down before heading to the basement with Giles following. I took a left at the stairs and activated a series of wards. Soon enough a large bookshelf appeared and I patted Giles's back. "Those are all the magic's both demonic or otherwise that I've studied. Most are either too dark or not meant for humans to use, but be my guest. The more powerful stuff like the enochian scrolls are on the back shelf on the top right just out of reach of shorter more impressionable witches. Be sure to put everything back where you found it and do try not to take anything out of the basement, it'll give a nasty shock that would deep fry a stone demon if you tried."

He nodded and looked over the texts I showed him. Smiling, I added. "Oh, and do be aware that you're the only one keyed into these wards besides myself so only you and I can perceive the books and scrolls let alone touch them. The rest will think you've gone mad if you're seen fiddling with them."

He gave me an annoyed look and I chuckled. "It's just a precaution. I can tell Willow's dabbled in the black arts and I don't want her getting addicted to them because of me. I won't be showing her these magic's so I suggest you do the same."

He nodded and I tapped one book. "Runes for hiding things and this one-" I tapped another. "-has all you'll want to know about keying specific people into specific wards. Both are considered hard to learn magic, but the implications far more than either separately when combined."

He nodded and I left him to it while I reminded him not to try and take any out of the house once more just to be on the safe side. Each stair would give a low grade jolt and the final one giving a fatal shock so I wasn't too worried, only cautious.

I headed to see Faith showing off the cage with a privacy and padded lining in case Oz wanted to use it during full moons or if we need to interrogate a demon and it had spikes of some kind. After a while Oz touched the cage and asked. "Are you sure it'll hold?"

I chuckled. "Once it's done yes. It could hold against even the strongest of demons provided they fit inside. I'm warding it with runes as well to prevent anything from busting out so it'll be as secure as Fort Knox or whatever you consider neigh impenetrable."

Oz nodded and I added. "If it helps I can add a word phrasing to it so you'll be able to come and go whenever you're done with the changes. Besides, the padding is spelled to be supper soft so it should be comfortable at least."

He almost smiled. "I'd like that."

I chuckled and agreed to get on it tomorrow. "For now, suppers almost done so why don't I go and grab Giles and you all head upstairs to set the table. Faith can show you where everything is."

They agreed and headed topside while I went to pull Giles's head out of a book. I found him repeating the words fascinating and good lord over and over again. Smiling, I told him supper was ready and that he could read all he wanted later.

After a couple minutes, I convinced him to set the book down and head upstairs with me. After dinner I pulled Oz aside and offered him one of the downstairs rooms for free without rent or utilities to pay. He said he'd think about it while I told him that when the basement wasn't in use for training it would be free for him to bring his band over and practice with.

He asked. "What about the cage?"

I chuckled. "I'll be adding a concealing ward to prevent those who don't know about the supernatural side of things from seeing it. They won't even know it's there and a simple sound dampening ward will keep any nasties we may keep inside from making noise and getting out. It should work just fine with the password lock I'll be keying into the wards for you as well."

He agreed easily and mentioned. "I'll have to tell my current roommates about moving out, but that they shouldn't have any issues. Are you sure Faith's ok with this?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she's cool with it, but I gotta warn you, if she's wearing headphones don't startle her unless you want to be punched. She's got a mean backhand when she's startled. Oh and don't worry about the noise as I'll be adding soundproofing to each of the rooms. That plus the wards I'll explain to you later should be more than enough to prevent any issues that might arise."

He agreed. "I'll see about moving in this weekend then."

I smiled and handed him the extra house key. "Let me know if you need help. Other than helping Giles and Buffy I'll only be hanging with Faith or exploring Sunnydale so there's plenty of free time on my hands."

He barely returned my smile and agreed before heading out with Willow and the rest to get started. I turned to Faith who walked over next to me while waving goodbye to the rest. I told her about Oz accepting the proposal and she mentioned Xander might be interested, but I shut that shit down. "I'll pass. I let him make eyes at you when you're not looking long enough. I'm definitely not gonna give him the chance to perv out. Besides, he's got enough money to get his own place. I gave him five million before I left and found you."

She raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Damn, that's one weird guy. He has all that money and he's still living at home."

I sighed. "He has his own issues so I'm trying to be understanding, but if he keeps trying to undress you with his eyes I might pluck them out of his skull."

She rubbed my chest. "My fierce pirate man looking out for little ole me."

I grunted and turned to see her swaying her ass to entice me. Like she says all the time, all men enjoy the chase and I was no different. I chased her into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom where she had the shackles and bull whip ready. Who am I to complain when she enjoys a good ride on top?

We burned through the night and half the morning since her stamina had been severely heightened. When I released one last time and she gripped me tight in the throws of her own orgasm, she collapsed against my bleeding and bruised chest while panting. She reached up and unshackled me before we both collapsed on the bed.

Smirking, I told her. "Get some sleep. I have some work to do today. Don't forget your GED test is at five."

She groaned and bit my left pectoral muscle so I gripped her ass and slid out of her causing her to release me with a gasp and roll off of me. I grinned further when I saw the proof of our lust pouring out betwixt her tanned thighs. She bit her lip and spread her legs asking. "You like what you see big guy?"

I chuckled. "Every slick dripping part of it."

I sat up and shook for a second as my healing kicked in before saying. "Give me a minute and I'll draw you a bath. You do need some rest and I really do have work to do if I'm gonna finish the cage and soundproof all the walls."

She sighed and shook her head. "That's no fun."

Chuckling, I stood up and headed to the bathroom to draw her a bath and wash myself in the extra shower stall. When I finished, I saw her laying back in the tub, relaxing. I leaned down and kissed her before pulling the door closed behind me as I left. I dressed real quick and headed to the basement where I continued to work on the cage. By five in the afternoon it was done and ready to be used by Oz.

All he needed was to set the voice password and it would be ready. I dropped off Faith at the high school for her tests and came back to continue working on the house.

I spent three hours after that soundproofing the rooms with soundproofing foam in the walls and ceilings. I made sure to repair all the wiring and plumbing issues before I moved on at lightning speeds. Once I finished I realized Oz was already moving his stuff in and Faith was helping him set up.

I apologized immediately. "Sorry, I got a bit carried away working on the house or I would've helped."

He shrugged it off. "That's cool, I saw you were busy and Faith offered to give me a hand anyways."

I nodded and Faith gave me a kiss before heading back out to Oz's van. I followed and we helped him unpack. I showed him his room including the kingsize bed and expensive bedroom set. I'd gotten nearly identical ones for each room since it was quicker and they were hard oak with reinforced steel framings.

Oz only quirked an eyebrow when Faith told him. "They're good for chains and some of the rough stuff in case you and red decide to get your kink on. We broke ours in officially last night and this morning so it's slayer strength tested."

I chuckled and shook my head, catching Oz's attention from the doorway. "The cage is ready. When you get a chance I'll walk you through the process so you'll know how to work it on your own. You'll need a password you can't accidentally say in mid transition though."

He stoically spoke. "Thanks, I'll be right there."

I nodded and headed to the basement to work on installing some of Faith's harder workout tools. Buffy showed up a bit later for her own training and I played whack a blonde for another half hour before offering some home cooked pasta and freshly baked garlic bread.

After we ate, I dropped Buffy and Faith off at the Sunset Hills cemetery to go on patrol and headed to the Von Hauptman family crypt in the Restfield cemetery. There I broke in and stole the glove of Myhnegon while putting it in my space ring.

Next I headed to Peaceful Meadows cemetery by the college and spent an hour moving and shifting dirt to break into the tomb below. I hopped into the tomb without a care as I made an electric plasma ball for light and used it to light each of the old ass torches inside.

Smirking, I raided the place of gold and jewels, particularly the Gem of Amara. I had to be careful of a few of the cursed objects and opted not to touch them, but instead put them directly in my space ring away from the rest of my stuff inside.

When I finished looting the crypt, I covered it all back up with a well placed coffin and some carefully placed and compacted dirt. Leaving the cemetery I headed for one last stop at the official Sunnydale cemetery. There I ran into Buffy and Faith while I was using a locator spell to find what I was looking for, the key to finding the heavily warded Nezzla demon lair, the key of Nezzla.

For that I ended up breaking into a crypt filled with seven vampires while Faith and Buffy followed me curiously. I ignored them and beat the pissed off vampires to a dust laden mess before searching the place. I found the key in their stack of stolen loot.

Smirking, I turned around to see them watching me in confusion. "So, any slayings tonight?"

Buffy nodded. "We took down six by the bus station and two by the old construction site up on Main Street. What is that?"

She pointed to the disk I was holding and I chuckled. "It's a mystical cypher key that'll point me to an eons old cavern underneath Sunnydale with a bunch of demons guarding two mystical balls that do all sorts of fun stuff."

Faith smirked now. "Wicked. What do the balls do?"

I looked both girls over before telling them flatly. "They grant superhuman strength and invulnerability to the one who has them both. Unfortunately they're a bit clunky and highly dangerous so I'm thinking of trying to transfer the spells onto something less so like say a pair of rings or some sort of jewelry."

Buffy frowned while Faith smiled. "Sounds cool."

Buffy asked. "What do you want with something like that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Me personally? Not a thing, I'm looking for them for you two."

Faith raised an eyebrow and Buffy looked a bit stunned so I continued. "If I can, I'm thinking about replicating the spells on them to boost your strength and durability during the really tough fights ahead. I'm not too worried about myself, but both of you go looking for fights so I figured I'd find a trump card for you both to use or one of you while I find something else for the other."

Faith rubbed her hands together. "I'm game, are you B?"

Buffy looked me over once more and asked. "For us right?"

I nodded. "Entirely. You can call Giles if you like. They are called the Orbs of Nezzla'Khan."

I tossed her my cellphone and Faith a stack of cash I looted from the vamps. "Pocket money from the vamps. They kill others for food, but they loot them for cash to buy blood from the ones who steal from the hospital blood supply. I took that off the ones I just dusted while I was beating them to dust."

Faith pocketed the cash. "Sweet!"

Buffy frowned again. "That seems a bit scummy."

I snorted. "I was a pirate and I could give a rats ass about whose money it was. I've invested nearly all my cash into the stock market and the rest is being used to buy rare and powerful artifacts and books. Pocket money is the least I'd take from some silly vampires who probably stole it to begin with. Besides, is it really wrong to do such a service and get paid for it? If I'd have left it on them, it would be dust as well."

I shrugged it off not really seeing the issue and Buffy dropped it to make her calls while I led the way to the car. Faith asked while Buffy listened. "Have you found any other mystical loot we could use?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I found a glove that summons lightning to attack with, but you wouldn't be able to take it off so it's a permanent sort of deal and a ring that's meant for vampires. It supposedly makes them invulnerable and can't be killed so long as they wear it."

Faith whistled. "Damn, don't lose that one. I'd hate to get stuck fighting a vamp that can't die."

I chuckled. "Not a chance. Anyways, I've got them both locked up along with some cursed objects and regular gold and jewels I looted from a treasury tomb with the mystical vampire ring."

Buffy spoke up from behind me. "This ring, what's it called?"

I turned and saw she was on the phone. "It's the Gem of Amara."

I heard Giles over the end of the phone asking if I was serious and I brought out the ring to show Buffy. She confirmed it and I put it away before she handed the phone to me. "Giles wants a word."

I sighed and put the phone to my ear. "You've managed to find the Gem of Amara?"

I chuckled. "Yes Rupert."

A moment of silence came over the line before he asked. "And you're going after the Orbs of Nezzla'Khan?"

I sighed. "Yeah. I figured since Faith and Buffy are always running off headfirst into danger it's probably best if they have an ace up their sleeves. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it after all."

Giles ranted about these mystical objects being powerful artifacts and not trinkets and I cut in. "I'm well aware of what they are Rupert. That's why I'm retrieving them now so that someone else doesn't find them later. As for them using the orbs I figured you'd teach them control techniques and maybe tai chi before they're allowed to practice with them. If they can't control their own strength then they won't be ready for more so I've decided to at least lock them away until they're ready Rupert, I'm not an idiot. This way they'll be safe and if need be and asset for use later on."

Giles finally let go of his tirade and agreed that they must be locked away for now at least. I hung up the phone and turned to the two slayers. "It looks like we're on for a demonic robbery."

Faith exclaimed. "Yes!"

Buffy even smiled a bit before I pulled out a map of Sunnydale and a candle. With a bit of power into the key, I spoke clearly as it began to glow. "Uncover."

A green beam of light hit the map and I snuffed out the candle. A small burnt spot appeared on the map where it had been lit up and I smirked. "Sunnydale Public Park. There's a cavern underneath it somewhere and that's where we'll find our prize."

It wasn't too far away so Faith smirked. "Sweet. Let's get going. Are the extra weapons in the trunk?"

I nodded. "Swords and battle axes yeah. The maces and crossbows are at the house though."

I got in and both girls joined me for a short ride to the park. There I pulled out a Delothrians arrow stone and chanted. "Open the window, fill the stone. Inside, outside, two made one. Find your target, leave my side!"

The small ball glowed bright and shot towards the woods while we chased after it with weapons ready. When we found the place it was a long jog into the cavern tunnels until we found the barrier and a bunch of Nezzla demons watching the barrier be repeatedly attacked by my Delothrian's arrow.

I muttered and poured more magic into the spell, shattering both the arrow and the barrier as their magic canceled each other out. The Nezzla demons attacked and both the girls fought them with me. When I was backhanded into a wall, I stood up and held out my hand, shooting a massive bolt of chain lightning at the demons not fighting the girls.

They screamed and roared before dying in agony. I waved my hand, snapping the last of the demon's necks with my space ring manipulation. Faith and Buffy looked at the ones they'd just finished off before looking around and seeing the rest of them dead.

Faith shrugged and followed me inside the cavern. The orbs were in a box just sitting on an alter, not even protected by any more magic. Chuckling, I opened the box with a bit of magic to show the girls our prize.

Faith asked. "Those will make us even stronger and invulnerable? They don't look like much."

I smiled and put them away after Buffy got a look as well. "They're a bit clunky, but the power inside them is very real. I'll need some time to work out if I can transfer their powers to something else and if it's even possible to duplicate their powers. If it is and I can, I'll need to figure out the how to's so it'll be months or maybe even years before they're ready. Until then let's get out of this place."

We left the cave and I sealed it up with a spacial rift that created a cave in. We headed to meet Giles who insisted on seeing the items we liberated in person. After a bit of show and tell, Giles convinced me to let him destroy the glove of Myhnegon while Buffy voted adamantly against destroying the Gem of Amara.

She wanted to hold onto it just in case Angel ever came back. I put it away and promised her that so long as he had a soul I'd give it to her if and when he showed up. That seemed a fair enough compromise so she let it go while Giles insisted on being very careful with the orbs because of their extreme potency and their age.

I reassured him I wouldn't go fumbling in the dark, but instead take it as slow as possible while making sure each of my bases are covered. With that we left him at the school and dropped Buffy off at her place before heading home. I'd achieved all I'd set out to do and Giles promised to destroy the glove tomorrow after he picked up the ingredients to make some living flame.

The next morning I began putting out feelers for demonic magic and lore on the Nezzla demons. First through Wolfram and Hart, then the magic shop in town and finally on the internet auction chat forums I'd bought many books on magic from.

I was in fact searching for the stories on how the orbs were made in the first place so that I'd have a place to begin working my magic with. Giles put out his feelers in the magical community as well while asking the council for whatever they had on the orbs.

I joined him with Faith and the Scoobies to see the glove destroyed. Willow wanted to do the spell herself but Giles shut her down and instead let her borrow some of the magical beginner books that teach control first and foremost. I may have had a hand in that by suggesting that since she's bound to learn it on her own, a guiding safe hand to teach her control would be the safest route.

Once the glove was destroyed entirely, I called it quits for today while Faith hung out with Buffy and the Scoobies at the Bronze. I stopped by the Parkdale cemetery for hopefully what would be my last grave robbing expedition. I robbed the Gleave's family crypt and took the amulet of Balthazar.

When I finished with that I stopped by the Magic Box in person and browsed their more hardcore section of magic books and occult artifacts. It was in fact a real magic shop disguised as a fake one with the more tourist stuff up front. Mr.Bogarty, the newest owner, asked. "Can I help you with anything in particular today Mr.Silvers?"

I smiled. "Yes actually, I'm looking for books on the more powerful dark arts. The stronger the better."

He nodded and closed the shop for a break before filling up the round table with books on the darkest arts. I grinned at the sight when he finished. "I'll take them."

He frowned. "Which ones?"

My smirk grew bigger. "All of them!"

I snapped my fingers and several stacks of gold bars and chests full of jewels appeared in front of me. With most of my smaller treasures out he agreed and I waved a hand, taking all the magic books into my ring. One in particular caught my eye, the Darkest Magick book.

I couldn't help but smile as I put it away with the rest. I turned to Mr.Bogarty as he used the dolly to move the chests into the back. When he finished, I asked him. "Do you perhaps have anything on wards, runes and protection spells as well? As for the last bits I'd like all the magic books and scrolls you have on the lighter and nature oriented magic as well."

He frowned before bringing out another pile far bigger, but less expensive than the last with one book being the exception. It was a smaller book on Babylonian protection spells and anti magics. It was exactly what I was looking for.

I paid in the cursed objects from the tomb and the last of my jewels and gold bricks. All that remained of my vast treasures was a giant golden bell and two giant solid gold pillars. Granted any one of the three could be turned into about a billion in gold bricks apiece so I wasn't done yet.

After I loaded up all the spell books he asked greedily. "Will that be all Mr.Silvers?"

I nodded. "For now. Though I'd like you to find me more books on both light and dark magic when you can. Consider this me opening an account for all the magic books with real power be they light or dark that you can get ahold of."

I focused and cut the pillars down to size while inside my space ring with spatial slicing before bringing out a huge fat stump sized section. His eyes lit up like he'd won the lottery which in fact was probably less than the gold I had brought out by more then a ten times.

Still smiling I told him. "Find me my books and this'll be just the beginning. There's plenty more where that came from."

He gulped as I waved a hand and sent it flying into the back room where he set the other treasures. With a loud thump, the building shook for a moment as it landed. Mr.Bogarty practically bowed to me in acquiescence and ran to close the back room door.

I chuckled and waved as I headed for the front door. "Just remember to get me what I want Me.Bogarty or your head will roll, mark my words."

He bowed once more as I reached the front door and teleported away just for show. I teleported to my car and got in before driving away. Now that I had the beginnings of a plan, I needed time to build on it and time is what I had.

I sat in meditation for the next three weeks when I wasn't training Buffy or taking Faith out on the town. While I meditated I deepened my pool of magic and mentally reviewed all I'd learned on the subject and the laws of this universe.

While I trained Buffy, I read the lighter books on magic to expand my knowledge base towards the less dangerous aspects of it. About four days into the next week a demonic steroid induced teenager tried to follow Oz home, but as soon as he attacked the house, the wards deep fried him to ashes.

He may have had demonic induced strength, but his body was still technically human and far weaker than any demon's so the backlash was severe for that particular incident. Buffy and the gang showed up, but I just showed them the wards and described what had happened.

Xander asked. "So wait, let me get this straight, if someone possessed attacks your house they deep fry?"

I shook my head. "No. Possessed people will have the invading being forcefully ejected. This was something else. It was like he was doping himself with demonic essence, but not getting the full transformation into a demon. The wards took him for hellspawn and sent him there so to speak. His body wasn't tough enough to handle the backlash of the wards even though he had demonic strength. He simply wasn't as durable as a demon so ashes to ashes."

I swept the ashes up and put them in a jar before giving them to Buffy. Unfortunately the ashes turned into some green goo when they were all collected together and I grimaced. "Ok, that's not my ward's doing. That's something else entirely."

Xander tapped the jar and the goo attacked where his finger touched. Buffy took it and I suggested taking it to Giles to get rid off. Faith wanted to keep it, but I shut that shit down. "We're not keeping a demonic flubber. It would probably come with a demonic STD and I don't want anything to do with demon goo."

Faith pouted and told me to live a little so I dragged her upstairs to show her how much I can enjoy life. The next day Giles mentioned it went the way of the living flame after sending a sample to the watcher's council for study.

Two weeks after that I took Faith to the Homecoming dance since Buffy got extra tickets and was dumped by some nameless high school jackass who just wanted to get laid.

I heard later that night that Buffy and Cordelia who had apparently both been running for homecoming Queen were attacked by vampires, German assassins and a spike throwing demon.

I looked into it the next day and found out that I'd missed one of the vampires back in Boston and he came here looking to set up shop. I scried for him and found him in the mayor's offices at city hall. Sighing, I put it aside for now and focused on my magical studies and improvements.

My inner magic well had reached the end of a novice witch's and at twenty feet deep and five foot wide, I was now about to step into the ranks of an adept witch. It wasn't much more improvement between layers, but considering the book marks a lake of a hundred foot wide and two hundred feet deep as the beginning of a master in witchcraft, I was doing good for the four months of practice I had off and on.

There was no apparent limit to the level a master witch's well of power can grow to or not that any the books describe as a reference anyways. Something major did happen two weeks after the prom night event. The mayor had acted with Trick, the vampire I missed killing before, and a hired outsider, Ethan Rayne, the same chaos mage responsible for my access to this reality.

They'd gone ahead with the Band Candy routine. It was cursed candy that would turn the adults into teenagers all over town. When Buffy asked if I wanted to buy some, I bought the whole box from her before telling her. "This candy is cursed Buffy. I can feel the magic on it."

I put it away before high jinx ensued and I headed the mayor off at the city water access plant down in the main maintenance line. The vampires were surprised but I just waved a hand, electrocuting them all to dust.

I turned and shot a lightning bolt at the mayor who screamed in pain. Grinning, I moved faster than he could react and slammed my hand into his chest using the one dark magic spell I'd bothered to learn so far. In moments I drained the magic's out of his body along with his life force.

I dropped the gasping barely alive mayor to the ground while Faith and Buffy caught up with Giles and Buffy's mother Joyce. Giles and Joyce were high on band candy and Buffy brought them along. Faith asked. "What's the situation?"

I turned and showed them the mayor. "Meet the mayor, a two hundred year old warlock. He's behind the sacrifices and tributes."

Faith backed up a bit. "Damien, your eyes."

I flinched. "They're black?"

She nodded and Giles spoke up. "Right on! Touching a bit of the dark arts aye?"

I sighed and steadied the power rush that was forcefully expanding my well rapidly and forcing an unsteady foundation in the magic I had. "I had to drain him before he could act. He was too powerful to let roam around with such magic's."

I was hit at that moment with a wave of lightheaded pleasure like a great drug high. I stumbled and Faith caught me while Buffy had her mother move the babies. I slid my rings off and put them into Faith's hands mumbling. "Faith, the demon, use the lightning ring and fry it. Don't let the rings touch me until I've stabilized my magic."

She took my rings and slid them on as they automatically resized to fit her. She was the only one other than me who could use them now and they responded to her will. She told Buffy. "Take him and get them out of here. Take the mayor as well if you can."

The demon made it's way towards us and she got ready. I stumbled with Buffy's help to the sewer drain access and told Buffy. "Take your mom and Giles up. I'll send the babies up with magic. I should have enough control for now."

Buffy looked me over and I put a tight leash on the magic running rampant inside me. She saw my serious look and agreed, telling Giles and her mom to start climbing the ladder. They went and I looked back in time to see Faith deep frying a giant snake demon as it screamed and thrashed horribly in agony.

Buffy told them. "Go now!"

Giles got moving and Joyce followed while Buffy grabbed the mayor's older body now and tossed him over her shoulder as she climbed fireman style after her mother. Once they were out, I concentrated and waved my hand, sending the four toddlers floating up the sewer entrance.

Once Buffy yelled down "We got them!" I collapsed from a massive head rush while my well expanded to three times it's original size and the rest of the magic's burnt off as sparks and dissipated.

next chapter
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